Apple Question

Dec 4, 2003
I'm A college grad, I only use my computer for Internet surfing, and music download...

Currently on PC but switching to MAC...would I be stupid to buy a ibook 3g for $180, dude in my building is sellin it.

Used MacBooks are goin for about $550, Is MacBook worth it for basic surfing or would i be okay in ibook?

Either way I'm sure the ibook is a huge upgrade from the Dell Inspirion that I've had for 4years! LOL
I'm A college grad, I only use my computer for Internet surfing, and music download...

Currently on PC but switching to MAC...would I be stupid to buy a ibook 3g for $180, dude in my building is sellin it.

Used MacBooks are goin for about $550, Is MacBook worth it for basic surfing or would i be okay in ibook?

Either way I'm sure the ibook is a huge upgrade from the Dell Inspirion that I've had for 4years! LOL
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