Are you aggressive or passive when it comes to getting at females ?

Sep 5, 2012
Looking at the TAY I see a lot of dudes worrying about the next dude and how he gets at a chick.I for one am passive.

This isn't about thirst, it's just about the way you try to get at most if your females.

I sometimes talk to random chicks and go hard, but for the most part I like to wait and see before I attack. Check your vibe before I approach.


Millions of fish in the sea. Strike out with one and its on to the next. Never "thirsty", never aggressive. Learned how to play the game and keep them guessing.

Plus time is valuable. If I get the, "she's going to make me work for it" vibe I slowly ween contact until there is no more contact.
It depends on what I'm trying to do. If I'm just trying to hit it once I'm aggressive, but if I'm trying to keep them on the roster long term then I'm passive. Chicks love when you pay them no mind :lol: treat them regular probably deny the box one time and they'll be on you for a good minute
Been too aggressive lately, Now I'm going the passive route and just stop showing any interest.
I don't get at them they get at me

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Passive most of the time. Rarely aggressive.

Lost girls bc of it, gained girls bc of it.
Super passive. I'm more likely to ask a question in class than to ask the girl next to me to explain it.
I'd describe myself as more aloof than passive, lots of blown opportunities :smh: but I manage so never really bothered to change anything
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I'm aggressive until they show interest and then I become super passive.

It's hilarious how well it has not worked out for me.

It's like once I know a chick wants it I just lose interest in her.
It depends on her vibe. I'm hot/cold. I Be sweet, then an assholio, then ignore, then nice again. Chics think they know me, but I prove otherwise
passive aggressive.......most of the time I am passive, unless there is an opportune time to get at the chick without too many c-blockers, then I am much more aggressive.....but I'm picky anyway, has to be a chick that fits my standards, definitely not most hood rats. :lol:
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