Anybody on NT NOT drink?

Drank 3 times in my entire life.....last time was like 2 years ago.....just not my thing. 
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't. Never tried either. Sometimes I do want to test out that green stuff

I don't think it is smart to put filtered poison in my body on purpose. Asking for negative things to happen. And for those that say, "Every once in a while won't hurt." Actually it doesn't help, so if something doesn't help me I view it as hurting me. And I do think it hurts. You don't have to do something in excess for it to have a negative effect on you.

I am not a gitwit either, so never had the want/need to do it. Too good for peer pressure.
Art of Manliness?
You lost me.............
I smoke Mary 365/12/7. hate alcohol thou it messes with my High, and makes you Hot and Iono. I've drank plenty before, but these last 3 - 4 years not so much.
I drank quite a bit until I was 21, then I quit until I was 23 when I started drinking again, but only if I was out at a restaurant. Then my girlfriend found out she was pregnant in Oct. 2008 and since she could no longer drink I stopped also and haven't had a drop since.  I have no intention of starting back up.  And I have never smoked's just a disgusting habit.
never been drunk before only do it because its social...just have maybe 1 beer....keep it classy don't wanna do anything I'm going to regret
20 years old (about to be 21 at midnight
) and never had a drink or never smoked weed


I don't find the appeal to drinking or can have good times without it. And I feel so uncomfortable around drunk people.
Originally Posted by illmatic34


I don't find the appeal to drinking or can have good times without it. And I feel so uncomfortable around drunk people.
because your not drunk, LOL

never trust a man who doesn't drink
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by illmatic34


I don't find the appeal to drinking or can have good times without it. And I feel so uncomfortable around drunk people.
because your not drunk, LOL

never trust a man who doesn't drink

Regardless I don't have any intention to.
I use to drink heavy, but when work pushed me to hanging out in clubs 5+ nights a week I had to stop. And I enjoy having all of the money I would have spend on drinks in my pocket!
i bet my roommate thinks he shouldnt have drank tonite. just got picked up for a D Dub SMH. to all you non drinkers. ALWAYS CALL A CAB. thats if you decide to drink in the first place.
i smoke more than i drannnk. dont really like drinking as much bc i have teh ASIAN glow 
In my late teens, I hated drinking and liked

Now, at 25, Im the complete opposite.

(beer>liquor for me)

Props to those who dont need it to have a good time, cuz I do
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