Baby-faced boy is father at 13

Originally Posted by soltheman

She's 15?

Little dude She is a the pimp.


Originally Posted by Crumbs

i really dont want to belive this is real...disturbing

Word. can't even laugh at the situation,
at the bad decisions the kids made for one, but especially at the parents who let this whole ordeal evenhappen.
Is the crazy thing to everybody the fact that he looks so young? Cause it's 13 year olds out here having babies every day.
WOW. Thats crazy. Dude looks like her little brother. Thats very.... YOU FILL IN THE BLANK.

HER- talk to me dirty

Him- Ummm... Bugers, cooties. MUD.

HAHAHA yeah it was lame. But what else can he say? Sex must of lasted 3 min.
That is scary!!

You're right, dude is getting more action than majority of Nters lol however sex is serious at the end of the day.
What gets me is that alot of people (especially young ones) think that sex is a game and it is not, thats serious business because anything can happen in thatact.
I feel like praying every hour right now lol because its too many kids out here having babies, live your life and dont worry about sex.
Theirs alot of peer-pressure however that has been around long enough, sex is all over the place on television i mean you dont even have to really order themovies anymore or get HBO/Cinemax. This internet !*$ is at an all-time high, the world is getting tougher and tougher. Ima try not to have children until i am36 years of age hopefully. Kids just have to enjoy their childhood and leave the sex alone until later on because once you start engaging in those types ofactivity emotions/attachment starts to kick in and you may make some crazy decisions. I almost slipped up a few times when i was younger, thank God that ididnt plus alot of us dont even know the importance of dating and all of that but this boy is 13 and looks like he is 7 or 8 years old. This is crazy, Godplease help us all.

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo


this dude here is smashin and i'm not

Dude must have went into Cardiac Arrest when he busted a nutinto that Lord Voldemort broad
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