Anybody know when the next 50% off is?

Just a suggestion for anyone on the outside looking in.  

I'm being a captain save a niketalker and posting what ijapino always posts  DON'T ASK FOR HOOKUPS IN THIS THREAD.  if you already did, edit that %%@$.

That being said, the one loophole we do have is the misceallanous section, if your going to ask for a connect, post a thread in there and specify how much you'd be willing to tip in return for help.  Since it's a suspendable or banable offense in here and the regional threads to look for help because the mods interpret it as buying and selling,  make a thread in the misceallanous section because as far as my knowledge is concerned no rules are being broken going about it that way.

If mistaken on that, then delete this post mods because it's not my intent to break the rules, i'm just trying to prevent people from getting banned.

Just a suggestion for anyone on the outside looking in.  

I'm being a captain save a niketalker and posting what ijapino always posts  DON'T ASK FOR HOOKUPS IN THIS THREAD.  if you already did, edit that %%@$.

That being said, the one loophole we do have is the misceallanous section, if your going to ask for a connect, post a thread in there and specify how much you'd be willing to tip in return for help.  Since it's a suspendable or banable offense in here and the regional threads to look for help because the mods interpret it as buying and selling,  make a thread in the misceallanous section because as far as my knowledge is concerned no rules are being broken going about it that way.

If mistaken on that, then delete this post mods because it's not my intent to break the rules, i'm just trying to prevent people from getting banned.

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by NycPosite

I just feel like I got dumped. Lol 3 connects told me they can't

def not a good look
I know
 I guess ill just head to 34th with money in hand like the old days and see whats good. but cant blame the connects with that wack *** limit

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by NycPosite

I just feel like I got dumped. Lol 3 connects told me they can't

def not a good look
I know
 I guess ill just head to 34th with money in hand like the old days and see whats good. but cant blame the connects with that wack *** limit

so yea like my cousin finally text back
but she said that she cant because she got in trouble with her boss for using it to much in the past which she claims that she never uses it and that someone is using it...fml
so yea like my cousin finally text back
but she said that she cant because she got in trouble with her boss for using it to much in the past which she claims that she never uses it and that someone is using it...fml
Originally Posted by LA KB24

so yea like my cousin finally text back
but she said that she cant because she got in trouble with her boss for using it to much in the past which she claims that she never uses it and that someone is using it...fml

i got a feeling this is going to be the case for alot of people this weekend.  

i don't have the connects i once had, and with the ones i do, i just told em straight up, take care of yourself and your family first and if you have anything left call me.  if they come through for me then sweet, if they don't i can't even be mad at em because with the limit on the discount it makes it harder to do things and i don't wanna get them in trouble.
Originally Posted by LA KB24

so yea like my cousin finally text back
but she said that she cant because she got in trouble with her boss for using it to much in the past which she claims that she never uses it and that someone is using it...fml

i got a feeling this is going to be the case for alot of people this weekend.  

i don't have the connects i once had, and with the ones i do, i just told em straight up, take care of yourself and your family first and if you have anything left call me.  if they come through for me then sweet, if they don't i can't even be mad at em because with the limit on the discount it makes it harder to do things and i don't wanna get them in trouble.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by LA KB24

so yea like my cousin finally text back
but she said that she cant because she got in trouble with her boss for using it to much in the past which she claims that she never uses it and that someone is using it...fml

i got a feeling this is going to be the case for alot of people this weekend.  

i don't have the connects i once had, and with the ones i do, i just told em straight up, take care of yourself and your family first and if you have anything left call me.  if they come through for me then sweet, if they don't i can't even be mad at em because with the limit on the discount it makes it harder to do things and i don't wanna get them in trouble.

yea i know i aint mad...i got a 10 dollar coupon off if i spend more than 50
 something is something
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by LA KB24

so yea like my cousin finally text back
but she said that she cant because she got in trouble with her boss for using it to much in the past which she claims that she never uses it and that someone is using it...fml

i got a feeling this is going to be the case for alot of people this weekend.  

i don't have the connects i once had, and with the ones i do, i just told em straight up, take care of yourself and your family first and if you have anything left call me.  if they come through for me then sweet, if they don't i can't even be mad at em because with the limit on the discount it makes it harder to do things and i don't wanna get them in trouble.

yea i know i aint mad...i got a 10 dollar coupon off if i spend more than 50
 something is something
Why is this a shock to anyone? Once the budget got slimmer, you had to figure that the EA 50s would be altered, and would have a trickle down effect.
Why is this a shock to anyone? Once the budget got slimmer, you had to figure that the EA 50s would be altered, and would have a trickle down effect.
Originally Posted by mauriciogarcia

im pissed off in the fact that my connect wont be able to get me a discount on the bordeaux's

i am seriously pissed. i tell my connect that its not even worth working there.

maybe your connect actually likes their job. I love my job and would still love it if I had to cop SOME shoes at retail. Honestly though you guys can't be getting mad at your connections. people get mad at me and never hear about another EA
Originally Posted by mauriciogarcia

im pissed off in the fact that my connect wont be able to get me a discount on the bordeaux's

i am seriously pissed. i tell my connect that its not even worth working there.

maybe your connect actually likes their job. I love my job and would still love it if I had to cop SOME shoes at retail. Honestly though you guys can't be getting mad at your connections. people get mad at me and never hear about another EA
@mauriciogarcia, the bordeaux's are coming out in 2 weeks and the 50% off is this week so i dont know why your mad at all lol
@mauriciogarcia, the bordeaux's are coming out in 2 weeks and the 50% off is this week so i dont know why your mad at all lol
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

it should be a petition on here for ijapino to chill on the suspensions for people trying to HELP other members on here out.

helping someone get a discount when it's more then likely local is not buying and selling. this is a community where we should be helping eachother, not hindering eachother when it comes to saving money.   just my 2 cents.  i don't wanna see anyone get suspended over something as petty as trying to get a hookup this weekend.
Not gonna happen.

Although you may think it's helping someone out, it still does nothing to prevent people for asking for a "lil more" or a "tip" since they so generously "hooked you up". Then comes the question of how much a "tip" or "shipping" should be. It also does nothing to prevent spam and most importantly, FRAUD.

You have to always remember, that there's always going to be room for fraudulent behavior when it comes to things like this. One person will have to have to buy an item and then turn around and sell it to someone else. The final price isn't the thing we're worried about. We could care less about that. One person's "hook up" price may be another person's "rip off".

After all is said and done, you can still hook people up and buy items from people willing to sell at discounted prices...All we ask is that you do it in the correct forum.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

it should be a petition on here for ijapino to chill on the suspensions for people trying to HELP other members on here out.

helping someone get a discount when it's more then likely local is not buying and selling. this is a community where we should be helping eachother, not hindering eachother when it comes to saving money.   just my 2 cents.  i don't wanna see anyone get suspended over something as petty as trying to get a hookup this weekend.
Not gonna happen.

Although you may think it's helping someone out, it still does nothing to prevent people for asking for a "lil more" or a "tip" since they so generously "hooked you up". Then comes the question of how much a "tip" or "shipping" should be. It also does nothing to prevent spam and most importantly, FRAUD.

You have to always remember, that there's always going to be room for fraudulent behavior when it comes to things like this. One person will have to have to buy an item and then turn around and sell it to someone else. The final price isn't the thing we're worried about. We could care less about that. One person's "hook up" price may be another person's "rip off".

After all is said and done, you can still hook people up and buy items from people willing to sell at discounted prices...All we ask is that you do it in the correct forum.
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