Anyone here that does not keep their phone on them?

Nov 30, 2002
Some people find it hard to believe that I can keep my phone in the car, leave it in another room, or keep it at my desk while I'm in a meeting. 
Can anyone honestly say their phone is on them 24/7?

I like leaving my phone in the car or out of sight when I am home. No need to be "plugged in" all of the time.
Yea I am like you Toast. Like right now, my phone was never taken out of my work bag. I have been home since 5ish. Sometimes I just don't think twice about it. I am not a big texter either. It doesn't bother me others claim it is a hazard.
no lie...

i put my phone on silent when i'm texting the breezys... dont want to seem too desperate...

when im at work i keep my phone in the car... because my boss is a jerk about phones
Originally Posted by ricky409

no lie...

i put my phone on silent when i'm texting the breezys... dont want to seem too desperate...


i thought i was the only one that did this.

anyways, I have it on me when I'm out but when at the house i leave it in the living room.
Nah man.  Every single person I know and love contacts me through that thing.  Never let it out my sight.
Mines always with me because I like to keep all my things on me, but I don't check it all the time
It's rare that I purposely do not have it in the same room as me, and the feeling when I forget it at home can be either 
It's usually within arms reach all day. I can go a few days without texting or calling anyone, so it's not as if I need to stay in contact with everyone 24/7. It's probably a force of habit because when I got my first cell phone I used to keep it in the same spot all the time and would always forget it or miss calls all the time. So it just became second nature to keep it near me so I don't miss anything. Plus I'll use it to check email and my RSS Reader throughout the day whenever I have time to kill.

My brother, for example, will never pay attention to where his phone is when he's at home. I can understand not wanting to worry about it, but when I need to talk to him and he doesn't answer all day long.. it's a little annoying. It's certainly not a life or death scenario and most of the time it can wait, but still annoying if I know he's just watching TV and can answer it, but he just doesn't pay attention.
Not gonna lie, I always have my phone. Wish I didn't have to have it but I like to look at it when there is nothing to do.
I don't keep mine on me really, it will get left on my desk at work, my bag, my vehicle, just not a big phone person sometimes.  I have my moments I guess....
Originally Posted by davizzy

Originally Posted by ricky409

no lie...

i put my phone on silent when i'm texting the breezys... dont want to seem too desperate...


i thought i was the only one that did this.

anyways, I have it on me when I'm out but when at the house i leave it in the living room.

You would not believe how often this backfires on me..

I completely forget I was texting someone if there is 10mins without a text.. So when they text me and I don't see it and don't respond at all.. I get the wrath of Khan  for not responding... 
It's almost on me 24/7. Use it for work often and I keep it on my nightstand when I sleep b/c I use it as my alarm. 
Only time I'd say I don't have it on me is when I leave it in my car when I'm at the gym. No need to be on the phone if I'm actually working out imo 
Never keep it near me people think i'm ignoring them all the time. I'll pass on the cancer and tumors add the super computer constatly recording.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

It's usually within arms reach all day. I can go a few days without texting or calling anyone, so it's not as if I need to stay in contact with everyone 24/7. It's probably a force of habit because when I got my first cell phone I used to keep it in the same spot all the time and would always forget it or miss calls all the time. So it just became second nature to keep it near me so I don't miss anything. Plus I'll use it to check email and my RSS Reader throughout the day whenever I have time to kill.

My brother, for example, will never pay attention to where his phone is when he's at home. I can understand not wanting to worry about it, but when I need to talk to him and he doesn't answer all day long.. it's a little annoying. It's certainly not a life or death scenario and most of the time it can wait, but still annoying if I know he's just watching TV and can answer it, but he just doesn't pay attention.
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