Back to college = problems with girlfriend

Aug 29, 2009
mannnn why cant she understand im not fooling around, is anybody goin through this problem, its so stressfull
Pics or it didn't happen.


Cheer up buddy.
Originally Posted by sk8tehop

mannnn why cant she understand im not fooling around, is anybody goin through this problem, its so stressfull
ill give you some real advice this one time

that is just how the majority of girls are in long distance relationship situations. so you're either going to have to just deal with it or break up withher
at NT sometimes.

If girls are so untrusting, why do they stay in relationships?
Cut her loose.

Theres plenty of girls on campus that are willing to do everything your girl can do for you without the headaches and stress.
If she buys you "anything" you want, it's not a matter of trust. It's a matter of comfort. Either that or she's just stupid.

Regardless, it might be that she actually thinks you're cheating. But, more realistically, it's that she can't deal with the fact that school isgetting more attention than her.

Sit her down and tell her to her face that school is getting, and will continue getting, the most attention. Then tell her that if she can't deal withthat, then you two need to reassess your relationship.
u know shes bangin your best friend back home right?
end it dude, seriously tho, these things never work... though u knew
Something else that needs to be said is that people are usually as trusting as they are trustworthy...

The meaning being that the more suspicious/untrusting a person acts can many times be a reflection of how trusting you should be of them. I've known a lotof girls who would always be checking on their bf's and accusing them of cheating only to find out later that they themselves were doing all kinds of shadystuff with other dudes during that time. Granted its more of a guideline to follow rather than a rule, many people just have normal trust issues and aren'tnecessarily cheating despite how suspicious they may act.
maybe she is projecting...
I recommend getting her email, facebook and voicemail password. Also, register her phone online so you can see her call and text logs...
I mean, that's if you trust her. If you don't, just move in with her.
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