Anyone else get the feeling that Denver is in LOVE with the BIRDMAN..because he's WHITE??

You guys are being naive...

Dude does his thing, but he gets way more love in Denver for being white. Sorry.

I mean dudes dressing like him, making signs and cut-outs. Just because he brings "energy" please!

Dude sticks out like a sore thumb on that team.

In a league dominated by African American Males you can't deny he gets put over that's the way it go's.

No Hate just sayin.
People like his hustle, his contribution to the team, his "crazy" persona, and that he came back from a bad personal situation.

Race has nothing to do with any of that.
david lee's whiteness has NOTHING to do with NY fans liking him. lee is a fan favorite because in a team of overpaid underachievers he worked his way up to becoming a starter by putting in HARD WORK every game.
david lee has been a fan favorite from when he was coming off the bench behind charmin frye, and last season when he was behind eddy and zach.

our two most popular players are certified bench players who bring energy, david lee and nate, and the fans cheer for nate because he's a little underdog.

Even though Birdman is white.. He's not your typical clean-cut white player if you get my drift.. Dude is a former addict.. He's pretty crazy andcharismatic with an insane amount of energy plus athletic plays to boot.. Their own Rodman in a sense..
Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

You guys are being naive...

Dude does his thing, but he gets way more love in Denver for being white. Sorry.

I mean dudes dressing like him, making signs and cut-outs. Just because he brings "energy" please!

Dude sticks out like a sore thumb on that team.

In a league dominated by African American Males you can't deny he gets put over that's the way it go's.

No Hate just sayin.
You ain't just saying. You're looking at life thru racism-colored glasses. I'm not saying you're racist but maybe you've seentoo much of it to not let it affect the way you view things.

Birdman is just a colorful, crazy dude who can actually play. His being white is really secondary.
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by bud dink

why dont they jump on jr smith i mean hes got spiderwebs tatted on him....wanna know why cause hes black.


because JR is the dumbest player in the league, yeah he has talent, but he's as dumb as a rock and he's cocky. too cocky, and probably most people in denver dont relate to that. they relate to hardworking, blue collar players and that's what andersen is

no not salty, because it wasnt all him that beat the lakers.. dude is just dumb, i mean he got a tech in game 3 at the worst time, he ran through the circleduring jumpball in game 2.. besides he's just an idiot
Warrior fans don't like Kurz, and he hustles. He just sucks. Turriaf is loved because he does the little things and genuinely looks excited/happy to be outthere ALL the time.

Birdman comes out for what, a total of a quarter and a half, on average, and plays at the same energetic level the entire time. It stick out in the flow of thegame, which brings excitement. Period. Birdman could be white/black/hispanic/asian, or all of the above, and I'd bet that his HOME crowd would cheer nomatter what.
LOL @ thinking this thread is crazy and has no substance to it.

If Birdman was black with the same tattoos and acted the same way he'd be loved. But as loved? C'mon... Baseball fans, think of Josh Hamilton. If hewere black would things be seen the same exact way? That's an obvious no. It's life though. Birdman is a fun guy to watch, he's not loved becausehe's simply white but change his race and would it all be the same? Clearly no, his race especially in Denver makes it easier for it to be a feel goodstory.

Fans love energy guys who make big plays and hustle hard word to Rick RAWSE! He mainly gets blocks and dunks, things that get the crowd hype. Similar playersare guys like Ben Wallace in Detroit, Tyson Chandler in NO, etc.
Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

You guys are being naive...

Dude does his thing, but he gets way more love in Denver for being white. Sorry.

I mean dudes dressing like him, making signs and cut-outs. Just because he brings "energy" please!

Dude sticks out like a sore thumb on that team.

In a league dominated by African American Males you can't deny he gets put over that's the way it go's.

No Hate just sayin.
All of what you stated is just opinion - an opinion from the kind of person who sees things in black and white. You have nothing to back it upwith.

The only way he "sitcks out like a sore thumb" is because he's white? It's similar to how some people said a few months back that blackAmericans would vote for Obama only because he was black, as if they were incapable of seeing the actual issues Obama brought to his candidacy much like thegreat plays and energy Chris Andersen brings to his team.

And just to make it clear, I'm not making a comparison between Obama and Chris Andersen, but rather the perceptions of some racialists who see either'srace as the main and sole factor of their respective popularity.

You (and people like you) need to get over that. love energy player. Kinda like what Turiaf used to do for us
--Birdman is a straight up beast with his shot blocking. He owns Odom.
--Not to be hating though, this guy will be a nobody in his post-NBA career. Real talk.

--i respect dude's defensive game, but that hairdo has got to go.
For the record I think him being white probably has something to do with it, but it is mostly because of his crazy hair-do, tattoos, and he is a shotblocker/dunker exclusively. Why would it be a problem if white people were cheering for him because he is white though? Every race shows some pride and getsbehind their own people in sports, especially when there are few successful players of that race. Asians go crazy over Ichiro, Yao, and their other players.Filipinos and Paquiao. Blacks root for black QB's to succeed. etc.

It's not like white people don't cheer for the black stars.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

why don't you guys take the blinders off, denver loves birdman the same way...

- boston loves scalabrine
- ny loves david lee
- minnesota loves mark madsen

i can on and on here, people love to cheer for under dog whites.

Damn, you ignorant dudes need to take a basic psych class. You're obviously are insinuating that people cheer him because they identify with him likethose examples above, BUT that's clearly NOT the case with andersen. How many white guys look, dress, and act like him?? It's obvious they like himfor his image and antics, NOT because of the color of his skin or that they identify with him. Same as the Rodman phenomenon here in Chicago in the late90s...

C'mon, you guys can say I'm just looking at things in black and white or whatever!..

but I'm just calling it like I see it...Dude rocks a Bird-haux, Diddy Bopps, Tatted up and just so happens to be white...Now imagine if he was black wouldwe even be disscusing this?

Take away him being white he would be just like every other black player in the league tatted, diddy boppin, Mohaux etc

Denver 70% White 5% black.

and tt's not just a black/white thing.
I don't think its the only reason but it certainly helps and is part of the reason, just dont think its the only reason.
Him being white kind of adds to his identity as the underdog. There's his background story of course but also to put it bluntly the NBA is a blackman's game and it makes people feel good to see him defy the odds in that sense. To give clarity of perspective, imagine if the best player in the NHL wasblack. Hell just look at how Tiger Woods is celebrated.
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