Asian Men Turning Red When Drinking

Check the NY times science article from Tuesday on this. Says it means that Asians and others who turn red when they drink have an increased chance at throatcancer. And the reason thye do turn red is a warning sign that you shouldn't be drinking because the lack of some genetic enzyme/hormone. Can'tremember exactly because I read it on Tuesday but check it out.
I feel bad for you pale skin asians.
My Japanese side suppresses it but when I drink Vodka, it comes out in patches. BUt I am a pretty tan dude so it isn't that bad.

Just don't get pulled over when you look like that. My homeboy has a beer and he gets flustered, and he's not even drunk.....but who is going tobelieve him when he looks like a tomato.
yep, it happens to me...i !+!*+$ hate it too!!!!!!!!!

i've started popping like 2-3 pepcid AC's like 20-30 minutes before starting to drink and it helps pretty well.

i'm white btw, so it's not just an asian thing.
Asians/Indians weren't meant to drink , so why do it ?

Your system is reacting to it , but you guys are steadily trying ...

Originally Posted by NT OG

That's your gene...ALDH1.

Your body doesn't want you drinking that stuff man.

I'm Asian and I don't turn red though.
Yup blame your parents/relatives/etc for your recessive alcohol dehydrogenase gene
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Asians/Indians weren't meant to drink , so why do it ?

Your system is reacting to it , but you guys are steadily trying ...

I really hope you are still in high school

and kudos for stereotyping people
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Asians/Indians weren't meant to drink , so why do it ?

Your system is reacting to it , but you guys are steadily trying ...


Ignorance. Not all Asians/Indians lack the enzyme.
I'm probably the palest, most translucent Chinese guy one will meet but I don't turn red at all because of alcohol. The parents get flushed after asingle glass of wine though haha
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Asians/Indians weren't meant to drink , so why do it ?

Your system is reacting to it , but you guys are steadily trying ...


go die
Thats funny they also get drunk fast. My Asian boy drank one Smirnoff Ice drink and was red as hell, telling everyone he was tipsy. Although I dont drink tosee how it feels, everyone in the party said no one get drunk off of 1 Smirnoff.
Well I know for Indians , Alcohol is poison for their body .

Like I know that I'm allergic to strawberries ... &nd I'm not supposed to eat them .

I get Hives from eating them ...

But I try to take Antibiotics before eating them , it works but it shouldn't be done because my body is have a reaction to them .

It wasn't meant ...
Well I know for Indians , Alcohol is poison for their body .
....Alcohol is poison for every human being.

Like I know that I'm allergic to strawberries ... &nd I'm not supposed to eat them .
I get Hives from eating them ...
But I try to take Antibiotics before eating them , it works but it shouldn't be done because my body is have a reaction to them .
You should not be taking antibiotics...they have no effect on your allergies.

so...using your own "logic"....what makes you different from "Asians/Indians?"
you're doing something that you weren't meant to do... but yet you still do it
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Well I know for Indians , Alcohol is poison for their body .
....Alcohol is poison for every human being.

Like I know that I'm allergic to strawberries ... &nd I'm not supposed to eat them .
I get Hives from eating them ...
But I try to take Antibiotics before eating them , it works but it shouldn't be done because my body is have a reaction to them .
You should not be taking antibiotics...they have no effect on your allergies.

so...using your own "logic"....what makes you different from "Asians/Indians?"
you're doing something that you weren't meant to do... but yet you still do it
I never said I did that , I said that was a comparison , &nd it wouldn't make sense to do it .

Before I knew I was allergic to strawberries though , I ate them , broke out &nd took Benadryl (I didn't mean antibiotics).

But if I was to do that (eat strawberries &nd hurry up &nd take medicine), that wouldn't be good for my system because my body is reacting to itfor a reason .

My teacher was telling me that Alcohol has bad effects on Indians though ... but that's just what I heard .
I'm asian (Thai) and I turn red from one drink

And I'm the only one out of all my homies. I mostly kick it with Cambodians though and they dark as ****.
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