Anyone else find it hard to get a job w/ a Criminal Record?

Jul 31, 2001
I've been lookin for a decent job (35-40000/yr) for the past couple years and have had several offers only to be turned down once my background check comes through. I have 2 misdemeanors (Furnishing Alchohol to Minors and Harassment) which stem from a party my roomates and i threw in college at our apartment. We had drinks on deck but some students that came weren't quite 21 (18,19,20). Also I have 3 summary offenses (Underage drinking, Public drunkeness, disorderly conduct). I was 20 when these happened. Also, I was charged w/ possession of  mary J but charges were later dropped. It still shows up on my background check though. Are some cities easier to get a job w/ a criminal record? Is there certain types of jobs that are more prone to hire someone w/ my record?Has anyone else been in my dilemma? If so, how did u get a job?
I feel for you and people like you who have learned their lesson. But I'm not gonna lie to you fam, the only shot you got at landing a job like that is to hope whoever hires you shows compassion and believes in 2nd chances. But in this economy employers are only gonna take serious looks at people with clean records, have experience, and/or are educated. It might not be fair, but it's the truth.

What you can try to do is go to a judge and see if you can get those cases sealed. That way they don't show up in background checks.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

I feel for you and people like you who have learned their lesson. But I'm not gonna lie to you fam, the only shot you got at landing a job like that is to hope whoever hires you shows compassion and believes in 2nd chances. But in this economy employers are only gonna take serious looks at people with clean records, have experience, and/or are educated. It might not be fair, but it's the truth.

What you can try to do is go to a judge and see if you can get those cases sealed. That way they don't show up in background checks.
This. Oftentimes, certain indiscretions can be expunged under specific circumstances, depending on what state you live in and the statute of limitation therein. Look into hiring an expungement attorney. I'm sure there's one in your area that offers fairly inexpensive consultations; that will give you a good idea of how you can best help your situation. Also, I don't think it's so much the severity of the crimes themselves that is holding you back, as much as it is the sheer quantity of mistakes you've made, which says a lot about your character. 
This is not legal advice.

Good luck!
Try to get them expunged, or try to stack up & become your own boss,

Or leave country.
When keeping it real goes wrong.

Once it's in your record, you're done. Nothing else you can do but try getting a job that pays less and doesn't do or care about background checks.
Nope. Landed a good job with benefits. You should look into the I.T. industry.  

Either get your record sealed or be honest about it; depending how long ago it was, you explain to them that you were young and dumb.
Not only that, it's about who you know...Utilize your network.

I have several co-workers including myself, that have felonies and still were hired.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Sounds like a stupid question but, Can background checks still show stuff that was expunged?

I don't know but I'm extra noid right now....I've never had any problem being employed though, but I already knew the bosses. 
 Ironically I'm trying to go to law-school, don't need a record....

Bout to contact the FBI and submit my finger prints and the whole 9 to find out that very info.
I'm sorry but your charges are nothing. You can get misdemeanors off your record. I have two felony charges from over 10 years ago when I was 18 and not only is it impossible to find a good job I'm forced to live in the hood. I can't even rent a nice apartment for my family with my charges. I pretty much found out years ago that I *%@@@$ up for life and not a damn thing I can do. Just be thankful you don't have felony convictions. I'm now unemployed in a terrible economy where nobody will hire a felon with the amount of people looking for a job.
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

I'm sorry but your charges are nothing. You can get misdemeanors off your record. I have two felony charges from over 10 years ago when I was 18 and not only is it impossible to find a good job I'm forced to live in the hood. I can't even rent a nice apartment for my family with my charges. I pretty much found out years ago that I *%@@@$ up for life and not a damn thing I can do. Just be thankful you don't have felony convictions. I'm now unemployed in a terrible economy where nobody will hire a felon with the amount of people looking for a job.
You referring to OP or I? 

I actually paid an attorney a ton of money to handle a couple of felonies. That's why I'm noid. 
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Sounds like a stupid question but, Can background checks still show stuff that was expunged?

I don't know but I'm extra noid right now....I've never had any problem being employed though, but I already knew the bosses. 
 Ironically I'm trying to go to law-school, don't need a record....

Bout to contact the FBI and submit my finger prints and the whole 9 to find out that very info.
My daughter's mothers in law school. She had to go through the same process for her assault charges.  But like she said, she still have to be honest about it...
my seasonal job doing concessions hires almost anybody

Some of my coworkers just came out of prison for doing murder, etc.

You can tell something was wrong with some of them in the head too.

There was this one BROLIC buff $*+ black dude said he just got out, his swag was just straight up OG west coast gangsta lol I think he got fired though. This one time me and him were talking about working out and the gym and somewhere in the conversation this guy starts getting mad or whatever wants to fight almost. I don't want no beef whatsoever with that dude haha
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Sounds like a stupid question but, Can background checks still show stuff that was expunged?

IIRC yes.  It simply means people doing background checks can't see what the offense was and you don't have to report the misdemeanor when you apply for jobs.

Not legal advice
Sales jobs are always hiring an have the most income potenti and they rarely do BG checks. If ur in DMV hit me up
i was able to find a job at the bank a while back.

misdemeanors though and i think they were sealed. one before i was 18 and one after.

how would i check stuff like that anyway?
Originally Posted by marmourjr

Nope. Landed a good job with benefits. You should look into the I.T. industry.  

Either get your record sealed or be honest about it; depending how long ago it was, you explain to them that you were young and dumb.
Not only that, it's about who you know...Utilize your network.

I have several co-workers including myself, that have felonies and still were hired.
QFT- I work in IT

I have 2 felonies dropped to misdemeanors and got those expunged within 3 weeks.
Expugements will sometimes show if the company hires a third party company to conduct your background check but will not show up when you get your background from the police station. This has been the only reason I didn't get two jobs, because it was not expunged.

I have never had issues getting a job, you just have to be persistent and HONEST. Let them know up front what happened and that it will never affect your work ethic. Make sure you develop great references along the way because in order to compensate for a bad background you always have those good references.

I also have a DUI on my record and as long as your HONEST and not trying to get a job that requires driving this shouldn't be a problem.

Work hard and develop good reputations anywhere you work because that is the best indicator of what kind of employee you are. Do not let your past mistakes show who you are.
how do I go about checking on these things. I got a disorderly conduct dropped but was wondering if it would ever pop up on my record. I was acting up when I was drunk and spent the night at the tombs. hate for that to pop up again eventhough it was like 5 years ago.
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

how do I go about checking on these things. I got a disorderly conduct dropped but was wondering if it would ever pop up on my record. I was acting up when I was drunk and spent the night at the tombs. hate for that to pop up again eventhough it was like 5 years ago.

Yea what he said
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