anyone still wear lrg?

i wear w/e i think is nice...
is there a reason you guys stopped wearing it? or why was it funny seeing somebody wear it
I do....

I don't keep up with the in brands or not in brand stuff... I wear what I like.. If I like the design on the LRG shirt I will wear it...
I wore LRG heavy for quite a while. it seemed like they got stuck in a bubble of sorts and got a bit dated though. I agree that they have been stepping it up as of late and have definitely caught my eye again. 
Originally Posted by Dwadefan

Originally Posted by raffstyleXX

Ill wear whatever i want, if its comfortable and looks nice ill wear it.

pretty much... i like some of there simple stuff, the fit and fabric is good.. im not a fan of big logo shirts that look like a billboard...
Never worn it, but they have some good lookin stuff.
A better question: Does anyone still wear Akademiks? I came across an old &@^ faded orange red and blue shirt that
said "Akdmks World Tour 2003".
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