Attraction between races.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I hate the black keys on a piano.

Meh...more for me.
I plan on taking my penis on a world tour and sex up women from all 4 corners of the earth.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Are there any racist implications when a person states that they don't find Black girls attractive? He's White, if that matters.

He says that, no matter what, he won't find a dark-skinned girl attractive.

Of course there are racist implications when you state that "[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]no matter what[/color]", you wont find a dark-skinned/black girl attractive.

Why--because an assertion like that communicates your unwillingness to see beyond color, in parallel with your relegation of those (more important) factors and characteristics which ultimately define a person; factors and characteristics like personality, intelligence, drive...etc.

Realize that, racism "is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race...". That said, if "dark skin" is the sole condition through which your friend gauges a woman's attractiveness, and more importantly--feminine worth, then he is either a racist, or an accomplice to racism via his perpetuation of skin based prejudice and discrimination.

I mean, the ishhh really aint rocket science; if I am expressing some level of antagonism towards you simply because of your skin color, then I am a racist. Why--because all I have done, and all I am doing, is reducing you to nothing but a "color". I've made a conscious effort to look past those intangibles which make you unique in this world of six billion plus people. To defend this kind of bias as nothing more than preference is both ignorant and highly irresponsible.
i thought i was the only one who caught the key words
Originally Posted by TheHavik

Meh...more for me.
I plan on taking my penis on a world tour and sex up women from all 4 corners of the earth.

the earth is round homie and i am very very minimally attracted to black girls. and not attracted to asians at all for me to think a black girl is hot she hasto be mixed...and has to look like beyonce. other than that its not really doing it for me the latinas at my school, mmmmmm
Don't know if I'm reading these responses the right way, but yeah, I know it's racist. I've been telling my friend that it'sracist; he's the one that's not buying it.
Naw, I wouldn't think so. If he acts a specific way when he's around them, like distancing himself, or making a face everytime he sees a black chick,then maybe there are racial implications there. But if dude just plain don't find them attractive, I'd say they just aren't his preference.

On a sidenote, and this kinda touches a different topic; my homie is black and dude says he can't date a brown or dark-skinned chick. Not only that, son isso into himself and sets light-skinned ppl so such a high standard, that he likes to think of himself as light-skinned. Dude is like Lil Duval'scomplexion.
If I got the wrong idea of light-skinned, plzcorrect me.

It's preference. Whoever told you it's racist is wrong. And I doubt under all circumstances he doesn't find atleast one attractive. There is alwaysan anomaly/exception.
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
if someone won;t date a girl cuz she's black, that;s racism.... period...
Originally Posted by iNiNe5

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
if someone won;t date a girl cuz she's black, that;s racism.... period...

See a duck call a duck.
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