Are you pro life or pro choice?

pro life or pro choice

  • pro life

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • pro choice

    Votes: 28 96.6%

  • Total voters
I have never understood this debate, since when is "choice" the opposite of "life?"

If you are pro fetus destruction, all the power to you, just own the truth of what you are supporting.
I dont think you should be able to choose if you just dont WANT the child.

Plenty of people think they dont want children and later have a change of heart once the child is born.
pro-life is a misnomer, ask a pro-lifer if they are willing to raise that child. 

These are also usually the same people that cut government funding for resources for assisting said child. 
aspects of certain peoples politics always amazes me in this regard..

heavy pro life and religious values on the one hand.. and then pro war, fight for 2nd amendment fights after mass school shootings, anti-immigrants, anti social services and basically anti-poor or minorities on the other

I get if a religious person is pro life.. but I would assume they would also be against violence and guns.. and would be accepting of the poor and sick and generally be willing to help out the less fortunate of society
My family is religious so it will always be pro-life for me. Here's the catch, that only applies to my own seeds. As far as the general population I'm indifferent on the matter. Y'all want to get abortions? I ain't mad at ya

I'm not religious but I share the view, while I'm pro choice, I would not abort my own child unless there was harm to the mother
What if someone gets raped?
Doesn't matter. 2 wrongs still dont make a right.

Rape imo is the worst crime possible. Bearing a child and having a walking reminder of the animal that commited this crime must be brutally painful at times, using my limited imagination. So someone who does choose to bear the child exhibits and enormous amount of courage, strength, (maybe forgiveness), enough to maybe surmount the pain and
anguish caused by the act.

Life is life,... and it is a beautiful thing. A beautiful thing or positive outcome can be birthed from pain.
View media item 1925995Miss PA 2014, Valerie Gatto- born of rape

When Miss Pennsylvania 2014, Valerie Gatto, was 10-years-old she found out that she had been conceived by rape. Gatto’s mother was 19-years-old when she was raped at knifepoint. When Gatto was in the third grade her mother told her, “Something bad happened to me. A very bad man hurt me, but God gave me you.” Today, Gatto is an advocate for sexual assault awareness, traveling the country to talk to women about how to protect themselves against violence and sexual aggression. When on The Today Show she said, “I believe God put me here for a reason: to inspire people, to encourage them, to give them hope that everything is possible and you can’t let your circumstances define your life.”
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It's my opinion and it will never change. Murder is wrong no matter intent.
Will I kill a burgalr to protect my fam? Yes. Am I doing something wrong? Yes. I'll eat it. Abortion isnt protection of life. The lack of protection lead the situation in the first place. Murderding a baby isn't protecting anyone's life (maybe quality of, but thats not this discussion)
I have a totally different perspective on life than most people. I am comfortable with it.

Im not shocked at your surprise. If this dude can be pro choice, than anyone can
View media item 1926028Jessie Jackson - born of (statutory) rape.
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get the F out of here telling a woman she has to have a child after being raped

This, dat male privilege is real.

Easy for pro-lifers to say because they have no responsibility in birthing and raising that child. If you are a pro-lifer and don't have any foster children ****.
not true. Some of these victims have fathers, and families that have to step in for support since the mother is single and wasn't planning their life to have a child at that time. Its not always a dolo single woman situation
You just said killing someone in self defense to protect your family is wrong. Just think about that for a minute.
Its justified. But the act still wrong. I wont get convicted of course by any court, but extinguishing life is not mine to do. I would do it with a quickness tho, to preserve life. But the rules dont change because I want them too. Just the consequences can change.
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Its justified. But the act still wrong. I wont get convicted of course by any court, but extinguishing life is not mine to do. I would do it with a quickness tho, to preserve life. But the rules dont change because I want them too. Just the consequences can change.

Right a life is not yours to take but part of said rules allow you to kill if necessary to protect yourself from being killed in which case it isn't wrong. That's why it's called a kill and not a murder.
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not true. Some of these victims have fathers, and families that have to step in for support since the mother is single and wasn't planning their life to have a child at that time. Its not always a dolo single woman situation

what? :lol:

you really think like this?
not true. Some of these victims have fathers, and families that have to step in for support since the mother is single and wasn't planning their life to have a child at that time. Its not always a dolo single woman situation

Yea I'm sure a man with the moral barometer of a rapist is going to make a great father.

There's no way to predict this :lol:

Im talking the victims family

Again like someone said there's also the emotional toll of having said child. You literally have no say in this matter, this shouldn't even be up for debate. And like I said if you are a pro-lifer I will only give credence to your opinion if you have adopted children. Pro-lifers politically are also usually the most conservative when it comes to helping others.

I do plan on adopting when my kids get older. I 'll go for the older ones that no one want. Get some acres and teach em learn agriculture, build some nice out door structures to play in, ride atvs...Me and the wife discussed this long ago. Cant speak for other pro-lifers
not true. Some of these victims have fathers, and families that have to step in for support since the mother is single and wasn't planning their life to have a child at that time. Its not always a dolo single woman situation

what? :lol:

you really think like this?
It happens all the time. (Hypo)Your daughter get raped then you gonna be by her side to comfort, console, and support.
SHe gon do what she wants with the baby regardless off your advice. You gonna
disown her if she keeps it???
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If your daughter got raped, would you accept it and have her keep the child and you help her raise it?

Easy to talk that talk from a distance
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