Aye...What was your status in High School? Vol. Jock or Nerd

I was the quiet chubby shy girl back in hs, but since then I've totally changed and a lot of my classmates don't recognize me now.. I love it!!lol
Mostly, the lazy "popular" kid, I guess. I missed 120 days of high school and was late a lot when I did go. I only got suspended once, and it was fortoo many tardies.

I wasn't exactly a class clown, but I picked my spots to throw out that smartass one-liner every now and then.

Somehow, all of my teachers still loved me even though it was quite obvious that I could care less about being at school when I did actually show up. I supposeit was because I was still a pretty good kid.

I won Best Hair and came in second for Best Dressed.

Almost four years later, I'm still as lazy as ever, but I've changed a lot personality wise; I keep to myself and do my own thing these days. My bestfriends then are still my best friends now, but we don't see each other much; that's just how it goes.
Jock..with some hints of nerd that got along with pretty much everyone.

I'm mostly the same nowadays..just more laid back.
Pretty Boy/Athlete (Football, Basketball, Track, even did Lacrosse one season)

SGA President Junior and Senior Year threw the best H.S. parties and fundraisers.

Also had the GPA Swag on point (3.8-3.9 9th-12th) CM Classes FTW!!

Got along with everyone from nerds, to haters, to athletes, to all teachers

Voted Best Dressed, Class Flirt, Prom King,

Thanks to my older brothers that ran my High School when they were there I had basically immunity from the bullies

Going to High School in Maryland
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

PG County Public Schools FTW.
lol whered you go in pg?

i dont wanna toot my own horn but i was popular as hell ... played football and basketball ... i transferred to a new school my senior year so i had that new kid/fresh/mysterious persona and everyone loved me ... by the end of the year most everyone hated me cuz the newness wore off and i was just a kid from pg county going to school in uppity fairfax, va

if i could do it all over again i wouldnt be as much of a !%$$ ...

Frederick Douglass High School

Back then all you needed was a North Face and some Nike boots / Foamposites / 992's.
What year did you graduate from Douglass? I know a few people who went there..
I'm currently in high school and I'm a part of the cool kids division in high school, although I am cool with a few nerds. Jocks hate me for somereason. I guess it's cuz I'm baggin' more females than they are.
Popular cute guy(no ayo) guy who had the best gear, the guy who joked a lot, the flirt, and I got along with everyone, oh and ya boy was smart I slept throughhigh school LOL it was too easy
I went to a predominantly black and Hispanic high school.

Half nerd, half jock. Honors Student with a 3.85 GPA and active in Beta Club and FBLA. I was one of 9 Cum Laude graduates at my High School.

I was pretty much in between. Got along with everybody from the smart kids to the best/worst teachers to the not so smart students. Was voted most likely toget Crunk.
Definitely was not a nerd, GPA will speak on that...One of my guys said I was a cool lame cause everybody liked me but I didn't smoke or drink andcouldn't be out to the parties late

But trust me, the Js were always fresh and I kept some laughs going
-That kid with all those shoes
-(Males)The dude people wanna talk to, but don't know well enuff
-(Females) "He's looks good! But what's his name again?"
-Not too popular...but then again, i've never really had a base of people to
work with from always switching schools. But the people I've messed with love me

-Artistic, as in ppl. always see me designing stuff all over my assignments. Ask anybody
that's had class with me. Imma be in the fashion industry someday

-I'm "Funny"...doesn't translate into my e-life tho

To sum it up, the Fresh/Artistic/Funny/Chill dude who caught ur eye.

Now that i look at myself after HS...I love myself alot more

Me and my click were mad popular throughout highschool...all stayed with the newest gear, had all the parties, and a lot of girls....I was always in a lot oftrouble though and got suspended a lot
I was popular not for being the best looking one or having the best grades but for knockin people out when they step out of line. Oh and I had what you needfor cheap.
Lol. this is a good question.

I was an all around dude. I could mesh with the people from the top to the bottom. Whether it be the bonafide NERDS, the clowns, the goons, the druggies, theweird kids, the "super stars", the pretty ladies, all races, all grades. I was that guy. There is no way you didn't know who I was, I was coolwith everybody. Didn't hurt that I had one of the flyest chics in the school.
class clown
teachers pet (wasnt trying to be, but they love my humor)
played some sports
didnt like hanging with the popular kids, got along with the smarter kids more
was in the same group of friends since middle school
i was the captain of the football team but by no means a jock. i only really had a few friends in high school. didnt talk to anyone other than them really
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

PG County Public Schools FTW.
lol whered you go in pg?

i dont wanna toot my own horn but i was popular as hell ... played football and basketball ... i transferred to a new school my senior year so i had that new kid/fresh/mysterious persona and everyone loved me ... by the end of the year most everyone hated me cuz the newness wore off and i was just a kid from pg county going to school in uppity fairfax, va

if i could do it all over again i wouldnt be as much of a !%$$ ...

Frederick Douglass High School

Back then all you needed was a North Face and some Nike boots / Foamposites / 992's.
What year did you graduate from Douglass? I know a few people who went there..

c/o '05
Originally Posted by tramond

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Cool dude who everybody knew and knew everybody.

Also was one of the best dressed people in my class. People started calling me the dude who never wore the same thing twice because i had so many shoes and clothes

But looking back on it i dont know why. My new wardrobe>>>>>>>>>>> My entire high school wardrobe

EDIT: Just in case demographic counts my school was like 97% black

$+$@@ you lyin!! Lol jk 97? you know we like 99.999999% black.. that one white kid and the 15 or so hispanic kids. Me.. I knew lots of people, alot knew me. I was Battalion Commander in JROTC.. Me and my main boys held most if not all leadership positions in the school. Call me a nerd cuz I made good grades and i certainly was not a jock but like i said everybody knew me and i knew everybody..
lol the 3% was them 3 white kids and them hispanic kids
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