Are you living, existing, or surviving?

Good topic, I'm playing catch up though because up until a few months ago I was just existing. I consider it in-between existing and living (it up).
Surviving broke me, so im numb, just existing, apathetic to most things, even living. I would love to live.
Barely surviving. I can only hope for days when I'm actually able to "live" for once. But, I'm doing what I can and the fact that I'm even able to write this means I still have it better than a lot of people.
OP, are you talking about mentally or financially? I'm assuming you're meaning mentally...
alot of people waste youth and life on "waiting for their real lives to begin" no matter what it is I'm doing I'm living
"...i'm tryna live it to the limit and love it a lot" though.
right now i'd say existing, trying to up that to living though, before i wouldnt even try, but things just dont work like that, if you want something you HAVE to try 
Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

Been dying since the day I was born.
But on the bright side, this is the oldest I've ever been.

haha dope man.

but i feel like im tryin to leave this "existing" S!!! behind and begin living.
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