the biddies tell me have nice thick hair, and i look native American, but since when is it cool to be that?

hopefully this gym thing works out, im trying to get toned up

So I've been told since I've been little. Gained 12lbs since being laid off in Oct though and I'm not happybout that. Gained most of the weight in my face and belt line. Bout to start hitting the gym next week!
No, but my cars are
I'm a grimey +!+ beast not giving a ++$+ about looks or the attractiveness.. Imma dirty muthaeffnisha
im chinese, 6'2 and 180 pounds. u do the math and tell me if u think im attractive.
yea i think im fairly attractive, not anything special or anything like that tho

but i do need to get back in the gym & get my physique back up to par
girls say I am, personally I don't see it but that's just me.

actually I was thinking about this earlier, I'd choose a girl over me(obviously) because females are more attractive overall, but in the grand scheme ofthings I must be an attractive-yet-ugly guy.

don't mind me, I'm just watching this Cuse/UConn game avoiding my homework
On certain days i think i'm so fly i diddy bop so hard just looking through everybody. Other days i'm like damn, i should hit the gym.
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