Anyone here ever get pulled over "driving to close"


Na, but i did get pulled over for not having my bluetooth the other day

no ticket tho
at the tag

do you mean "tailgating"? you can't get a ticket for tailgating, but you CAN get a ticket for aggressive driving. but for it to be aggressivedriving, you would have to commit several violations in a short period of time.
the thing is the person he claimed i was driving to close to was actually speeding. It was a 55mph zone and I was probably doing 57. When he pulled me overthis other cop came out nowhere and stayed in the car behind him. I didnt get a ticket which lead me to believe they were loooking for something else.
I think it depends on your state. My ticket has all of the various offenses listed, but the trooper marked "other" and wrote "following tooclosely". I got a ticket for it, but also got a ticket for 98 in a 55. I was speeding, but I wasn't tailgating. Anyway, I had the "followingtoo closely" ticket knocked down to "failure to obey traffic device". I think tailgating is a 2point offense in my state. (it only takes 6 fora suspension).
I got pulled over once for suspicious driving

And I only tailgate when people is driving 10 miles or more under the speed limit.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you can definitely get a ticket for tailgating... it's called wreckless driving
+1. I hate it when I see cars tail gating me for one reason...I don't know if they can brake fast enough if I need to brake abruptly.
Yea, you guys deserve to get tickets. I just saw a female, of course she was on her cell phone, cause 3 "almosts" in a span of about 30 seconds andless than 2 blocks from tailgaiting, and she cut dude off. Then dude pulled up beside her, got her attention, and they started cussing each other the $*!% out.

I hate when I gotta make a turn at like 35mph because the @#%*%%% behind me won't slow down.
I got a ticket once for "Following Too Closely" - That was the exact name of it. Bridgeton, MO

Funny thing is the cop that pulled me over was behind me making that judgment. I argued with that +$+% for 10 minutes and then he finally gave me the ticketand told me where to pay. I told him, "I'll be in court for this one."

Got a lawyer from TLC (Traffic Law Center) and got that %$%+ reduced to a j-walking charge. Cost me slightly more than the ticket but I cant have %$%+ likethat on my record I'm a D.O.T. employee
Yeah once I was driving through my campus and this cop was driving mad slow, and I was tailgating him. He slowed down but I was still mad close. He pulledover, I passed and he pulled me over. Dude was heated. I didn't get a ticket or nothing though.
I got pulled over for this in Durham, NC in Feb.

it was definitely some DWB bull crap, i was driving a rental with Michigan tags... I think the cop just pulled me over and wanted to get up in my !$#.... seeif he could smell weed or something or find drugs and throw me in jail but he said don't follow so close and let me go
I wasnt even tailgating nobody itwas the middle of the freaking day and like no one else was on the interstate. damn i hate cops
this ahole was tailgating me yesterday for no reason right after the light turned green. i was accerating smoothly upto about 45 mph and it was a single laneroad. i got pissed and tapped my brakes and dude was high beaming. eventually the moron went around and my gf gave him the finger and dude gave one back butfunny thing is we both got stopped at the light ahead. so much for trying to speed, you get stuck anyway.
I got pulled over for not using my turn signal once. But it was messed up because it was at night and the cop was tailgating me. I didn't know it was a copcar behind me.
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