Band Of Brothers Or The Pacific


formerly gotholesinmysocks
Apr 11, 2008
Which miniseries did you like more?

Both were amazing, but i'll give Band Of Brothers a slight edge over The Pacific.

scene from Band Of Brothers had me

few scenes from The Pacific

if u haven't seen either, do yourself a favor and watch it on netflix or something. its worth it.
Cant really choose, because they tell the same story, just of 2 different campaigns, Army and Marine...they are definitely great stories
The storytelling is completely different due to the nature of the theaters of war they portray. Band of Brothers is easier to connect with due to the way the European Theater played out, as it allows the viewer to create a bond with characters who march their way across Europe. The Pacific was a cluster-eff of island hopping and massive casualties, and it is portrayed as such in The Pacific.

Both are fantastic, and neither is better than the other, if you understand where each story is coming from.
Band of Brothers is right up there with greatest TV series ever.
I preferred BoB.

But if anyone likes these war miniseries, check out Generation Kill. By HBO as well.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

band of brothers is 20x better.

The Pacific has most of the ingredients, not much of the same magic or clear vision.
And the casting can't even compare to Band of Brothers.
Band of Brothers.
I like it better because there's something about the characters that make you just really connect and feel for them. Pacific had me interested but not on the same level as bands of brothers.
BOB was consistently good from beginning to end (every episode). My wife even enjoyed it so much she watches the repeats if they come on A&E from time to time. For me, only half the episodes of The Pacific were good.
BoB easily, although The Pacific was no slouch.

Still waiting on the too-good-to-pass-up deal on the Pacific blu ray though.
band of brothers. the pacific was still good imo but it didn't grab you from the start like band of brothers.

the emotion never really hit til later on in the eps, when it gets REALLY violent and the Japanese started using villagers as bait, among other stuff. it takes a while but you can connect with sledge towards the end.

the most common critique ive read about the pacific is that you never really end up connecting with the characters like you do in band of brothers. in BOB, you see the company's travels and see the struggles they endure physically and mentally, how their relationship evolves, all while fighting much of the euro theater. the pacific doesn't do much of that.

as dude said, bob is one of the goat tv shows/miniseries. that $*$! never gets old. with that said, the pacific is a very good series. and was well worth the watch. i will be copping the entire collection on blu ray this year
Yeah, you know everyone watching it wants to be Major Winters by the end.

Sadly I think I'm more Nixon than Winters though.
The other thing about BOB was the cast, they caught lightning in a bottle with the actors they got in BOB. Best mini series on TV ever for me...
Originally Posted by sreggie101

the most common critique ive read about the pacific is that you never really end up connecting with the characters like you do in band of brothers. in BOB, you see the company's travels and see the struggles they endure physically and mentally, how their relationship evolves, all while fighting much of the euro theater. the pacific doesn't do much of that.
That's because you're not really supposed to connect with the characters in The Pacific. It's a completely different atmosphere. The whole point of Band of Brothers was to follow one company through Europe, so you were able to see the bond among the men, and almost relate in a certain way. They made it very clear they were going a different direction with The Pacific. They practically made it soul-less and full of despair, which reflects the nature of that part of the war. It was also quite a bit more disturbing than BoB, but again, if you know anything about that island campaign, they couldn't have done it any other way and made it seem authentic.
The best episode of The Pacific IMO was 8. This is the one where Basilone was pursuing the lady in the mess hall & ended up getting married to her only to die on Iwo Jima. The last scene of the episode was
BoB was in my top 10 shows ever. The Pacific was damn good too but I didn't like it as much as I anticipated.
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