Anyone else's feedback on eBay disappearing?

mine jumped by 2... I had previously bought two of the same items from one seller... and despite receiving 2 pos. feedbacks from him, numerically, it onlyincreased by 1... I guess it was because it was the same item from the same seller... now I'm getting it back...
Yo! mine went from 5 to 5!
I think they are only counting from a certain point from now (Like 2 years) instead of all feedback ever gained from an account. So if you have say 2 negativesfrom 2005 but have gotten all pos. since then you will have 100% now that it only goes back 2 years.

I'm new to Ebay so I'm not entirely sure how it worked before but I did get an email about this recently.

Could be the reason.
Mine bumped up, too.

Plus, My sole negative from like 4 or 5 years ago disappeared, so now I'm at 100%.

I think the change has something to do with not letting Sellers leaving you retaliatory negatives. I left feedback for some car stuff I won, and a disclaimerpopped up saying to leave true feedback, and not be scared to leave a deserving negative, as Sellers can no longer leave Buyers negatives, or something alongthose lines...
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