Bear vs Monkey race takes a grisly turn


Apr 25, 2013

Cries about circus-animal cruelty will seem less easy to dismiss after watching this disturbing video showing a bicycle race between two monkeys and a bear. If that sounds charming to you, talk to us after you watch this — preferably through your fingers. The Shanghai Wild Animal Park stunt starts off cheery enough — bright costumes, giggling audience, a guy on a unicycle — but it ends in a very dark place. One monkey veers off the road. The bear collides with it and apparently snaps, mauling the poor primate. Finally, the handlers pull the monkey away, but its condition is unclear. Ugh. A dismal day under the big top and a vivid reminder that wild animals don't belong on two-wheelers.
that bear was about that life. He stayed on that bike just long enough for the monkey to fall :rofl:
Lol @ the bear throwing the bike down and banging out.

The first monkey got out of there when the bear started gaining on him.
I hate circuses and zoos...

These animals snap and then we have the nerve to blame them. "Oh the bear did what bears normally do and ate a smaller animal. Lets freak out, beat him with a stick and then probably put him down because he's too aggressive. We will train another one."

Sometimes I wish we weren't at the top of the food chain and there was something that went around and gathered humans up by the truck loads for slaughter and made us live in cages while we spend our whole life traveling around performing in front of them..

I took my kids to a circus a couple years ago and it made me sick. Elephants that just travel around in a cage forced to do the same **** over and over their entire life?!
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