Asian On Asian Racism? Have You Experienced Or Witnessed It?

Basically it goes like this, the more "white" you look the "better" you are. That pretty much sums up everything. Asians can be extremely prejudice even against themselves. This new Asian American generation is completely disowning their own heritage :lol:
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What's up with Korean people and Christianity. They go so hard over here. Is it like that in Korea or is it just a really visible minority here? Would the "average" Korean person be interested in converting or is it just a fixed subset of people and their lineage/community?

What's up with Korean people and Christianity. They go so hard over here. Is it like that in Korea or is it just a really visible minority here? Would the "average" Korean person be interested in converting or is it just a fixed subset of people and their lineage/community?
I thought they were Budhist.
I still haven't and I will never understand the inherent and deeply rooted prejudice/fear for more melanated peoples around the world...
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They like that k-pop music though. Seems like most of those music artists have gotten surgery to not look ugly.

Dont mean anything. Asians like rap music despite not caring much for black people (talking fotb asians not americanized ones)

Hell K-Pop sounds like rap to me

You can see the black culturehip-hop influence

Two of the guys in that video are japanese videos.
Then I look at some Asians....

Don't front like you don't have black ancestry. The **** is clear as day from the eyes, to the lips. 

Race thread taking off...


Check out African Presence in Early Asia by Dr. Runoko Rashidi. 
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Yeah, but it's usually the older generation.
There is a good amount of youngsters who have this mentality too. Just go to youtube and type in "korea vs japan soccer game" and look at the comments.
This is nothing new. Happens with all walks of life. Look at the White people. They hate on Jews, Polish. Scottish and Irish hate eachother. Look at the Latinos. Mexicans treat Salvadorans like shhhh. They all hate eachother. Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, so forth. Blacks, Asians whoever, they all have to dehumanize someone because that's human nature.
The Japanese screwed all of them. The Filipinos, Korean, Chinese. And a good part of why those ethnic groups still hate them is because The Japanese deny the atrocities they've commited and rewrote their history books. At least the Germans admitted to what they did and made their peace.
The Japanese have admitted to most of their war atrocities. Also, there is a small percent of Japanese history books that do not mention the second Sin-Japanese war in great detail. But for the most part, its all there. However, Japanese historians see things a lot differently than an American historian. Just like an American historians sees things differently compared to a Chinese historian.
Anything I can read about this? Or can you quickly tell us that don't know? What did they do?
Rape of Nanking is prob. what everyone is going to recommend. I also recommend a book called "Under the Black Umbrella."

In addition, you can just read Modern E. Asian history text book. I recommended historians Charles Holcombe and Andrew Gordon.
It was easier for the Germans to own up to it, because their actions were widely known. Not many people are familiar with some of the war crimes Japan committed.
Ummmm no.... Many people know about the Japanese empire. You're trying to make something complicated sound so simple...
Rape of Nanking is prob. what everyone is going to recommend. I also recommend a book called "Under the Black Umbrella."

In addition, you can just read Modern E. Asian history text book. I recommended historians Charles Holcombe and Andrew Gordon.

Ummmm no.... Many people know about the Japanese empire. You're trying to make something complicated sound so simple...

Its still pale in comparison to the amount of people who know about the holocaust and Nazi Germany (basically everyone).
I've experienced racism in the Philippines. Discrimination towards the aboriginies in the mountains due to their darker skin color. Smh.
Its still pale in comparison to the amount of people who know about the holocaust and Nazi Germany (basically everyone).
This is all politics.

The Japanese kill rate is way higher than the Nazis. Jews are White, the United States is owned by Jews. Is there more that needs to be said? And the US also protected The Japanese so it could gain more technological information. That's why the Japanese can do what they do.
This is all politics.

The Japanese kill rate is way higher than the Nazis. Jews are White, the United States is owned by Jews. Is there more that needs to be said? And the US also protected The Japanese so it could gain more technological information. That's why the Japanese can do what they do.

The US backed the Nazis for a long time too. Ford set up manufacturing plants for the Nazi, many american companies sold weapons, Boeing helped their Air Force with plane designs, one company even manufactured a new type of plastic for them. Doesnt mean the germans could deny what they did.
Then I look at some Asians....:nerd:

Don't front like you don't have black ancestry. The **** is clear as day from the eyes, to the lips. 

Race thread taking off...


Check out African Presence in Early Asia by Dr. Runoko Rashidi. 

There are some isolated villages in Asian and u would think that the natives there were black. Only reason they survived was because there wasn't easy access to them. Peeped this on Hidden Colors.
There are some isolated villages in Asian and u would think that the natives there were black. Only reason they survived was because there wasn't easy access to them. Peeped this on Hidden Colors.
I've read and seen a couple of documentaries on blacks in Asia. 

It's so much of history that goes untold. 
A lot of what's being said in this thread is pretty different than my experience growing up (in NYC Chinatown/SoHo area). (All things said below are my personal experience and should be taken with a grain of salt).

When people are saying that when you don't speak Chinese in a Chinese restaurant you get worse service in Chinatown?? Helllllll nah. I speak fluent Chinese and if I go with a bunch of Asian people I have to flag people's ***** down for every little thing. I noticed when I started going with my non-Asian friends waiters would come up to us all the time and asked if everything was okay. People seem to just revere white people more.

A lot of Chinese people don't like to help each other out (Japanese and Koreans help each other out a lot). I feel as though Chinese people don't have that unity and prefer being the only successful one out of group and like to stunt on each other.

Asian girls thinking white dudes are gems is one of the trillest things said in this thread. When I was younger this wasn't really the case, but now I'm 23, I have all these Asian girl friends that say **** like "It's not that I would never date an Asian guy, it's just that they are never good looking". Every time an Asian person dates out of the race people are like "Oh ****tttt nice nice nice", no matter how mediocre the person looks. Like one of my friends started dating this super mediocre dad bod 24 year old dude that looks like hes 35 and she thinks hes hot as **** (they met on Tinder).

I don't know how mainland Chinese people feel about other races, but I think Chinese people that immigrated to America generally don't hate other races. Cantonese people in Chinatown do feel some type of way towards Fujianese Chinese people though because they mass immigrated to NY and started crazy price wars in Chinese areas. I think a lot of the older generation still fear Black dudes though due to the media (and a lot of crime that was done in the 80's - 90's to Chinese shops outside of Chinatown were from Black dudes), but with our generation I don't think Chinese people really give a ****. 

Some older Chinese people still hate Japanese people, but of the hundreds of Chinese people in NY I know, only one has ever really said anything about it. I've been to Japan with my parents and they are cool with it, my dad actually used to work for the Japanese and knows some of the language.

Chinese Americans and Chinese immigrants love Korean ****, but Koreans hate everyone. I didn't really understand the differences between Asians until I was about 7, my mom used to always invite my Korean friend over to my house after school to play, but his mom would always decline and say he was busy. I found out from him later that the only reason he wasn't allowed over was cause his mom hates Chinese people.

But yeah, there's a lot of self-hate that Asian Americans have towards themselves cause of mass White media. I love myself though, no homo.


- Chinese people probably don't hate you

- Chinese people don't help each other out on the basis of being Chinese

- If you're White you get better service at Chinese restaurants than me

- Koreans hate everyone

- Lots of Asian Americans feti****e White folk
There are some isolated villages in Asian and u would think that the natives there were black. Only reason they survived was because there wasn't easy access to them. Peeped this on Hidden Colors.

I've read and seen a couple of documentaries on blacks in Asia. 

It's so much of history that goes untold. 

All a part of the plan of the man who's magnums stay baggy. They want so much for everyone to believe that they were the first race/culture/etc. Crazy thing is, Africa is the motherland, we all came from there, some left, others stayed. The ones that stayed traveled, were peaceful, shared knowledge and skills.

Then u have these other cats who travel, pillage, kill, rape, enslave, but then act like they did so much good for the world. "We bring you our God, who is from Africa, but he's not black, he looks like us."

I've read and seen a couple of documentaries on blacks in Asia. 

It's so much of history that goes untold. 

That's how it is for black people

Either history wipes us out completely (African roles in early asia/europe)

Or white people claim it as their own that it's the Middle East and not Africa as to discredit the continent (Egypt).
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I noticed SE Asians are seen as lessee than their Chinese, Korean, and Japanese counter parts, then some come to america and adopt the same prejudice they face towards blacks. All i can say is good luck with that battle. Most SE Asians I met were cool though i will say that.
Nah, you can't just let what Japan did go & let 'em openly deny facts.
There are still comfort women alive to this day, and Japan over here saying, "Comfort women? Nah, that was overblown, they were either prostitutes or women that really wanted 100+ train ran on them every day."
We're not talking a 1000 years ago, double digits.

We Asians always got something wild to say about other Asians.
I haven't read everything in this thread so mind me if I am repeating something.

The hate among the Asian community is no different than any other race. There are so many different categories that it's hard to overall say all Asians are racist. I am half Chinese and half Japanese but am pretty much 2nd generation since my parents came really young. I don't think racist is the word but I do get a lot of grief for not speaking either or language from more cultured Asians.

I also feel like there is a hierarchy system within Asians and even Pacific Islanders. I have heard some people think Cambodian, Filipino, Vietnamese, etc as the ghetto and more dumb Asians. Hell, I think most Koreans feel like they are the best Asians with the pride they have. But honestly I don't think this is any different then how it is in white culture and even black culture. This could even be a combination of both race and class. Some Asians (I wouldn't even say most) want the best and sometimes what they deem is the best is what white culture consist of. Anyways....I don't think there is a clear cut answer to this whole thing.
A lot of what's being said in this thread is pretty different than my experience growing up (in NYC Chinatown/SoHo area). (All things said below are my personal experience and should be taken with a grain of salt).

When people are saying that when you don't speak Chinese in a Chinese restaurant you get worse service in Chinatown?? Helllllll nah. I speak fluent Chinese and if I go with a bunch of Asian people I have to flag people's ***** down for every little thing. I noticed when I started going with my non-Asian friends waiters would come up to us all the time and asked if everything was okay. People seem to just revere white people more.

A lot of Chinese people don't like to help each other out (Japanese and Koreans help each other out a lot). I feel as though Chinese people don't have that unity and prefer being the only successful one out of group and like to stunt on each other.

Asian girls thinking white dudes are gems is one of the trillest things said in this thread. When I was younger this wasn't really the case, but now I'm 23, I have all these Asian girl friends that say **** like "It's not that I would never date an Asian guy, it's just that they are never good looking". Every time an Asian person dates out of the race people are like "Oh ****tttt nice nice nice", no matter how mediocre the person looks. Like one of my friends started dating this super mediocre dad bod 24 year old dude that looks like hes 35 and she thinks hes hot as **** (they met on Tinder).

I don't know how mainland Chinese people feel about other races, but I think Chinese people that immigrated to America generally don't hate other races. Cantonese people in Chinatown do feel some type of way towards Fujianese Chinese people though because they mass immigrated to NY and started crazy price wars in Chinese areas. I think a lot of the older generation still fear Black dudes though due to the media (and a lot of crime that was done in the 80's - 90's to Chinese shops outside of Chinatown were from Black dudes), but with our generation I don't think Chinese people really give a ****. 

Some older Chinese people still hate Japanese people, but of the hundreds of Chinese people in NY I know, only one has ever really said anything about it. I've been to Japan with my parents and they are cool with it, my dad actually used to work for the Japanese and knows some of the language.

Chinese Americans and Chinese immigrants love Korean ****, but Koreans hate everyone. I didn't really understand the differences between Asians until I was about 7, my mom used to always invite my Korean friend over to my house after school to play, but his mom would always decline and say he was busy. I found out from him later that the only reason he wasn't allowed over was cause his mom hates Chinese people.

But yeah, there's a lot of self-hate that Asian Americans have towards themselves cause of mass White media. I love myself though, no homo.


- Chinese people probably don't hate you

- Chinese people don't help each other out on the basis of being Chinese

- If you're White you get better service at Chinese restaurants than me

- Koreans hate everyone

- Lots of Asian Americans feti****e White folk
I think people need to realize why Koreans have so much bitterness towards other asians (particularly Chinese and Japanese).

Korea has always been the victim. Throughout all of  Korean history they were the victims and towards the Chosen period, Koreans had a mentality of always being a victim.

If Korea wasn't conquered/subjected to the Han Chinese, then it was the Jurchens. If it wasn't the Jurchens, it was the Mongols. If it wasn't the Mongols, it was back to the Han Chinese. If it wasn't the Hans, it was the Manchus. If it wasn't the manchus, it was the Japanese. Esp. during the Japanese colonization era where Korean culture was degraded to ashes.

Korea came to be one of the poorest country to one of the richest. Korea is the perfect example of an underdog story. A nation of people that were always seen as weak and inferior is now what almost every east asian country strives to be. Esp. S. Korea's economic growth in the 1960s and 70s.

I think this is the reason why Koreans have so much hate towards other asians. Koreans were always treated like **** from other asians in the past. Now that Korea is at top, and the others are at the bottom, why play nice?

Of course, this is just my view based on my knowledge and how I see things.
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As a Korean American I've experienced first hand the level of competition Koreans hold themselves to vs Asians and other Koreans, esp. when it comes to academia. Growing up my pops would drill in my head that Koreans are the best at everything, Korean products are the best, etc.

Also the resentment older Koreans have for the Japanese is quite real but I don't believe it's unwarranted. The hatred is different from racism that stems from the fear of the unknown, rather it comes from the history they know all too well.
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