Baby mama drama FTL SMFH.....long read

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Have you moved out of your parents house?
If not, that's step one.

Step two
Document everything and Take her to court , she cant stop you from seeing your son especially if you are already on child support there had to be some type of visitation agreement and if she isnt complying and you have proof of it the courts should be able to work something out for you

Step three...

Havent moved out of my moms "house" but me and my stepdad made the two door garage into a studio before he passed (looks like a house on the inside literally). And my moms needs me right now, i dont feel like its the right time for me to move. PICS of what? her?
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Have you moved out of your parents house?
If not, that's step one.

Step two
Document everything and Take her to court , she cant stop you from seeing your son especially if you are already on child support there had to be some type of visitation agreement and if she isnt complying and you have proof of it the courts should be able to work something out for you

Step three...

Havent moved out of my moms "house" but me and my stepdad made the two door garage into a studio before he passed (looks like a house on the inside literally). And my moms needs me right now, i dont feel like its the right time for me to move. PICS of what? her?
Originally Posted by cool greyyy

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

 he was your stepdad? 

 everything said in the media was straight BS....i've seen some out of this world $!#* these past two years. I miss him so much though, he was truly a good dude.
damn homie, do you get treated differently around town ?
Originally Posted by cool greyyy

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

 he was your stepdad? 

 everything said in the media was straight BS....i've seen some out of this world $!#* these past two years. I miss him so much though, he was truly a good dude.
damn homie, do you get treated differently around town ?
Originally Posted by cool greyyy

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Have you moved out of your parents house?
If not, that's step one.

Step two
Document everything and Take her to court , she cant stop you from seeing your son especially if you are already on child support there had to be some type of visitation agreement and if she isnt complying and you have proof of it the courts should be able to work something out for you

Step three...

Havent moved out of my moms "house" but me and my stepdad made the two door garage into a studio before he passed (looks like a house on the inside literally). And my moms needs me right now, i dont feel like its the right time for me to move. PICS of what? her?
Good man for taking care of your mother.
Originally Posted by cool greyyy

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Have you moved out of your parents house?
If not, that's step one.

Step two
Document everything and Take her to court , she cant stop you from seeing your son especially if you are already on child support there had to be some type of visitation agreement and if she isnt complying and you have proof of it the courts should be able to work something out for you

Step three...

Havent moved out of my moms "house" but me and my stepdad made the two door garage into a studio before he passed (looks like a house on the inside literally). And my moms needs me right now, i dont feel like its the right time for me to move. PICS of what? her?
Good man for taking care of your mother.
.after her calling the police on me for DV (I put my hand around her neck, left a mark) But shes says %+%% like "your a deadbeat", "I can have another man take care of me and my son", "you dad is crazy". I should of have hit the @!%%+, I would've got a lesser charge. I went to jail, and she skated off with my 2 week old son for a month 
frown.gif way you're getting unsupervised visitation rights.
.after her calling the police on me for DV (I put my hand around her neck, left a mark) But shes says %+%% like "your a deadbeat", "I can have another man take care of me and my son", "you dad is crazy". I should of have hit the @!%%+, I would've got a lesser charge. I went to jail, and she skated off with my 2 week old son for a month 
frown.gif way you're getting unsupervised visitation rights.
Have you thought about getting full custody? It doesn't sound like he's in an ideal situation for a child in her care.
Have you thought about getting full custody? It doesn't sound like he's in an ideal situation for a child in her care.
Originally Posted by cool greyyy

Whats good NT!

Been on this board for quite some time, but I rarely post. Just thought i'd relieve some of my stress and vent out to the community.

Im 21, black/korean, raised by my mother because my dad was a deadbeat. I met my son's mom in high school. We have never dated until 2 years ago (biggest regret). In the beginning I feel that every relationship is fine until that 3 month mark and you get to see their true colors. I'll start off explaining what type of 23 year old "GIRL" that I have to do deal with. Shes filipino, 4"11 and 98lbs. Dad died of cancer when she was young, moms is a deadbeat but is still somewhat in her life, older sister is 23 with 4 kids and is still married, but just had another kid with her "boyfriend"
 I met my sons mom in my sophmore year, she seemed cool but never attended school and was bi-sexual....come junior year I snuck her in my bedroom and smashed
 but did not get her pregnant at this time. 

We lost contact after this sex session.. but she ended up calling me again 2 years later. I was 19 at this time, and she wants to hang out...we hang out with my group of friends and her at a hotel. We are just drinking, smoking and just and my boy ended up smashin her and her friend in the hotel room while everyone else left
 ( i smashed her and he smashed her friend). After this we start "talking/dating" and at this point everything seems fine, she stays with her sister and i stay with my parent still.....her and her sister gets into sooo many fight its crazy, so i offered to have her come stay with me at my moms (BIG MISTAKE!) she doesnt have car, job, drive, goals.....NOTHING. I was getting *+@@%!% at non stop over going to the gym, hanging out with my friends seldomly and she wasnt pregnant at this time. While I was busy getting *+@@%!% at, I would never trip over her going out clubbing almost everyday and getting billigerent drunk...I still took care/loved of her after all of this. This was in the winter of 2008....

Come may of 2009 %+%% in my household gets real weird not involving her, but my family (mother,sister,stepdad) I needed her to guide me through the tough times, but all she can offer is a headache and sex SMH......but i was stupid enough to go raw. Up until December 2009, i lost my stepdad to the SPD (Maurice Clemmons) some of you may know, some may not. The worse time of my life, I was suicidal and resorting to smoking dro everyday and not giving a %#!@ about anything.....I still had a job and was maintianing.

A week after my stepdad passes, she tells me shes pregnant
. Now Im not about abortion, but this was not the time to have a kid, especially with her
 she had the worst attitude ever. When she told me, my head went numb, I felt lost. I needed to be there for my mother and sister...and yet her selfish +!! wanted to keep the kid (I love my son to death now). Things only got worse, Im not gonna explain the pregnancy, it would take all day to tell.

On to how she acts with my son now....after her calling the police on me for DV (I put my hand around her neck, left a mark) But shes says %+%% like "your a deadbeat", "I can have another man take care of me and my son", "you dad is crazy". I should of have hit the @!%%+, I would've got a lesser charge. I went to jail, and she skated off with my 2 week old son for a month 
 when I saw her in a club, i confronted her and told her we need to come up with some kind of arrangement so that I can see my son....we agree to every weekend....but every friday there is always a reason why I cant get him, wether if its she heard something about and doesnt approve of it or shes lurked onto my facebook and saw i left a comment on another girl status. She lives in the past, and brings up different situation to not let me see my son, I am on child support for absoulutely no reason, mind you I have a complete room set up for him at my house. I buy him anything whenever he needs it. Me and her argue everyday over my son, and I cry almost everyday because of the threats she makes with him
 I just want to be good father now, take full custody and live my life drama free....

cliff notes:
-Knocked up a crazy @!%%+ !
-Went through the most depressing time of my life while she was pregnant.
-She was unappreciative and made numerous threats with our kid
-Uses our son as a tool against me
-She has mental issues (pretty sure of this)

BTW: the girl would be a dime and wifey if she was independant, and changed her attitude.

Feel free to post your stories also...thanks for listening NT. Be easy

and thats where i stopped reading
Originally Posted by cool greyyy

Whats good NT!

Been on this board for quite some time, but I rarely post. Just thought i'd relieve some of my stress and vent out to the community.

Im 21, black/korean, raised by my mother because my dad was a deadbeat. I met my son's mom in high school. We have never dated until 2 years ago (biggest regret). In the beginning I feel that every relationship is fine until that 3 month mark and you get to see their true colors. I'll start off explaining what type of 23 year old "GIRL" that I have to do deal with. Shes filipino, 4"11 and 98lbs. Dad died of cancer when she was young, moms is a deadbeat but is still somewhat in her life, older sister is 23 with 4 kids and is still married, but just had another kid with her "boyfriend"
 I met my sons mom in my sophmore year, she seemed cool but never attended school and was bi-sexual....come junior year I snuck her in my bedroom and smashed
 but did not get her pregnant at this time. 

We lost contact after this sex session.. but she ended up calling me again 2 years later. I was 19 at this time, and she wants to hang out...we hang out with my group of friends and her at a hotel. We are just drinking, smoking and just and my boy ended up smashin her and her friend in the hotel room while everyone else left
 ( i smashed her and he smashed her friend). After this we start "talking/dating" and at this point everything seems fine, she stays with her sister and i stay with my parent still.....her and her sister gets into sooo many fight its crazy, so i offered to have her come stay with me at my moms (BIG MISTAKE!) she doesnt have car, job, drive, goals.....NOTHING. I was getting *+@@%!% at non stop over going to the gym, hanging out with my friends seldomly and she wasnt pregnant at this time. While I was busy getting *+@@%!% at, I would never trip over her going out clubbing almost everyday and getting billigerent drunk...I still took care/loved of her after all of this. This was in the winter of 2008....

Come may of 2009 %+%% in my household gets real weird not involving her, but my family (mother,sister,stepdad) I needed her to guide me through the tough times, but all she can offer is a headache and sex SMH......but i was stupid enough to go raw. Up until December 2009, i lost my stepdad to the SPD (Maurice Clemmons) some of you may know, some may not. The worse time of my life, I was suicidal and resorting to smoking dro everyday and not giving a %#!@ about anything.....I still had a job and was maintianing.

A week after my stepdad passes, she tells me shes pregnant
. Now Im not about abortion, but this was not the time to have a kid, especially with her
 she had the worst attitude ever. When she told me, my head went numb, I felt lost. I needed to be there for my mother and sister...and yet her selfish +!! wanted to keep the kid (I love my son to death now). Things only got worse, Im not gonna explain the pregnancy, it would take all day to tell.

On to how she acts with my son now....after her calling the police on me for DV (I put my hand around her neck, left a mark) But shes says %+%% like "your a deadbeat", "I can have another man take care of me and my son", "you dad is crazy". I should of have hit the @!%%+, I would've got a lesser charge. I went to jail, and she skated off with my 2 week old son for a month 
 when I saw her in a club, i confronted her and told her we need to come up with some kind of arrangement so that I can see my son....we agree to every weekend....but every friday there is always a reason why I cant get him, wether if its she heard something about and doesnt approve of it or shes lurked onto my facebook and saw i left a comment on another girl status. She lives in the past, and brings up different situation to not let me see my son, I am on child support for absoulutely no reason, mind you I have a complete room set up for him at my house. I buy him anything whenever he needs it. Me and her argue everyday over my son, and I cry almost everyday because of the threats she makes with him
 I just want to be good father now, take full custody and live my life drama free....

cliff notes:
-Knocked up a crazy @!%%+ !
-Went through the most depressing time of my life while she was pregnant.
-She was unappreciative and made numerous threats with our kid
-Uses our son as a tool against me
-She has mental issues (pretty sure of this)

BTW: the girl would be a dime and wifey if she was independant, and changed her attitude.

Feel free to post your stories also...thanks for listening NT. Be easy

and thats where i stopped reading
Originally Posted by cool greyyy

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

 he was your stepdad? 

 everything said in the media was straight BS....i've seen some out of this world $!#* these past two years. I miss him so much though, he was truly a good dude.
Around 8 a.m, Clemmons walked into the Forza Coffee Co. coffee shop, where four police officers were working on laptops before their shift. Clemmons opened fire on the officers, shooting them to death.[sup][13][/sup][sup][20][/sup] Investigators said the murders were a targeted, execution-style attack and not associated with a robbery;[sup][21][/sup] Clemmons did not aim at any other customers or the two baristas working at the time.[sup][22][/sup] The four slain officers were Mark Renninger, 39; Ronald Owens, 37; Tina Griswold, 40; and Greg Richards, 42.[sup][2][/sup]
Originally Posted by cool greyyy

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

 he was your stepdad? 

 everything said in the media was straight BS....i've seen some out of this world $!#* these past two years. I miss him so much though, he was truly a good dude.
Around 8 a.m, Clemmons walked into the Forza Coffee Co. coffee shop, where four police officers were working on laptops before their shift. Clemmons opened fire on the officers, shooting them to death.[sup][13][/sup][sup][20][/sup] Investigators said the murders were a targeted, execution-style attack and not associated with a robbery;[sup][21][/sup] Clemmons did not aim at any other customers or the two baristas working at the time.[sup][22][/sup] The four slain officers were Mark Renninger, 39; Ronald Owens, 37; Tina Griswold, 40; and Greg Richards, 42.[sup][2][/sup]
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by cool greyyy

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

 he was your stepdad? 

 everything said in the media was straight BS....i've seen some out of this world $!#* these past two years. I miss him so much though, he was truly a good dude.
Around 8 a.m, Clemmons walked into the Forza Coffee Co. coffee shop, where four police officers were working on laptops before their shift. Clemmons opened fire on the officers, shooting them to death.[sup][13][/sup][sup][20][/sup] Investigators said the murders were a targeted, execution-style attack and not associated with a robbery;[sup][21][/sup] Clemmons did not aim at any other customers or the two baristas working at the time.[sup][22][/sup] The four slain officers were Mark Renninger, 39; Ronald Owens, 37; Tina Griswold, 40; and Greg Richards, 42.[sup][2][/sup]

I just read that 
 and he raped a child?
sorry OP but try and justify how this is straight BS?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by cool greyyy

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

 he was your stepdad? 

 everything said in the media was straight BS....i've seen some out of this world $!#* these past two years. I miss him so much though, he was truly a good dude.
Around 8 a.m, Clemmons walked into the Forza Coffee Co. coffee shop, where four police officers were working on laptops before their shift. Clemmons opened fire on the officers, shooting them to death.[sup][13][/sup][sup][20][/sup] Investigators said the murders were a targeted, execution-style attack and not associated with a robbery;[sup][21][/sup] Clemmons did not aim at any other customers or the two baristas working at the time.[sup][22][/sup] The four slain officers were Mark Renninger, 39; Ronald Owens, 37; Tina Griswold, 40; and Greg Richards, 42.[sup][2][/sup]

I just read that 
 and he raped a child?
sorry OP but try and justify how this is straight BS?
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by cool greyyy

 everything said in the media was straight BS....i've seen some out of this world $!#* these past two years. I miss him so much though, he was truly a good dude.
Around 8 a.m, Clemmons walked into the Forza Coffee Co. coffee shop, where four police officers were working on laptops before their shift. Clemmons opened fire on the officers, shooting them to death.[sup][13][/sup][sup][20][/sup] Investigators said the murders were a targeted, execution-style attack and not associated with a robbery;[sup][21][/sup] Clemmons did not aim at any other customers or the two baristas working at the time.[sup][22][/sup] The four slain officers were Mark Renninger, 39; Ronald Owens, 37; Tina Griswold, 40; and Greg Richards, 42.[sup][2][/sup]
I just read that 
 and he raped a child?
sorry OP but try and justify how this is straight BS?

   Because they are feeding all of the information off of his past.....and he did gun down four cops, so they want to make him sound worse than he really was. Trust me, for a guy that spent his whole life in jail and only had been out for 5 years.....he literally worked miracles for our family, one of a kind dude he was. People did'nt know him on a personal level. Therefore they dont have room to talk.  
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by cool greyyy

 everything said in the media was straight BS....i've seen some out of this world $!#* these past two years. I miss him so much though, he was truly a good dude.
Around 8 a.m, Clemmons walked into the Forza Coffee Co. coffee shop, where four police officers were working on laptops before their shift. Clemmons opened fire on the officers, shooting them to death.[sup][13][/sup][sup][20][/sup] Investigators said the murders were a targeted, execution-style attack and not associated with a robbery;[sup][21][/sup] Clemmons did not aim at any other customers or the two baristas working at the time.[sup][22][/sup] The four slain officers were Mark Renninger, 39; Ronald Owens, 37; Tina Griswold, 40; and Greg Richards, 42.[sup][2][/sup]
I just read that 
 and he raped a child?
sorry OP but try and justify how this is straight BS?

   Because they are feeding all of the information off of his past.....and he did gun down four cops, so they want to make him sound worse than he really was. Trust me, for a guy that spent his whole life in jail and only had been out for 5 years.....he literally worked miracles for our family, one of a kind dude he was. People did'nt know him on a personal level. Therefore they dont have room to talk.  
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