Anyone here who doesn't believe in Evolution?

Originally Posted by damn its me

i think christians have been going with the whole "definition of a day" thing.

like the bible being figurative as opposed to literal.,
on the first day, god created this or that
on the second day this or that

so what did God consider a day to be? clearly we've never seen talking serpents or parting seas either, but again i think most are aware of the bibles proverbial literate.

in other words a day couldve been 10000000 years, or whatever so whos to say evolution didnt occur between one and another of those days?

basically that allows for beleiving all that jazz, whilst staying logical, and knowing that science is indeed correct.
I've alwayys felt this way, even as a little kid. The bible taught me about symbolism and metaphores WAY before elementary school...  and yet, I will go so far as to "swear to God" that there are fundementalist that REALLY think the earth is 7,000 years old and that God made this mug in less than 800 hours total-- and dinosaurs never existed. But there are far more pertinent things to judge people on.
I don't believe it because things don't just "come together like that". For an illustration, you can disassemble a gold Rolex wristwatch into its separate parts and place them all in a box. Then, shake the box for however long it takes until all the parts form a wristwatch again.
I don't believe it because things don't just "come together like that". For an illustration, you can disassemble a gold Rolex wristwatch into its separate parts and place them all in a box. Then, shake the box for however long it takes until all the parts form a wristwatch again.
Originally Posted by Fog Raw

I don't believe it because things don't just "come together like that". For an illustration, you can disassemble a gold Rolex wristwatch into its separate parts and place them all in a box. Then, shake the box for however long it takes until all the parts form a wristwatch again.

There are a lot of "spontaneous" events in nature that people give "God" credit for cause they don't understand it.

-Diamonds coming from Carbon. If diamonds were as prideful as human beings they would be salty at the fact that they came from an element as pedestrian as carbon.

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

I don't believe it because things don't just "come together like that". For an illustration, you can disassemble a gold Rolex wristwatch into its separate parts and place them all in a box. Then, shake the box for however long it takes until all the parts form a wristwatch again.

There are a lot of "spontaneous" events in nature that people give "God" credit for cause they don't understand it.

-Diamonds coming from Carbon. If diamonds were as prideful as human beings they would be salty at the fact that they came from an element as pedestrian as carbon.

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

I don't believe it because things don't just "come together like that". For an illustration, you can disassemble a gold Rolex wristwatch into its separate parts and place them all in a box. Then, shake the box for however long it takes until all the parts form a wristwatch again.

This is exactly why life in itself is so rare to find. A mulititude of occurences have to happen the right way for life to form. 

   I believe in the evolution of animals but somethin inside doesnt accept the fact that my super distant cuz is an ape ...
Why so arrogant? Or condesceding towards ape? 
Originally Posted by Fog Raw

I don't believe it because things don't just "come together like that". For an illustration, you can disassemble a gold Rolex wristwatch into its separate parts and place them all in a box. Then, shake the box for however long it takes until all the parts form a wristwatch again.

This is exactly why life in itself is so rare to find. A mulititude of occurences have to happen the right way for life to form. 

   I believe in the evolution of animals but somethin inside doesnt accept the fact that my super distant cuz is an ape ...
Why so arrogant? Or condesceding towards ape? 
Originally Posted by damn its me

i think christians have been going with the whole "definition of a day" thing.

like the bible being figurative as opposed to literal.,
on the first day, god created this or that
on the second day this or that

so what did God consider a day to be? clearly we've never seen talking serpents or parting seas either, but again i think most are aware of the bibles proverbial literate.

in other words a day couldve been 10000000 years, or whatever so whos to say evolution didnt occur between one and another of those days?

basically that allows for beleiving all that jazz, whilst staying logical, and knowing that science is indeed correct.
well...the bible says man is supposed to rest on the seventh day because God rested on the seventh that means our 24-hour day is the same as God's day. 

believing in the story of adam and eve contradicts the theory of evolution of man though...

Originally Posted by Johni Depth

Present ... I mean, I believe in the evolution of animals but somethin inside doesnt accept the fact that my super distant cuz is an ape ...
so you don't believe in the evolution of man because.....?  do you choose to ignore the fact that your dna and a chimpanzee's are practically identical? 
Originally Posted by damn its me

i think christians have been going with the whole "definition of a day" thing.

like the bible being figurative as opposed to literal.,
on the first day, god created this or that
on the second day this or that

so what did God consider a day to be? clearly we've never seen talking serpents or parting seas either, but again i think most are aware of the bibles proverbial literate.

in other words a day couldve been 10000000 years, or whatever so whos to say evolution didnt occur between one and another of those days?

basically that allows for beleiving all that jazz, whilst staying logical, and knowing that science is indeed correct.
well...the bible says man is supposed to rest on the seventh day because God rested on the seventh that means our 24-hour day is the same as God's day. 

believing in the story of adam and eve contradicts the theory of evolution of man though...

Originally Posted by Johni Depth

Present ... I mean, I believe in the evolution of animals but somethin inside doesnt accept the fact that my super distant cuz is an ape ...
so you don't believe in the evolution of man because.....?  do you choose to ignore the fact that your dna and a chimpanzee's are practically identical? 
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by damn its me
Originally Posted by Johni Depth

Present ... I mean, I believe in the evolution of animals but somethin inside doesnt accept the fact that my super distant cuz is an ape ...
so you don't believe in the evolution of man because.....?  do you choose to ignore the fact that your dna and a chimpanzee's are practically identical? 
Dont get me wrong gents, I dont speak from human arrogance. I believe there is something bigger then us out there. Not specifically god, but somethin we came from that cant be explained by anyone today ... theories that we derive simply from apes is a lil funny to me. Our DNA only goes so far compared to apes. Gaps in our brains mutation compared to apes are not explained. Find it, I'll wait. Just adds to my OP. Im no science buff. I just dont put 100% trust in whats studied by man ...

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by damn its me
Originally Posted by Johni Depth

Present ... I mean, I believe in the evolution of animals but somethin inside doesnt accept the fact that my super distant cuz is an ape ...
so you don't believe in the evolution of man because.....?  do you choose to ignore the fact that your dna and a chimpanzee's are practically identical? 
Dont get me wrong gents, I dont speak from human arrogance. I believe there is something bigger then us out there. Not specifically god, but somethin we came from that cant be explained by anyone today ... theories that we derive simply from apes is a lil funny to me. Our DNA only goes so far compared to apes. Gaps in our brains mutation compared to apes are not explained. Find it, I'll wait. Just adds to my OP. Im no science buff. I just dont put 100% trust in whats studied by man ...

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

I don't believe it because things don't just "come together like that". For an illustration, you can disassemble a gold Rolex wristwatch into its separate parts and place them all in a box. Then, shake the box for however long it takes until all the parts form a wristwatch again.

There are a lot of "spontaneous" events in nature that people give "God" credit for cause they don't understand it.

-Diamonds coming from Carbon. If diamonds were as prideful as human beings they would be salty at the fact that they came from an element as pedestrian as carbon.

Good example. However, I just don't see how life "miraculously" came in to being. Even if we did evolve, where and how did it all begin? How can life be formed from abiotic components?

A bit off-topic, but take this into consideration: If the Earth was only a bit further from the Sun, we'd all freeze; if it was a bit closer, we'd all burn. Human life would not exist if the Earth was not orbiting the way it is at this very moment. Don't you think it's a little too perfect?

People could debate for years and never come to a conclusion when it comes to 'Evolutionism vs. Creationism'. I'm simply giving my 2 cents to an online sneaker forum thread
Feel free to post your thoughts
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

I don't believe it because things don't just "come together like that". For an illustration, you can disassemble a gold Rolex wristwatch into its separate parts and place them all in a box. Then, shake the box for however long it takes until all the parts form a wristwatch again.

There are a lot of "spontaneous" events in nature that people give "God" credit for cause they don't understand it.

-Diamonds coming from Carbon. If diamonds were as prideful as human beings they would be salty at the fact that they came from an element as pedestrian as carbon.

Good example. However, I just don't see how life "miraculously" came in to being. Even if we did evolve, where and how did it all begin? How can life be formed from abiotic components?

A bit off-topic, but take this into consideration: If the Earth was only a bit further from the Sun, we'd all freeze; if it was a bit closer, we'd all burn. Human life would not exist if the Earth was not orbiting the way it is at this very moment. Don't you think it's a little too perfect?

People could debate for years and never come to a conclusion when it comes to 'Evolutionism vs. Creationism'. I'm simply giving my 2 cents to an online sneaker forum thread
Feel free to post your thoughts
Originally Posted by Fog Raw

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

I don't believe it because things don't just "come together like that". For an illustration, you can disassemble a gold Rolex wristwatch into its separate parts and place them all in a box. Then, shake the box for however long it takes until all the parts form a wristwatch again.

There are a lot of "spontaneous" events in nature that people give "God" credit for cause they don't understand it.

-Diamonds coming from Carbon. If diamonds were as prideful as human beings they would be salty at the fact that they came from an element as pedestrian as carbon.

Good example. However, I just don't see how life "miraculously" came in to being. Even if we did evolve, where and how did it all begin? How can life be formed from abiotic components?

A bit off-topic, but take this into consideration: If the Earth was only a bit further from the Sun, we'd all freeze; if it was a bit closer, we'd all burn. Human life would not exist if the Earth was not orbiting the way it is at this very moment. Don't you think it's a little too perfect?

People could debate for years and never come to a conclusion when it comes to 'Evolutionism vs. Creationism'. I'm simply giving my 2 cents to an online sneaker forum thread
Feel free to post your thoughts

   It's RANDOM, the universe is vast beyond what you could possible imagine. It's an odds game to create the ideal conditions to create life.

I don't see how God miraculously came into being.

Christians and scientists are both arguing that something came from nothing.
Originally Posted by Fog Raw

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

I don't believe it because things don't just "come together like that". For an illustration, you can disassemble a gold Rolex wristwatch into its separate parts and place them all in a box. Then, shake the box for however long it takes until all the parts form a wristwatch again.

There are a lot of "spontaneous" events in nature that people give "God" credit for cause they don't understand it.

-Diamonds coming from Carbon. If diamonds were as prideful as human beings they would be salty at the fact that they came from an element as pedestrian as carbon.

Good example. However, I just don't see how life "miraculously" came in to being. Even if we did evolve, where and how did it all begin? How can life be formed from abiotic components?

A bit off-topic, but take this into consideration: If the Earth was only a bit further from the Sun, we'd all freeze; if it was a bit closer, we'd all burn. Human life would not exist if the Earth was not orbiting the way it is at this very moment. Don't you think it's a little too perfect?

People could debate for years and never come to a conclusion when it comes to 'Evolutionism vs. Creationism'. I'm simply giving my 2 cents to an online sneaker forum thread
Feel free to post your thoughts

   It's RANDOM, the universe is vast beyond what you could possible imagine. It's an odds game to create the ideal conditions to create life.

I don't see how God miraculously came into being.

Christians and scientists are both arguing that something came from nothing.
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by htownhooper31

If humans evolved from apes why aren't apes still turning into humans today?
Cuz that's not the premise of evolution..

The basic premise is that we are distant cousins.. like 876426702849th cousins...  If you go back enough generations, apes and man have the same great-grandparents.  Assuming you have first cousins, it would be like saying they should have evolved into you because the two of you have shared a blood relative... which is absurd. Has your cousin ever evolved into you??

UNDERSTANDING genetic inheritance is different from believing in it, though..
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by htownhooper31

If humans evolved from apes why aren't apes still turning into humans today?
Cuz that's not the premise of evolution..

The basic premise is that we are distant cousins.. like 876426702849th cousins...  If you go back enough generations, apes and man have the same great-grandparents.  Assuming you have first cousins, it would be like saying they should have evolved into you because the two of you have shared a blood relative... which is absurd. Has your cousin ever evolved into you??

UNDERSTANDING genetic inheritance is different from believing in it, though..
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