Apologize or Keep It Moving? Vol. WWYD? Pics & Cliffs

Dec 14, 2007
Kind of a long read NT.
So there's this girl I met in college back in 07, she was a pretty cool girl and we got along great, I caught feelings, but I waited too long to cuff and she ended up running a 1 on 1 "Friend Zone" defense that would put some top tier NCAA div 1 BBall teams to shame. We used to kick it pretty regularly back in the day (all through 08 & the start of 09) and she used to hook me up with her friends too
. Fast forward to about June 09, we started to lose touch and hadn't seen each other for awhile when out of the blue she texted me one night and told me to meet up with her. So, I rocked up to this club she was at and ole girl was wasted, slurring her words, stumbling everywhere, spilling drinks, not a good look. We hooked up though, but before your boy could take her home, one of her friends stepped in and cockblocked me with some Gary Payton 1995-96 Defensive Player of the Year steez defense. I probably shouldn't have taken advantage of her like that, but at the time this girl meant a lot to me and I wanted to smash... badly (and probably wife up too, (not literally wife, but go steady)). A few days later we talked about what happened, sort of laughed it off and moved on, all the while she maintained that we were still "Just Friends" and even played me the Amy Winehouse song of the same name, but that confused me even more because that song has a lot of double meanings 
. Around this time as well, I met someone else and started seeing her and slowly moved away from ole girl, who was also moving to Canada in a few months.

Jump to October 09 and everything is gravy in Mitchellicious' world, I've been seeing a new girl and ole girl hasn't been on my mind since that crazy night in June... Life is good
. Until, one fateful evening when ole girl texts me "Hey, what's up? You know I'm going to Canada in like a week, I want to see you before I go." So, like the sucker that I am, I go and see her. Everything's cool, we're chatting, vibing, just like old times. Out of the blue she says "I really like you. I always have." I'm like "B----, I know you didn't just say that after all the bullplop you fed last time I let me feelings for you show". Not really, I probably said something like "Cool!". Now, I should probably mention that drinks were involved at this point as well, not enough for us to be wasted, but enough to have a good buzz going on, the type of buzz that causes two friends to cross that territory into new found smash buddies ground.

 "What's that brain? What do you mean I have a girlfriend? Can't we forget about that for just this one night? We can't? Well damb!"

That's right, I didn't smash cos I'm an idiot and I told her that "I've got a really good thing going with this other girl"
. Ole girl proceeds to cry, things get awkward, she tells me how she's liked me ever since she first met me yada, yada, yada. Let's just say that at this point I don't know what to think.

Let's take a trip to April '10, by this point ole girl has been in Canada since October of 09. I haven't seen her in months, haven't thought about her in months, we've spoken on Facebook a couple of times, but she initiated everything and I spoke in circles everytime which just pissed her off 
. I should mention as well, that the girl that I was seeing that prevented me from smashing ole girl turned out to be the Queen of the Monarchy of Ho-ville, and cheated on me with some guy that she worked with (I smashed her best friend, after she came to my house to tell me though, so I guess it worked out okay). So it's April, and I'm headed to the U.S. for Coachella and ole girl is the last thing on my mind, until I hear my name shouted across the fields of the festival grounds. I turn around and lo and behold, ole girl is calling my name out of a crowd of 250,000 people. At this point, I give the biggest 
 combo to whatever deity/spiritual figure/fictional character is in control of my haphazard existence. "Hey" I say feebly. We kick it, reminisce and talk about what's been happening since we've seen each other last. The whole time we're talking, I'm thinking to myself "When is she gonna let me clap dem cheekz?". It turns out that she didn't let me clap dem cheekz and she hit me with the patented "Just Friends" [emoji]169[/emoji] Ole Girl 2007, that she has perfected better than Kobe's fadeaway jumper. We part ways not too long afterwards because I might have said some things to her that we can't repeat on a forum that doesn't allow curse words.

Now it's August 2011, I haven't seen or heard from her since Coachella. She still talks to me on Facebook on occasion, but I just ignore her. She also moves back to Australia from Canada some time around this point and wants to catch up. Me, thinking more with the little version of me that lives inside of my pants, instead of the little version of me that lives inside of my head, obliges. This was my first mistake. We meet up for drinks at a club on a Saturday night. This was my second mistake. I get really drunk and when I see her, I'm a mess. I start getting pretty emotional and throw around curse words that would make a sailor blush. I call her something akin to a motherloving bunt (you might have to substitute some letters to get the picture) and tell her not to contact me unless she wants to smash. This was most likely, my third and final mistake 
. I haven't heard from her since, she blocked me on Facebook as well and I'm pretty sure she hates my guts 


- Met girl in 07. Caught feelings, but waited too long to cuff. Got friendzoned.

- Hooked up a couple of times. Each time I got cockblocked by her friends, or she laughed it off and maintained we were "Just Friends".

- She moved to Canada in 09. I could've smashed as a going away present, but I was dating someone else at the time and it was going well.

- Girl I was dating turned out to be a bigger ho than the one's that used to come out with The Goddfather on his Ho Train, word to Vince McMahon.

- Ran into her at Coachella 2010, she maintained we were still "Just Friends". I didn't. Harsh words were exchanged.

- She came home from Canada a couple months ago. We caught up, I got drunk and said some things / called her things that would give George Carlin the 

- Pretty sure she hates my guts 

So NT, my question for you is:

Should I apologize or keep it moving? I feel like I'm in the right, because to quote Ice Cube, "The term b----. don't apply to all women, but all women got a little b---- in them."

Pics (only cos I know no one will help without pics)

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In b4 "Get a blog bro", "Get over it bro", " Cool story bro", "LOL. Didn't read bro", "Be more alpha bro", "There's plenty more fish in the sea bro", "You dun goofed bro", "She's not even worth it bro"

P.S. If you read it all, you get +1 Bro Points.
Originally Posted by FullTech

how old are you, OP?
I'm 22 homie.
NOTE to those entering the game late, I'm not trying to get with this girl anymore or set something up, even though it doesn't sound like that. It's just that mama raised me right and taught me not to burn bridges. That's why I was thinking about apologizing.
U got drunk and let your inner thoughts be heard out loud I mean u can apologize and blame it on the liquor.
Normally I don't condone disrespecting a female but based on your side of the events it sounds like she was playing unnecessary games with you so just keep it moving
If you wanna smash: Apologize, blame your actions on the alcohol but tell her that your true feelings came out also. Tell her that you 2 don't keep running into each other by chance & maybe we should explore our true feelings. Grab her hand & say "We both are holding back our true feelings due to fear of rejection but I'm willing to take that chance and look like a fool. Why? Because you're worth it (say her name)" After that, look her dead in the eye & go in for the real thing.

95% gic
keep it moving and on to the next one

associating with that broad will be trouble
You could apologize for all of the cursing and name calling, even though she deserved it.

Let it be known that you really are tired of all the running around and indecisiveness that she's bringing into your world, and make that $#%*& make up her mind.
Let me get my Bro points, but straight up leave that chick alone. She wants attention and when no one else gives it to her you're her go to guy. I'll put anything on the fact that after a while she will try to hear you out.
Originally Posted by vezon

That sturdy chin
and humor is not your strong point, fam.

   Not at all
 Post would been about 5 sentences without all them corny @*! "jokes"

& the chick is busted... I dont really see what your askin here broham
that....that....chin...it's remarkable....sooo......sturdy.

I'd like to tell you to keep it moving but I remember how I was at 22 and your not gonna do that....your gonna get drunk again one night and hook up with this broad and be ashamed to make another girl problem thread that you'll probably just *!+% things up worse than they are now.

Girls is maintaining your just friends, yet you probably spilled your guts about how you feel about her so the best thing to do is disappear for a while. Then re-emerge as a man and when you see her and she pops off with the b.s. just be like your grown now and you know what you want and if she ain't bout it she gotta go.

gotta be bout it bout it like no limit.
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