anyone here have a PBA card?

May 28, 2003
does anyone have a PBA (patrolman's benevolent association) card? it's a card given to family and close friend of a cop so when they get pulled overthey get less summons or w/e. i might be able to get one but was wondering if it really has that much benefit? i only got pulled over once last year and justgot let off with a verbal warning for tints/exhaust and i rarely speed so i don't really see myself needing one but just wondering if anyone has anystories or person experiences with them. thanks.
i have a pba. great if ur caught

im trying to get that lil sergeants badge. thats basically a get out of jail free card.
never knew these things existed.
forreal tho, with a name like thuG Lyfe, you might need 1

if its free, no harm in gettin it right?
cops don't care about it where i'm from. they don't care about anything. but up here in upstate ny ive heard it can be a good look
friends a cop, got one but never needed to use it. knock on wood. but i have friends who have been pulled over and got away with a pba card
Yep. My dad's best friend is a Lieutenant or Sergeant (w/e it is) dudes wifehas that lil badge thing too
heres my recent run in with the law.. i was being stupid on my bike goin 110+ on the turnpike.. cop pulls me over, i give him my documents plus pba.. insteadof givin me a ticket goin 50 over the limit, he reduced it to 5-10 over the limit.. its not a get out of jail free card, but it does help in some cases
When I saw the title I thought you were asking if anyone had a Professional Bowlers Association card.
Wow.. lol I can't believe that they have such a card.. That's really odd that they can advertise preferential treatment like that (even if it's notsurprising)..
either theres a lot of 12 years olds that never driven before or a bunch of foreigners because if you don't know about pba cards then you sir have missedout on the greatest invention in life

its true that in some places they dont work like the state troopers in suffolk county

but back to my experience

my friend was driving and got pulled over showed the cop his card no ticket no hassle no problem

another time my friend was caught driving drunk :l showed the cop his card and got off with a warning for dwi caught a huge break
Yea I have one. My boy is a cop out in Harlem and he hooked me up. Been driving around Queens with 5% tints on the whip and still never got a ticket lol.
A PBA card in New York City goes a long way. When I was growing up my step dad had an SBA card, and it got us out of a lot of trouble many times.
pba card, detective card, cadet card.

ny car in nj going 80 in school zone after midnight = warning.

i'll type the story later, too burnt right now.
my dad donates $50 every year and those cards come in the mail but we just trash them. they look so easy to counterfeit.
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