Anyone ever got led on by a girl and she disappeared?

son you're stupid.

you know why she stopped talking to you.

she was put in an ultimatum either lose her best friend of years or continue to mess with you.

she took the noble route even tho it may hurt. if you game maybe you can still bag her but not if you gonna ride her like you are now.
this particular move is the "fade". now, there are a few reasons that could have spurred the fade. the fade means she just stops hitting you up/responding/chilling. most common cause of it is because she realized she wasn't feeling you.

do everyone a favor, but mostly your PRIDE, and don't hit her up. don't ask her why she's been ignoring you. it only fuels the fire that is her ego and her non-attraction to you.

now this isn't the nicest way of deading someone, but unfortunately when a chick is straight up, the other person doesn't get it anyway -___-
@ at the "fade"

Spoiler [+]
females are the *+++@!% worst
...reason why ima dog now
update: i didn't call her after the game cause i got a text back from her saying her family threw a graduation party yesterday and she was busy setting it up. and that she slept at 5:30am and slept all day today thats why she couldn't text back. dfojnsdkgnsdndnslgnldgsnldsgnndsg

i low key feel dumb as hell tho for stressing myself
How old are you?

Serious question, no shot firing here.
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

update: i didn't call her after the game cause i got a text back from her saying her family threw a graduation party yesterday and she was busy setting it up. and that she slept at 5:30am and slept all day today thats why she couldn't text back. dfojnsdkgnsdndnslgnldgsnldsgnndsg

i low key feel dumb as hell tho for stressing myself
You're welcome
Son, please don't tell me you believe that story. True, it takes time to setup and throw a party. But a text takes how long? A simple, "I'm busy I'll call/text you back later" would've sufficed. She didn't even do that, the grad party is an alibi and you're falling for the simplicity of her lie.

I'm telling you this for your own good, you need to tread with caution with this female because you've already started to give her the power to wreck you.
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

So I've been talking to this girl for about couple weeks now. We kissed, held hands, texted everyday and you know go on several dates. All of sudden, she stopped texting back and stopped answering my calls 
 Im confused as hell son. What do u guys do at this point? Fall back? or keep trying.. its been several days where she stopped replying. she would say little things here and there but its been 2 days since we had a real convo. 
Sounds like RIP

....or you can at least tell yourself that and move on.
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

How old are you?

Serious question, no shot firing here.

just turned 20. is what I'm posting childish? 
No offense, but it seems a little childish. I just turned 20 and I remember acting like that when I was 17. You shouldn't be nervous and/or anxiously awaiting her reply. I understand that you like her, and that's good, but it seems like she has you wrapped around her finger. Just chill out a little and take a step back. Right now she's stepping back and you're anxiously stepping forward. Try being the one stepping back a little and making her step forward. If she likes you, she'll make moves to keep the relationship going and she'll be stepping forward. If not, %!*$ her, move on. I know "playing games" is lame, but sometimes it's the way to deal with these girls.
happens all the time....just delete the number and move on!

I put AI fg% with these women.....most of them have a million options, you win some you lose some....

the right one will come along eventually.
so she didnt respond for like a day and a half and youre making threads with no pics?

good luck....simp
Mycoldyourdone wrote:
i kbow that feel. sucks when you have a crush on a chick but then find out theyre not what you thought they were and you still have a crush on the first chick you thought she was.

plus not knowing the games they play that can seem like theyre interested. there could be a slight chance that shes using you as an emotional blanket when the guy she really likes doesnt answer her.

but also your paranoid @## thinking that your thinking too much and that there could be a chance that she actually likes you she just sucks at flirting. missing your chance and her moving on to another guy.

feels bat man.

but yea.
keep options.
All of THIS

I had it BAD for this chick.  One of the coolest, most gorgeous girls I've ever met and of course she was in a complicated relationship
.  Long story short, I simped until I got the confirmation I was the 3rd stringer
  This one broke my heart because I had this perfect picture painted of her.  I known her for a while but the more she let out he bag the more that picture shattered.  One day, she hit me out the blue after we didnt talk for awhile.  Took part in the most superficial convo I've ever had and aint heard from her since...

The worst part is that the girl herself constantly gave hints and put me up on game but I just did not listen.  She gave me the cheatsheet from the jump and I still was like "nah, lemme do this instead..."  I walked away from that experience a changed man. 

Fellas, ALWAYS be able to reference another female when talking to a girl.  The simple fact that you have outside female contact will trigger her defense mechanism and from my experience one of two things will happen.  Either she will try to match you name for name (at which point you leave...) or she'll pull out all the stops to keep you around.  A female is a female is a female.  Alpha, beta, good guy, player... you will be tested.  As a man, it's your responsibility to be prepared.               
my thing is this...

i seriously be wanting to tell these chicken heads off... like, break them off some verbal abuse b/c i know NO BODY DOES THAT...

which is why they do it...

but for some strange reason, it will make you look sensitive or weak...

i think that's a cop out. my homegirl tried to hit me with that the other day... called me sensitive and "get out of my feelings" b/c i told her to stop cursing...

so i said "would it be wrong if i called you mannish or butch? somebody has to bring some female emotions in here cuz you might be giving the D out like me"

safe to say that she got super pissed.

why cant we start telling these females whats up?

"look... i aint trying to mess w/ you like that no more. i just gotta let you know that pulling that is worse than just saying no. that's high school stuff girl. and we are grown... just some info for the next guy cuz i have no reason to pursue you after seeing how you really are"...

i'm gonna start letting these fees know b/c i honestly think guys refuse to say how they REALLY FEEL due to looking weak or emotional.

its not weak or emotional... if you got a problem, speak up on it!
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Son, please don't tell me you believe that story. True, it takes time to setup and throw a party. But a text takes how long? A simple, "I'm busy I'll call/text you back later" would've sufficed. She didn't even do that, the grad party is an alibi and you're falling for the simplicity of her lie.

I'm telling you this for your own good, you need to tread with caution with this female because you've already started to give her the power to wreck you.
this man, I know from experience.
Originally Posted by ricky409

my thing is this...

i seriously be wanting to tell these chicken heads off... like, break them off some verbal abuse b/c i know NO BODY DOES THAT...

which is why they do it...

but for some strange reason, it will make you look sensitive or weak...

i think that's a cop out. my homegirl tried to hit me with that the other day... called me sensitive and "get out of my feelings" b/c i told her to stop cursing...

so i said "would it be wrong if i called you mannish or butch? somebody has to bring some female emotions in here cuz you might be giving the D out like me"

safe to say that she got super pissed.

why cant we start telling these females whats up?

"look... i aint trying to mess w/ you like that no more. i just gotta let you know that pulling that is worse than just saying no. that's high school stuff girl. and we are grown... just some info for the next guy cuz i have no reason to pursue you after seeing how you really are"...

i'm gonna start letting these fees know b/c i honestly think guys refuse to say how they REALLY FEEL due to looking weak or emotional.

its not weak or emotional... if you got a problem, speak up on it!
i know that feel all too well famb...
Speaking your mind makes females think you're weak. Considering most these chick probably ain't used to a man not wanting to f them and they probabl never had a proper relationship with their father. So any kind of non sexual instruction from a man comes off as feminine as odd as that sounds. 

At this point I'm emotionally spent on arguing with females. I be about to give say some profound $%^^ then I just censor my self to silence. 

I have found saying what I have to say to a female with humor is far more effective than literally trying to politic and debate with a chic over something. Women are always right. Even when they are wrong as wearing dirty drawers 
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by K Town Trash

So I've been talking to this girl for about couple weeks now. We kissed, held hands, texted everyday and you know go on several dates. All of sudden, she stopped texting back and stopped answering my calls 
 Im confused as hell son. What do u guys do at this point? Fall back? or keep trying.. its been several days where she stopped replying. she would say little things here and there but its been 2 days since we had a real convo. 
Sounds like RIP

....or you can at least tell yourself that and move on.
Yup you messed up.  Im not saying you should have tried to get in her pants from day 1, but chicks want a guy to be more aggressive.  Several dates in, you shoulda been had the drawls b
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