Anyone ever committed to staying sober?

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by Liban906

Originally Posted by Wr

whats so funny though? 
oh ....


your humble brag


you sound real insecure brah

you came into a thread about people dealing with temptation ..

and your reply is

meh....never had to deal with such a thing...temptation.....meh..

along with laugh faces. Yo just seem a little condescending considering what the thread is about. like a sillyputty that bashes inebriation 
Ok when did I ever say anything negative about drinking/smoking?? Please point it out
This thread is about living a sober life. OP asked if you ever committed to living sober. I answered his question just like everyone else. If you want to drink, then do it. I personally have no problem with people who drink or some. If you want to do so, do it. It doesn't bug me one bit. I was simply trying to point out the fact that if you don't want to drink, you don't have to. I've graduated from a "party school" and was never tempted to drink because I decided I don't want to go down that route. Social settings where people are drinking don't have to be awkward if you don't let it be. The point is that at the end of the day, just like there are people who eat fast food every week (which I pretty much do) and those who have never touched fast food in years, choosing to drink/smoke is simply a choice. And I'm not speaking in the context of alcoholism which I recognize is a real disease. Most in this thread are talking about drinking/smoking socially so I'm strictly referring to that. 

So like I said good sir, please hop off and stop trying to project your insecurities on to me. Plenty of people before me and after me in this thread posted that they never drank but for some reason my 
 got you mad.
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

Yea Im taking this month off of drinking...been going kind of hard lately with it so decided to chill a lil...

Well that didn't last to long lol
I personally never really understood how people could drink so much so often

I feel like I cant function the next day when I do, plus the taste isn't necessarily something I enjoy at all.
Originally Posted by miamin2

If you're worried about putting on weight try switching up what you're drinking. Try sticking to vodka tonics or red wine if you must drink, but try to keep it to a minimum. 
Tonic water has sugar and calories just like a soda. Soda water or club soda has zero calories, so if one is watching weight, they're better choices than tonic (unless it's diet tonic).
Originally Posted by three6mafia

Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

Yea Im taking this month off of drinking...been going kind of hard lately with it so decided to chill a lil...

Well that didn't last to long lol

It happens

LOL after this weekend I'm going to quit for a while. Just cause I know tonight is my boys party and tomorrow will be a pool/beers by said pool type of day.
I blacked out a few times last Friday.  I told myself I wouldn't have one of those nights again 
.  Ended up spending all my cash and then charging my card to buy my friends shots.  I think I need bad nights like that to remind myself to dial it down.  My friends are a bad influence since they like to get wasted when we pregame.
use to go out clubbing and to the lounge every thurs,fri,sat and sun. Would blow alot of money on drinks. Decided this new years to cut out soda, juice with alot of sugar and alcohol. going on 6 months
i use to drink smoke weed and snort coke everyday, july 27 2007 i almost died from too much cocaine i aint drank or touched anything since then i went cold turkey first days was the worst but it was totally worth it
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