Anyone else annoyed with the "GOING GREEN" craze in the media?

Mar 3, 2003
people are only figuring this out now?
it seems like every second commercial has something to do with going green, or an over-emphasis of green products trying to make you feel bad for not buyingthem.
it's like the atkins/low-carb diet craze all over again.
As graphic designer I would have thought you'd be more the on board with the whole sustainabilty Bruce Mau thing... Maybe we're talking about 2 sortadifferent parts of the samething and you're not about a particular part just seems odd...
Originally Posted by mstrpln

people are only figuring this out now?
it seems like every second commercial has something to do with going green, or an over-emphasis of green products trying to make you feel bad for not buying them.
it's like the atkins/low-carb diet craze all over again.

Um better late then never.

And at least it's a change for the try to find something worth complaining about.
this is probably off topic but whatever, as i was pumping gas into my suv
, i noticed a sign that said that all the energy used by the gas station was generated from windmill power, it sure made me feel better about paying4.09 a gallon
Earth day was this month. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
I am a huge environmentalist. I don't drive, don't use plastic bags, I even use solar power to charge my camera, phone and laptop. My Dad is the leaderof a local organization: "Gang Green".
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for being "more green". But a lot of those companies are doing what's called "green washing".They're using the environmental problem to make money.
You can charge $75 more for a TV if it has a green "environmentally friendly" sticker on it. REAL change will happen when we find an alternate fuelsource and stop letting the corporations run this country. The TV adds aren't doing much of anything.
Yeah I agree. It's real annoying how people want our earth to be around longer.
I remember watching E!News and they were doing like a segment on celebs who go green and they said some celebrity painted there baby's room green..i waslike how is that going green if they paint there baby's room green, that really isn't helping the enviroment
Most of these green claims are nothing more than marketing ploys.

But at least awareness is being raised and an environmentally friendly mindset is taking hold.
Considering this country finds a brand new environmental freak-out every 15 years (or so), I don't really mind it because I know it'll go awayeventually. Already the term global warming seems to be losing its top spot as the fad phrase. Now it's just whatever incarnation of "goinggreen." Remember back in the mid-'90s, saving the rainforests was all the rage? (hell, there was even a cartoon movie to brainwash children into beingwussy environmentalists). Well, how long did that last? exactly.

This latest craze is just a fad, and it'll die off eventually.
Originally Posted by roback1991

I'm all for being "more green". But a lot of those companies are doing what's called "green washing". They're using the environmental problem to make money.
I believe the term is, "hit the nail on the head." But even if companies have ulterior motives, bringing awareness is still paramount toadvancing any cause.
Yes it's late but hopefully a sign of things to come and not just trying to put a bandaid on what's happening now just to forget about it when gasprices go back down.

It's like that Chris Rock bit where he talks about people bragging about stuff they're supposed to do. People should take care of their kids andproducts people use in their home shouldn't have to be poisonous anymore.

Probably because I just watched 'Who killed the Electric Car' but it did raise a few good questions.

Anyone seen the Circuit City ad bragging about the recycled packaging on some of the CDs they were selling this week?

I'd consider not driving but living on a steep hill with no nearby bus stops doesn't help not to mention the pedestrian/bicyclist unfriendly nature ofthe roads here. Sucks that in Hawaii where they're supposed to be selling all this natural beauty or whatever to the tourists people have to driveeverywhere.
Originally Posted by roback1991

I am a huge environmentalist. I don't drive, don't use plastic bags, I even use solar power to charge my camera, phone and laptop. My Dad is the leader of a local organization: "Gang Green".
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for being "more green". But a lot of those companies are doing what's called "green washing". They're using the environmental problem to make money.
You can charge $75 more for a TV if it has a green "environmentally friendly" sticker on it. REAL change will happen when we find an alternate fuel source and stop letting the corporations run this country. The TV adds aren't doing much of anything.
^On similar note to your point of things costing more because they're enviromental friendly. I had this designed objects class taught by this womanwho was the head PR person for this architecture firm that has an office here in Chicago and she would go on forever about this LEADs architecture thing abouthow like you could spend all this extra money and you'd make it back with like how enviromentally sound everything was and one day some brought up how thisplace is profiting hugely of selling companies on their enviromentally sound architecture and the prof got all wound up about how the companies that used themsave money but the point was they save money but they still pay a whole lot more to build it in the beginning so this architecture firm makes like stupid $$$$of selling companies on their enviromentally sound architecture.
But a lot of those companies are doing what's called "green washing". They're using the environmental problem to make money.

THIS is what I am complaining about. Companies jumping on the environmental bandwagon as a means to cash out on a problem instead of really making a differencefrom the beginning.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Considering this country finds a brand new environmental freak-out every 15 years (or so), I don't really mind it because I know it'll go away eventually. Already the term global warming seems to be losing its top spot as the fad phrase. Now it's just whatever incarnation of "going green." Remember back in the mid-'90s, saving the rainforests was all the rage? (hell, there was even a cartoon movie to brainwash children into being wussy environmentalists). Well, how long did that last? exactly.

This latest craze is just a fad, and it'll die off eventually.

Word....who needs clean air and water? And I bet those sissy polar icecaps and that wussy Amazon rainforest don't even serve a real purpose!
Originally Posted by Gettin It Crackin

No, not at all. It's about time that the general public woke up.

But what if you don't think it's nearly as bad as the media is hyping it up to be? All I hear on this board is how the media blows everything out ofproportion, overhypes issues and events, only appeals to certain interests, etc. You can't have it both ways. I think the media in general blows much ofthe news out of proportion, and this is no different.
And in the next 10 years, more and more people will come up with new ideas to make more money off this.

But that's not the point. Well, it is the point. That's called capitalism. I really don't care if they make money on it so long as they spread theword. The ignorance about global warming is astounding. We ARE late, but it's better than never as corny as that sounds.

I hope something drastically changes in the next 10 years or so in terms of fuel sources etc. Some of the bright minds out there will come up with something,but for the time being, I think we all have to do small things to make a difference which is what all these ads/promos are aiming for.

No harm in that in my eyes.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Considering this country finds a brand new environmental freak-out every 15 years (or so), I don't really mind it because I know it'll go away eventually. Already the term global warming seems to be losing its top spot as the fad phrase. Now it's just whatever incarnation of "going green." Remember back in the mid-'90s, saving the rainforests was all the rage? (hell, there was even a cartoon movie to brainwash children into being wussy environmentalists). Well, how long did that last? exactly.

This latest craze is just a fad, and it'll die off eventually.


You're stupid.
Originally Posted by mstrpln

But a lot of those companies are doing what's called "green washing". They're using the environmental problem to make money.

THIS is what I am complaining about. Companies jumping on the environmental bandwagon as a means to cash out on a problem instead of really making a difference from the beginning.

Macy's is the worst perpetrator of this too. Been working there for a year now. The amount of energy, paper, cardboard, and plastic waste in this placeon a daily basis is ASTOUNDING, I'm talking like thousands of plastic hangers that are sent with clothes on them in the shipments are THROWN out. Theregional store manager came in last week to "promote green" for some company wide "awareness" and said, and I quote... "I don'tcare about this green %#$#, just sell, make those sales"

This going green crap is just another marketing technique. Very few companies and countries are actually taking ALL of the necessary steps to help improveour planet.
First it was aids, then breast cancer, cancer, diabetes, childhood hunger, and this. SMH.

I appreciate Gore's efforts over the last decades, but it really took our government and other governments until NOW to make some moves on this %#$#?I'm not a fan of Mr. ManBearPig, but this man was spot-on when he recognized an issue, and as a government official pushed for change a LONG time ago isadmirable. Not saying he was the first to recognize the issue, but to put it in the limelight.
Originally Posted by mstrpln

But a lot of those companies are doing what's called "green washing". They're using the environmental problem to make money.

THIS is what I am complaining about. Companies jumping on the environmental bandwagon as a means to cash out on a problem instead of really making a difference from the beginning.

They can either do this or nothing at all.
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