Are you pro life or pro choice?

pro life or pro choice

  • pro life

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • pro choice

    Votes: 28 96.6%

  • Total voters
My homie growin up told me he did a alcohol abortion before. Story sounded nuts and I wasnt sure I fully believed him. But i guess this is an actual thing.

Somebody said to add a ticker to show a thread is lit. Im thinking like a flame Icon next to thread title would do. So to activate, within the thread, next to "post a reply" at least 5 people gotta hit the flame button for it to appear next to the thread title in the general thread listings. Maybe a max of 3 can appear when 15 unique users activate the lit button. This would represent a top thread. Maybe this could keep it pinned for 6 hours atop the thread listing. But other than that, I think it would be a useful tool to illicit more user engagement and responses (=more add money) @Methodical Management
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Maybe looking back I shouldn't responded with gifs

I was honestly shocked and kinda disgusted at what one boy said about the abortions. And I'm not the biggest Steezy fan but the sterile shots were OD

But I literally jumped outta my seat reading dem joints
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Pro-Choice but I believe the father should have a say in the matter.

If there is a parent willing to take care of the child, then the mom needs to woman up and carry out with the pregnancy so the responsible parent can raise him. There are two parents. The decision shouldn't be solely on the mother.

Also believe abortions are morally wrong, but it's the lesser of two evils if the other option is forcing the kid to grow up, in an already overpopulated world, with unfit parents who don't want him. So that's why I'm pro-choice despite it being foul to me.
lol at tagging Meth in here so he can see what took place. Some warnings will be sent out by Sunset.
fam bragging about his abortion count is pitiful. sheesh...
Some of you dudes are foul with the personal attacks man. I know KSteezy deserves everything that comes his way, but at some point you can go to far man. Not cool yall
Pro choice up to the end of the first trimester

After the first trimester I'd only allow it cases of rape (significantly more emotional trauma so it makes choosing harder for some) and in cases where the life of the mother is in danger
My homie growin up told me he did a alcohol abortion before. Story sounded nuts and I wasnt sure I fully believed him. But i guess this is an actual thing.

Somebody said to add a ticker to show a thread is lit. Im thinking like a flame Icon next to thread title would do. So to activate, within the thread, next to "post a reply" at least 5 people gotta hit the flame button for it to appear next to the thread title in the general thread listings. Maybe a max of 3 can appear when 15 unique users activate the lit button. This would represent a top thread. Maybe this could keep it pinned for 6 hours atop the thread listing. But other than that, I think it would be a useful tool to illicit more user engagement and responses (=more add money) @Methodical Management
Stuart little in the building.
Some people really dont deserve the ability to have kids man. If you cant be responsible with that **** 
Pro choice up to the end of the first trimester

After the first trimester I'd only allow it cases of rape (significantly more emotional trauma so it makes choosing harder for some) and in cases where the life of the mother is in danger

No incest exception brah?
Somebody said to add a ticker to show a thread is lit. Im thinking like a flame Icon next to thread title would do. So to activate, within the thread, next to "post a reply" at least 5 people gotta hit the flame button for it to appear next to the thread title in the general thread listings. Maybe a max of 3 can appear when 15 unique users activate the lit button. This would represent a top thread. Maybe this could keep it pinned for 6 hours atop the thread listing. But other than that, I think it would be a useful tool to illicit more user engagement and responses (=more add money) @Methodical Management

Somebody need to add a ticker to show a chick is pregnant. Im thinkin like a growth icon next to her number would do. So when 7th mile gets a text or call from a chick hell know how far along she is.
A seed icon would represent pregnant. And a sprout would represent a couple weeks. [COLOR=#red]@GOD[/COLOR]
My homie growin up told me he did a alcohol abortion before. Story sounded nuts and I wasnt sure I fully believed him. But i guess this is an actual thing.

Somebody said to add a ticker to show a thread is lit. Im thinking like a flame Icon next to thread title would do. So to activate, within the thread, next to "post a reply" at least 5 people gotta hit the flame button for it to appear next to the thread title in the general thread listings. Maybe a max of 3 can appear when 15 unique users activate the lit button. This would represent a top thread. Maybe this could keep it pinned for 6 hours atop the thread listing. But other than that, I think it would be a useful tool to illicit more user engagement and responses (=more add money) @Methodical Management
 Funniest low-key snitching I have seen in a while on here.
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