Anybody on NT NOT drink?

I'm 18 and I don't drink.

I've tried various types of liquor and a few beers before, though. I don't like the way it tastes and liquor makes my throat burn.

I'd rather live sober anyways.
my last drinks were on superbowl day but lately nah. For me its moderate or every once in awhile. I try avoiding it especially when I get back in running shape but its hard when fam pressures u at bbq's.
I don't. Never tried either. Sometimes I do want to test out that green stuff

I don't think it is smart to put filtered poison in my body on purpose. Asking for negative things to happen. And for those that say, "Every once in a while won't hurt." Actually it doesn't help, so if something doesn't help me I view it as hurting me. And I do think it hurts. You don't have to do something in excess for it to have a negative effect on you.

I am not a gitwit either, so never had the want/need to do it. Too good for peer pressure.
i no longer drink, not that i have been drinking that long anyway, jus turned 22 3 days ago but i never was a fan of it... havent had a drink since i turned 21... now i jus needa quit pepsi and ill be good no alcohol, no cigs, weed, nothin, jus pepsi... im addicted...
I don't, never got into it simply cause i don't like the taste of it. I'm also a cyclist, i ride my bike about 4-5 days a week so i try to stay healthy, no alcohol, no cigarettes, nothing.
I need to stop, I drink usually about 3 nights a week, and it really doesn't do anything for me.

I recently started smoking with my buddies cousin, dude lets me smoke with him free whenever I want

I feel like its kind of a waste though, my throat always burns like crazy and I feel like its not even that strong of a buzz/lasts about 45 mins-hour for me. But while it lasts I'm carefree as hell and forget about everything thats getting me down.

I workout 2-3 times a week and just think my workouts would be so much better if I got healthier, they are pretty good as is.. man I need to get it together
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

I'll have a rare beer or wine when I go out to eat or something, but otherwise I don't drink. Never cared for drinking just to get drunk.
this. and i dont have the time, energy, patience to be hungover...too much work to be done
Given my family history, I feel that I need to stop now. I'm only 19 and I don't wanna end up where they did.

It's gonna be hard though, most of my friends do it all the time.

Gotta be strong.
I used to drink socially, but that was the extent of it. I haven't had a drink in almost a year and a half and don't miss it whatsoever.
Bacardi and Cokes right now... I'm 24 years old and drink maybe 3 times a month. But when i do, ITS ON.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't. Never tried either. Sometimes I do want to test out that green stuff

I don't think it is smart to put filtered poison in my body on purpose. Asking for negative things to happen. And for those that say, "Every once in a while won't hurt." Actually it doesn't help, so if something doesn't help me I view it as hurting me. And I do think it hurts. You don't have to do something in excess for it to have a negative effect on you.

I am not a gitwit either, so never had the want/need to do it. Too good for peer pressure.
Art of Manliness?
I'm 25 and I don't smoke nor drink. It just never appealed to me.
Not anymore.

Glad I quit. Expensive habit, and definitely not worth all the crap I've had to go through because of it.
I havent got drunk at all. im 18 in college and have no regrets. f that throwing up in the morning and counting on other people to get you home (my homies left this one dude that left every time we went to the car) i dont know how he got back to the dorm
Originally Posted by malcmoney

I havent got drunk at all. im 18 in college and have no regrets. f that throwing up in the morning and counting on other people to get you home (my homies left this one dude that left every time we went to the car) i dont know how he got back to the dorm
its not AUTO that you gonna yack on yourself and be assed out in some ditch somewhere
... not advocating under aged drinking but just saying people drink and have a good time and wake up without puking.
I've never put any alcoholic drinks to my lips. I'm an athlete so that's why. Plus I like juice.
I've only drank 6-7 times in my life in social drinking situations, and honestly I don't really enjoy it, it's not my thing.
So basically, I rarely ever drink if at all, but only in some social situations, I might drink a little.
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