Are you pro life or pro choice?

pro life or pro choice

  • pro life

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • pro choice

    Votes: 28 96.6%

  • Total voters
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yup that's Russ and Dre. Always shooting the club up even with the safety on.
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yeah, because all children put up for adoption get adopted.
My mom's use to be a foster parent. And alot of those kids that get adopted end up back in the system and damn did they have stories to tell. Of being molested, beaten, raped u name it I heard it. One chick marquitta was with a family, they adopted her, then the husband started raping her. The wife even knew and use to tell her she better not tell or he would beat em both.
My mom's use to be a foster parent. And alot of those kids that get adopted end up back in the system and damn did they have stories to tell. Of being molested, beaten, raped u name it I heard it. One chick marquitta was with a family, they adopted her, then the husband started raping her. The wife even knew and use to tell her she better not tell or he would beat em both.
Pretty much sums up the foster system
a lot of foster parents take the kids in for the government check

I have experience with foster parents and while some mean well, there are A LOT of scum out there
My mom's use to be a foster parent. And alot of those kids that get adopted end up back in the system and damn did they have stories to tell. Of being molested, beaten, raped u name it I heard it. One chick marquitta was with a family, they adopted her, then the husband started raping her. The wife even knew and use to tell her she better not tell or he would beat em both.

I spent a few weeks in a group home, and went to a middle school that had a buncha group homes sending kids there...

that **** is terrible, man.
"Another one on the house [emoji]128526[/emoji]" and "Last but not least" have me genuinely wheezing right now son :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That post is like a Spirit Bomb of Rustles tailored for Steezy.

I don't even know how to feel after reading that ****. On topic though: I'm completely Pro-choice.
Oh my god, b... I'm screaming!
Those who are for abortion can be so because they weren't aborted just sayin. The only reason for an abortion in my opinion is if the girl was raped and even then she can have the kid then give it up for adoption as there are plenty of females who can't have children.
Those who are for abortion can be so because they weren't aborted just sayin. The only reason for an abortion in my opinion is if the girl was raped and even then she can have the kid then give it up for adoption as there are plenty of females who can't have children.
you go get raped, go thru an entire pregnancy, give birth then just give your biological child away for adoption...

just as simple as buying a pack of gum.

I'm pro life. You have a choice to go in there raw or to allow someone in you raw. You also have the choice to pull out or send them babies off in other orifices. He has a choice to get the snip so he can shoot up any club at any time. She has the choice for several different types of Bc. So if you have gone past all those choices, especially the one where you choose who to sex on, don't take away the chances of another because of your own agenda.

The only time I think it's fair is rape. I can't think of any other circumstances at this time.
I'm pro life. You have a choice to go in there raw or to allow someone in you raw. You also have the choice to pull out or send them babies off in other orifices. He has a choice to get the snip so he can shoot up any club at any time. She has the choice for several different types of Bc. So if you have gone past all those choices, especially the one where you choose who to sex on, don't take away the chances of another because of your own agenda.

The only time I think it's fair is rape. I can't think of any other circumstances at this time.
You paying for everybody's vasectomy's fam? :nerd:

Also :lol: @ taking away other ppl's chances for their agenda. Lets ignore the part where you're forcing somebody to be a parent and they may not be fit for it AT ALL.
Those who are for abortion can be so because they weren't aborted just sayin. The only reason for an abortion in my opinion is if the girl was raped and even then she can have the kid then give it up for adoption as there are plenty of females who can't have children.

You aren't the brightest bulb in the box are you?
Those who are for abortion can be so because they weren't aborted just sayin. The only reason for an abortion in my opinion is if the girl was raped and even then she can have the kid then give it up for adoption as there are plenty of females who can't have children.
who repped this 
What's that move called in wrestling where they sneak up from behind someone and give them like an uppercut between the legs but they use their bicep to smash their nuts?
You paying for everybody's vasectomy's fam? :nerd:

Also :lol: @ taking away other ppl's chances for their agenda. Lets ignore the part where you're forcing somebody to be a parent and they may not be fit for it AT ALL.

Hell naww I'm not paying. I didn't pay for one myself, but I had a mean pull out game.

I'm not forcing people to be parents. There is always adoption.

Just see it this way, it takes one go getter *** sperm to make it out of all of them that get shot. If that one can make it, don't kill it because you're "not ready". Take care of your body and find someone that does want to be a parent.
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You paying for everybody's vasectomy's fam? :nerd:

Also :lol: @ taking away other ppl's chances for their agenda. Lets ignore the part where you're forcing somebody to be a parent and they may not be fit for it AT ALL.

Hell naww I'm not paying. I didn't pay for one myself, but I had a mean pull out game.

I'm not forcing people to be parents. There is always adoption.

Just see it this way, it takes one go getter *** sperm to make it out of all of them that get shot. If that one can make it, don't kill it because you're "not ready". Take care of your body and find someone that does want to be a parent.
You just saying there's always adoption and have absolutely no knowledge what it's like to be a child waiting to be adopted or to end up in foster care. So stop suggesting that on a whim like it's an easy option.

Exactly why should any female bring a child to term just to give it away? You paying for their therapy? You curing their possible depression or pptsd?

If the sperm was really a go getter, it'd survive the abortion. You talking about the process of an embryo like it has skin in the game. Having children is a choice. science has advanced to the point where even after impregnating a chick it's not oh well she's pregnant can't do nothing about it.

These arguments are too poor to past muster man.
we have sperm breaking through condoms like Von Miller through the O line at a 50% rate and we talking about taking care of the go getters?

millennial sperm man... they just want everything handed to them 
Damn every post you talking about my money Zik. Whats good??? Nah, I can't reach that many people. Some births don't happen for whatever reason. I'm just personally against it. Why shouldn't a female carry the baby? She helped make it. If you're not up to be a parent, there are plenty of people out here that would love to be but can't. I'd rather be alive than non-existent. You? Any of our moms in here could've easily made that decision.

we have sperm breaking through condoms like Von Miller through the O line at a 50% rate and we talking about taking care of the go getters?

millennial sperm man... they just want everything handed to them 

don't buy cheap rubbers, pull out, go in her mouf...there are choices B.
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Damn every post you talking about my money Zik. Whats good???Nah, I can't reach that many people.
:lol: I'm just saying there are no easy options when you're saying the baby should be had. We aint living in a universal healthcare country. Nobody is paying the female's doctor appointments and checkups. In instances where the woman does not want to have child the pro choice ppl are gonna have to monitor that. Yall gonna have to make sure they're eating right, not drinking, getting rest, not doing drugs, etc. When it comes to every instance you not gonna know what sort of ppl you'll be dealing with talking about just have the baby and give it up for adoption.

If we lived in a world where it was like that I doubt have the babies would come out healthy.

Then there's the mother's health post-birth. There's more to it.

Some births don't happen for whatever reason. I'm just personally against it. Why shouldn't a female carry the baby? She helped make it.
That's the problem. You're making it personal. We're talking about laws governing females bodies all across this nation. It's time to be logical not emotional.

If you're not up to be a parent, there are plenty of people out here that would love to be but can't. I'd rather be alive than non-existent. You? Any of our moms in here could've easily made that decision.
That's the thing though. There aren't plenty of qualified ppl out there that would love to adopt. That aint really as true as you think it is. Lot of picky individuals.

You asked what I think was a dumb question. Why shouldn't the female carry the baby? Why should she? Especially if she helped make it? If anything isn't that the decision of the two ppl that helped make it? At the least hers? It is the female's body we're talking about, not yours. You're talking about forcing them to do something they don't want to do. Taking away their rights and choices claiming the unborn's trumps theirs.

As for this it could've been anyone of us talk. Yeah it could, so what? If it happened to me I wouldn't be here and you'd be having this convo with everybody else. Nobody asks to be born in to this world b.

Also I wouldn't mind trying out non-existence. Sounds interesting.
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This is a non issue for a couple of reasons. 1) Most people who are pro-choice understand that not every situation is applicable to such a blanket belief and that others are free to do what they want. 2) Roe V Wade will never be overturned, so while yes, states can make it more difficult to have an abortion, it will never be illegal again. 

I tend to be pro choice, only because I am not a female and refuse to choose a politician based on a decision I will never make. Just my 2 cent$
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