Anyone Into PaintBalling????

What kind of paintball field will you be playing at? Woods or speedball? Tippmanns are generally used in Woodsball.
Me n a bunch of my guys got into it back in like 6th grade but we all pretty much dropped it once high school hit because we all played sports(i just graduatedh.s.)..I'd say if you are buying your first gun to get a Tippmann 98 custom, i had a silver/black one as my first marker and it never gave me any problems.They are probly like hondas of paintball guns because you can mod them any way you want and they last a long time(pause)
For the guys who do this, how much money have you put into this hobby? Seems costly with all the gear.
It can really add up. Balls..air...mods. It can be an expensive sport. When I play woods I usually used played I think two times a week and used 250 balls aday and had to fill up once a week. I played in the woods tho. If you play speed ball you're more than likely will be using more balls but it depends onhow many games you play.
You can get everything you need if you just go to a field or an indoor.

If you do it enough, only then should you buy and not rent. Like a tuxedo.

I did it quite a bit in high school. I have a few guns. Semi auto rifle and a sidearm.

I remember once getting rolled on in a bunker, shooting at dude and my rifle was jamming, pulled out the sidearm and popped dude in the gut. #$%$$$% GREAT.

Ain't done it in a minute. I'm due for a run.
Originally Posted by piczon1983

For the guys who do this, how much money have you put into this hobby? Seems costly with all the gear.

With all the ammo, masks, air, guns, it will probably come out to around 700. Depending on the quality of the gun and how much ammo you buy.
I have a M-16 Army looking Tipmann that I have NEVER used and a mask if your interested ezbox me.
i started off with a spyder tl-x and tl-r
the tlr, i switch triggers with an e marker so i have one electric and one non-electric
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