Bacha Bazi - Sexual Slavery of Young Boys in Afghanistan

Watched this on netflix last year. Never thought this would go on there let alone make a doc about it. I remember them talking about some Army Generals having boys for themselves too.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by iM COOL C

I think you guys are missing the point on the religion in the paragraph.

OBVIOUSLY no one would condone such crap, but the whole point of religion isn't it so you COULD sin, or act indecent, whatever. Then magically do your ritual CRAP & be forgiven.

If you noticed they asked the men what do their mothers think & they said they're mothers have no choice.. The women can't even show their faces let alone bodies so of course that SUB CONSCIOUSLY condones a replacement to all the horny men, you guessed it.. BOYS!

Religion cloaks a lot of crap, trust that in society that allows women to be actually LIVE & mothers to actually govern the lives of those that came out their wombs there wouldn't be no room for crap like this, but same way in this country the church is raping boys, Boystown in Wisconsin, it all gets cloaked by what?? RELIGION

HUMANS lets be less trigger happy with our emotions & try to explore ALL possible POV's before saying religion had no place in this thread. Like the old proverb goes "Don't remember where you fall, but where you slipped."


They live in a social structure where women are non-existent, or in this case, walking blobs of bedsheets.  Sexual urge in a biological instinct.  The men are so sexually oppressed that the urge is re-directed to the next vulnerable class of people - young boys. 

It's the same reason priests end up raping altar boys and men/boys have sex with donkeys in the predominantly Catholic Colombia.

What's shocking about this is that the men talk about it so matter-of-factly in the documentary. 
never saw it like this
Originally Posted by WaitWut

why would any dude wanna do this though??
if i was rich and powerful i sure as hell aint tryna pimp little boys and make em dress as girls where they do dat at?
imma be smashing every 10/10 i see
dem afghans doin it wrong what kind of gay %#!@ is that?
its not only afghans. im sure other elite people in other countries do this as well such as the priests from the fancy rich churches.
when someone gets that much money they have already smashed all the dimes they need something new. which is sad but thats what happens
please play this film for all those kids out there who are pissed off because they didn't get a $245 pair of Yeezys
Originally Posted by odog24

Originally Posted by WaitWut

why would any dude wanna do this though??
if i was rich and powerful i sure as hell aint tryna pimp little boys and make em dress as girls where they do dat at?
imma be smashing every 10/10 i see
dem afghans doin it wrong what kind of gay %#!@ is that?
its not only afghans. im sure other elite people in other countries do this as well such as the priests from the fancy rich churches.
when someone gets that much money they have already smashed all the dimes they need something new. which is sad but thats what happens
i.e Hollywood debauchery
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by iM COOL C

I think you guys are missing the point on the religion in the paragraph.

OBVIOUSLY no one would condone such crap, but the whole point of religion isn't it so you COULD sin, or act indecent, whatever. Then magically do your ritual CRAP & be forgiven.

If you noticed they asked the men what do their mothers think & they said they're mothers have no choice.. The women can't even show their faces let alone bodies so of course that SUB CONSCIOUSLY condones a replacement to all the horny men, you guessed it.. BOYS!

Religion cloaks a lot of crap, trust that in society that allows women to be actually LIVE & mothers to actually govern the lives of those that came out their wombs there wouldn't be no room for crap like this, but same way in this country the church is raping boys, Boystown in Wisconsin, it all gets cloaked by what?? RELIGION

HUMANS lets be less trigger happy with our emotions & try to explore ALL possible POV's before saying religion had no place in this thread. Like the old proverb goes "Don't remember where you fall, but where you slipped."


They live in a social structure where women are non-existent, or in this case, walking blobs of bedsheets.  Sexual urge in a biological instinct.  The men are so sexually oppressed that the urge is re-directed to the next vulnerable class of people - young boys. 

It's the same reason priests end up raping altar boys and men/boys have sex with donkeys in the predominantly Catholic Colombia.

What's shocking about this is that the men talk about it so matter-of-factly in the documentary. 

This is wishful thinking. Priests aren't even allowed to get married in the first place because apparently sex is looked down upon in some way in Catholicism/Christianity - and in that case, it's pretty obvious why 'problems' happen. This is not the case in Islam. In Afghanistan, it's pretty rare to find unmarried men after 20-30, giving a perfectly acceptable way to release desires, usually not long after the onset of puberty. Just because women aren't walking around half naked doesn't mean men become sexually "repressed" and resort to raping little kids. It's actually quite the opposite if you compare rape/sex crime statistics in Muslim countries vs the West. Why didn't we see this practice prevalent throughout the Muslim world, and back during the time of the Caliphates, where Islamic law (including modesty laws) were strictly enforced ? Why are only the most deviant "Muslims" (who probably have plenty of female sex slaves already, such as these drug lords) the ones who get involved in this, while if your theory was true, it should be the most "repressed" Taliban types who would resort to this. Why ignore the fact that this practice ORIGINATED in ancient Greece, where "modesty" was the least of anybody's concerns, and massive orgies were common place ?

I do agree that the Taliban/others take modesty/separation too far a lot of the time, but using the crimes of scum who don't even respect the social structure your complaining about to make your point doesn't make any sense. Especially when, like someone before me said, the same exact things go on behind the scenes in even the most "sexually liberated"/nonreligious places in the world, the infamous Hollywood "casting couches" is just one example.
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