Anyone ever get ridiculous kinds of luck?

Oct 9, 2008
Backstory: At work today, the final day the company is open for business, my manager finds a pair of DS Jordan 8retros. They're priced at $135 (retail) right? No, he got them for $13
Point: Anyone ever get ******ed amounts of luck? Doesnt need to be about sneakers, just anything.
I cant remember ever having any high amount of luck, unless you count not being involved in a car crash for the past 5 years I've been driving.
Never been seriously sick in more than 10 years.
No hospital visits.

I've had good luck with run ins with the law.

Outside of that, nope.
Infrared Jordan 8s huh?

No good luck for me really...some bad here and there.
Never in my short life so far. It pisses me off to no end. Makes me wonder about higher beings and forces.

Most I got was finding a $20 bill or not impregnating a chick after going raw(or is that a case of probability?)

Bad luck on the other hand.....
Infrared? lol its toooo late. My bad. Bed time for me

Guy below this post, chill. It's late... My mind was on some other @#%%... mistake corrected.
unless you count not being involved in a car crash for the past 5 years I've been driving.
I know some might consider this good luck but I don't view things like that as good luck.

As for the question, not really. But I did win some concert tickets last summer.
Originally Posted by Tony Starks

unless you count not being involved in a car crash for the past 5 years I've been driving.
I know some might consider this good luck but I don't view things like that as good luck.

I dont either. I chalk it up to learning how to drive at an early age, and being taught by an ex-professional driver. But there were times that I barely missedgetting hit or sideswiped by these idiots out here.
Originally Posted by 18key

I can be as cruel as you ☭­______________________________________________________________________________ Fighting fire with firewood
Bloc Party eh
my 18th bday

1st scratcher won 98$

went to jackson and hit 11 blackjacks in a row
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by 18key

I can be as cruel as you ☭­______________________________________________________________________________ Fighting fire with firewood
Bloc Party eh

I cant stop listening to Intimacy.

Actually, now that I think about it... I did catch one of the drumsticks at their concert that they had out here likea month ago. I'll count that as some ridiculous luck.
Alot of luck with copping sneakers on the cheap and plenty of steals.

In life, my best luck was probably finding $100 at an ATM on the ground or getting a Royal Flush three times in one game of Poker with my buddies.
my luck always seems to equal itself out.. id have ridiculous luck then some dry spells. sad stuff
I got days where it seems like NOTHING can go wrong.
but then I also get the ones where nothing can go right.
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

All I get is bad luck.. but I'm a big pessimist


+1 for Bloc Party.
Yeah, I have that problem too. It's hard to be optimistic when this world is suck a %%@$ up. But I try

I'm sure people who are more optimistic see the good parts of their life more clearly.
man, i hate those days where its just one bad thing after another, those are unappreciated

and one time i bought 3 scratchers, won them all, bought 3 more, won again, bought 3 more and won again. started with 5 dollars, ended with 45... only timethat has every happened to me..
Don't ask how, but last Saturday I happened to get a hold of a full size run on the Toro Raging DMP.

Meaning I have sizes from 9.5 - 13.
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