Anyone Ever Work at the Apple Store??

Jun 21, 2004
So i'm looking for a new job right now and noticed the apple store near me has a specialist position open. Anyone ever work for them or know anyone that does, do you/they like it? Whats the pay like? I work retail now and it sucks but i'm looking for something new even though it would still be retail. Thanks for anyone that comments.
i think a specialist helps what someone is looking for

such as someone who wants to listens to music but has a small library of music, you would direct them to ipod nano or something, i think i read that somewhere

TRY and get that job at the apple store where they pay you an hourly wage to stand and greet people
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

They pay well is all I know.
yeah right. I worked for them and they do not pay well.
Apple retail has changed in a year or so. It use to be about the people now it's all numbers. No different then GAP, ect now.
They only hire nerds. Actual knowledgeable, friendly, nerds. That is the demographic they aim for I think, someone like Jobs himself.
the pay is awesome. That's all I can say. Plus you can wear hats and you don't have to shave. You're gonna meet a lot of rich people. You gonna get a lot of business cards from those people, mostly those who have their own business. The store discount is ridiculous. I can't tell you how ridiculous it is but you'll like it. You'll deal with a lot of kids using Facebook on the iMacs and iPads, which sucks cause you're gonna be standing there walking around he store watching them. You'll get yourself an iPad on your first check, and another one on your next check to impress a girl. Good luck getting that job. Once your in, talk to your manager about being promoted to one the genius tech, cause that's where its at.
Originally Posted by justforsneaks

the pay is awesome. That's all I can say. Plus you can wear hats and you don't have to shave. You're gonna meet a lot of rich people. You gonna get a lot of business cards from those people, mostly those who have their own business. The store discount is ridiculous. I can't tell you how ridiculous it is but you'll like it. You'll deal with a lot of kids using Facebook on the iMacs and iPads, which sucks cause you're gonna be standing there walking around he store watching them. You'll get yourself an iPad on your first check, and another one on your next check to impress a girl. Good luck getting that job. Once your in, talk to your manager about being promoted to one the genius tech, cause that's where its at.

I can't tell if this is serious or not...
Originally Posted by Apocalypz

Originally Posted by justforsneaks

the pay is awesome. That's all I can say. Plus you can wear hats and you don't have to shave. You're gonna meet a lot of rich people. You gonna get a lot of business cards from those people, mostly those who have their own business. The store discount is ridiculous. I can't tell you how ridiculous it is but you'll like it. You'll deal with a lot of kids using Facebook on the iMacs and iPads, which sucks cause you're gonna be standing there walking around he store watching them. You'll get yourself an iPad on your first check, and another one on your next check to impress a girl. Good luck getting that job. Once your in, talk to your manager about being promoted to one the genius tech, cause that's where its at.

I can't tell if this is serious or not...

its cause you don't hear that many former employees talking about the position that much. I'm just giving the best that he'll know. Don't wanna spill too much
Originally Posted by HigherGround

They only hire nerds. Actual knowledgeable, friendly, nerds. That is the demographic they aim for I think, someone like Jobs himself.

friendly salesmen, someone like Jobs himself
Working At The Apple store is The best Experience In Retail Period, Your not doing anything physical, Your not lifting anything, you dont have to worry about markdowns or feeling like a modern day slave, your freaking talking about cool products to interesting people (MOST). Sometimes Gorgeous Models And sometimes Important business clients, I've helped Stevie wonder buy a freakin macbook pro when i worked at the Los Angeles Store, as well as other celebrities. The pay is better than any other retail period, no matter where u wanna compare as far as retail, i mean their a billion dollar company, You dont have to rush transactions with customers because you do not get commmision, your job is to simply articulate how to use apple products and have computer solutions! Depending where u are you meet some hot tourists & models! Apple helps with your commute to work, benefits for part-timers, Im not gonna give away all the perks but I've been working there for 3 years and no one could tell you better than me that it's absolutely the best, and they still are for the people! don't get it twisted! Im not gonna front, they do go hard about metrics but it depends on which store and location you are at, and let's be real, that's the least you can do is keep your metrics up because you basically dont have to do anything else but talk to people all day, if your knowledgable about apple products and are a peoples person this job is for you, discount is blah but u do get monthly perks on alot of third party products... Like i said there's more to this but no need to give away our internal secrets. don't get intimidated about metrics because you know what? all actuality, things like applecare, one to one and mobileme are things apple user's really need. A computer's life span is about 5 years, applecare lasts 3...wit applecare u get phone support from your home, where as u can ask any question about ur product and get full thoro answer's, as opposed to going into a apple store location and it being packed and then having to make an appointment with the genius for one question because all of the specialists are busy, one to one is cool bcuz u get lessons for a year long and data migration for ur pc to mac or previous mac to current, mobileme FIND MY PHONE FOR IPHONE nuff said
... so it's things that are easy to sell but you just have to paint the picture for ur customer and be creative with your approach, Apple is the best! There are some things needed to be changed for like veteran employees at least, like some kind of VIP that separates us from regular customers like when a launch is out, we need to gt first dibs and we dont
 as well a s abetter discount, more flexibilty like customized schedules, other than that it's the best. If you guys want i can refer you and if they hire you i get a $250 bonus in my check so submit your resume's to [email protected]
i dont wanna see anyone else post something about working for apple! this post is closed! unless your gonna say something completely different. As far as negative comments, there shouldnt be any, i have alot of pride for working with apple and most of you dont know the half, u only know what you think you see or what other's tell you. BTW they dont hire just nerds, there's so many other positions within the store like Back Of House- these guys take care of shipment and delivery, there's cashier, and others. Once again you dont have to be a nerd in order to be a specialist, jus knowledgable and computer savy. I admit you must have some kind of background to help you out getting at least an interview, first requirement is a college student! second u gotta have some kind of expertise wether your a sound engineer, graphic design, direct, edit, even actor... some kind of ambition or passion for something better yet a SKILL! everyone i work with there does something whether they have their own website or trying to build one or they act on the side or are in a band or an aspiring director SOMETHING! reach for the stars!
swooshaholic what discounts do you get on macbook pros? $14 bucks sounds good. I'm hearing they opening a apple store in brooklyn. I work at best buy our perks are good too. But what's your looking like?
if you interview there don't tell them you plan on leaving for college or just need a summer/holiday job.

but forreal it seems like a cool place but if you guys plan on retail/sales I'd look into jobs that pay commission.
I think the discount is like 10%, so if you live in a state that has like 8% tax, you're basically getting no tax and like 2% off.
I remember I was dating a girl over at the Apple store near TCU.
me and my dudes ran on her
but I used her for her discount got all the homies and my family MacBooks.
I'm not sure what the pay is like but I'll ask her. I think she still works there
I got called in for a hiring event for Specialist on Tuesday. Anybody got any tips or things that would be helpful?

Also I'm admittedly low on Apple knowledge, only thing by them that I own by them is an iPod, what should I educate myself on?
My boy just started working there for about 2-3 weeks now as a genius and he's loving every single minute of it. Imagine waking up from bed and just throwing on a shirt and some jeans and you're ready for work. He's told me that the people there are young people like us and just like to have fun but serious and motivated at the same time.

It could be something different for geniuses and specialists because the process he had to go through was out of this world! He had phone interviews, workshops he had to attend, interviews with the regional manager, store manager, and GM of the Boston area; I even had to help my friend make a 5 minute video as to why Apple is better then a PC (all the managers thought it was funny and great

The benefits are great there because he's about to either go to Texas or California for training and free gym membership. You can't beat that.

I forgot to mention that he works in a very affluent and rich part of town where there are so many MILF's and cougars everywhere. Plus, he's black so you can see why everyday is a good day for him.
I applied and got a call back from the 5th Ave store but I was in Albany. The manager said not to worry and to give her a call back when I got back to NYC. I got back, called 3 times before she finally picked up, told me she would call me in a few hours, waited and gave another call back and no one picked up
. IDK if I should apply again at a different store.
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