Apparently I'm gay for checking out how men dress

Sep 1, 2009
when guys go out they look bummy as hell? This obviously doesn't count for all situations but some of these college dudes I don't know. When you go outto a party/club wouldn't you want to look fresh? Cargo shorts and a tournament tee isn't cutting it. I know dudes aren't women. We don't go andget a new all purpose outfit every weekend but how hard is it to look decent when you go out? I'm not the flyest dude at all but I make sure I have a fewbutton downs in the closet just in case I decide to hit the town. I'm not trying to start a race war but its always the white dudes that come out likethis.
I'm black, so I can't speak for who I'm not, but the guys you see probably just lack a sense of style.

You by yourself on this one my man.

The reason I buy clothes is for when I go out.
im white and dress nice... i mean- i guess i kinda get what ur saying. surfer dudes maybe? but really idk whatcha talkin bout. sounds crazy like eatin gritsand carrot sticks and drinking wine with it.
this is me

I'll wear a flannel with nike leisure pants like it's nothin

that's not an indication of where my fashion sense is tho, my closet is mean, i just don't care most of the time to try
It's because some guys don't have to try hard to pull tail. I can go out anywhere with just jeans and a t-shirt and it's not hard to seal the dealwith a female. Obviously that isn't the case for you OP.
it don't matter... unless you trying to holla at them lol

if they dress bummy more kudos to you, cuz then girls will be paying more attention to you rather than them
What's wrong with cargo shorts and a tournament tee?

Seriously, that's about as much as I'll get dressed up unless it is a real formal occasion. I just don't like "dressing nice" period.
In party situations I usually do the minimal esp when it comes to kicks cuz ppl step on my feet all the time
From the legs up I dont go all out but i dont go bummy
but then again its relative
I couldn't really tell you what other guys wear because I'm heterosexual and do not take much notice in such things...
No racism but college white dudes don't give a damn what they wear. I used to feel overdressed around some of my white friends. It doesn't stop anyonefrom bagging girls in college, do whatever works for you an dress however you feel comfortable and confident.
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