Anyone else not have any contact with all their cousins for many years?

i have no family members in my state, the only ones im close with are the ones in NY cuz i live in CT.................everybody grown an doin their own thing.

even my NY fam........dudes are older, kids, hustlin, lifes a dash.

back in the day id spend summers down south etc, i have cousins i havnt seen since big daddy funeral a few years back and before that YEARS ago.
i'm real close with all the cousins on my dads side...

on my my moms side i'm the second oldest and i don't get to see them as often so we're not to close...she sent me and my other cousin who is only a year older than me to the store once and we rode in complete silence...i couldn't wait to get back home...its all love but just awkward

my dads mother lives down the street from me here at school and one of my cousins goes to school with me now so i see them all the time
i'm real close with all the cousins on my dads side...

on my my moms side i'm the second oldest and i don't get to see them as often so we're not to close...she sent me and my other cousin who is only a year older than me to the store once and we rode in complete silence...i couldn't wait to get back home...its all love but just awkward

my dads mother lives down the street from me here at school and one of my cousins goes to school with me now so i see them all the time
yeah i have cousins everywhere. the majority of them are in socal and were all really close, but then i got some in new jersey, florida, abroad. i see the ones on the other side of the country maybe once every 5 years and we seem to get along everytime we get together. as for the ones abroad, it definitely is hard to relate to them and talk.
yeah i have cousins everywhere. the majority of them are in socal and were all really close, but then i got some in new jersey, florida, abroad. i see the ones on the other side of the country maybe once every 5 years and we seem to get along everytime we get together. as for the ones abroad, it definitely is hard to relate to them and talk.
I have more than 50 cousins in Brazil. I have met 3 of them
Got cousins all over the world but most of them are hella older than us.

Out of all of them, theres 2 I dont like.
Got cousins all over the world but most of them are hella older than us.

Out of all of them, theres 2 I dont like.
Most of my family is in the Philippines.  See them about once every ten years, unless they visit here (Socal).  I use Facebook to stay in contact with my family over there.
Most of my family is in the Philippines.  See them about once every ten years, unless they visit here (Socal).  I use Facebook to stay in contact with my family over there.
Got a cousin in Australia that i havent seen in 15 years, a cousin in Laos that I seen last november on my trip to SEAsia, and a cousin from France who visited me last summer to go to Vegas.
Got a cousin in Australia that i havent seen in 15 years, a cousin in Laos that I seen last november on my trip to SEAsia, and a cousin from France who visited me last summer to go to Vegas.
i have about 5 cousins that i'm real close with, we basically grew up together and we still live close

there are others that live in other states but i still see em atleast once a year
i have about 5 cousins that i'm real close with, we basically grew up together and we still live close

there are others that live in other states but i still see em atleast once a year
I'm really close with cousins on my moms side, we grew up together and all of us live in the same area so there all like brothers and sisters to me. Now on my dads side its a different story, there pretty local also but i never really got along with them. I see them about twice a year if that.
I'm really close with cousins on my moms side, we grew up together and all of us live in the same area so there all like brothers and sisters to me. Now on my dads side its a different story, there pretty local also but i never really got along with them. I see them about twice a year if that.
I use to only see my cousins once every few years but since I moved to socal I see them a lot more. We hang out at out at our grandparents house but that's about it. I skype with my German cousins and one of my older German cousins just emailed me out of the blue. Haven't talked to her for a couple of years since they last went to the US. She gave me her skype sn so I'll probably skype with her and keep in touch too. My cousins on my dad's side are weird though. One half white heathen tried watching me pee so my brother and I think he's mad suspicious for acting all brand new that day. The rest of them seem like peasants and we'll probably never see each other again.
I use to only see my cousins once every few years but since I moved to socal I see them a lot more. We hang out at out at our grandparents house but that's about it. I skype with my German cousins and one of my older German cousins just emailed me out of the blue. Haven't talked to her for a couple of years since they last went to the US. She gave me her skype sn so I'll probably skype with her and keep in touch too. My cousins on my dad's side are weird though. One half white heathen tried watching me pee so my brother and I think he's mad suspicious for acting all brand new that day. The rest of them seem like peasants and we'll probably never see each other again.
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