Apparently I'm gay for checking out how men dress

When i originally read/skimmed OP's post I thought it was a chick
And Anton a girl in my Social Science class said the exact same thing cause she transferred from a predominantly White school to a HBCU (Where I go BTW)
Its probably true on some levels
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

No racism but college white dudes don't give a damn what they wear. I used to feel overdressed around some of my white friends. It doesn't stop anyone from bagging girls in college, do whatever works for you an dress however you feel comfortable and confident.
cargos and a hoody. Used to piss me the hell off wheni'd look outside to determine the temperature off what people were wearing.
You eventually join in though at be at breakfast in bball shorts and slippers.
Those dudes are probably getting laid regardless so they figure what the hell. Not to mention the way they grew up might have something to do with it. Thosedudes you speak of might not listen to rap as their main choice of music as opposed to someone who does. They aren't socially conditioned to look fresh tohave success with women.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

No racism but college white dudes don't give a damn what they wear. I used to feel overdressed around some of my white friends. It doesn't stop anyone from bagging girls in college, do whatever works for you an dress however you feel comfortable and confident.


Based on your s/n OP, I think you're referring to white frat parties or white clubs.

I've been to a few white parties while in college and most white dudes I've seen do not care nearly as much about their gear then their black counterparts. If you go to black frat party dressed like a bum, it's a different story.

The culture extends to going to class. I've been on campus at HBCUs and guys and girls always dress out like it's HS. But at my predominantly whitecollege, you'll see females in class with sweat pants, oversized t-shirts, no make-up, etc. Dudes dont care neither.

I think it finally hit me when I was ironing my clothes to go out and my white room mate was like "why are you ironing your shirt?"

I was like
. Because I'm going out in public?

My post is a sweeping generalization. You always have outliers in the population. However, yall have to admit most of what I said is true.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

No racism but college white dudes don't give a damn what they wear. I used to feel overdressed around some of my white friends. It doesn't stop anyone from bagging girls in college, do whatever works for you an dress however you feel comfortable and confident.
cargos and a hoody. Used to piss me the hell off when i'd look outside to determine the temperature off what people were wearing.
You eventually join in though at be at breakfast in bball shorts and slippers.
The thing is they are probably bagging as many chicks as the people who dress up nice. What it really comes down to is how well you socialize.
all i know is that when its hot as hell outside im trying to be and feel comfortable, i could care less about going hard to look dressed perfectly, the sameapplys in the morning when im still extra tired and to lazy to get ready.

for the most part ill still pull regardless when talking to women because i have good social skills, and my breath don't stink.
it depends on the outing. its like this, if its an outdoor thing and its warm out, shorts and a tee shirt may very well be whats coming out.

sounds like you are talking about college party's too, a place where i definitely would NOT dress up at, where they do that at?!!?

that said i have rotations for every thing, from full out suits, sport coats, designer items, leathers, and yes, even cargo shorts .
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

I couldn't really tell you what other guys wear because I'm heterosexual and do not take much notice in such things...

Qft. This aint high school bro
lol at dudes saying they dont take notice of how other guys because theyre straight. **** with that mess. im sure most of you dudes were breaking your ownnecks when you saw someone rocking a pair of rare jordans a few years back.
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