Beaten bad in a video game..

i remember this guy who would brag about how good he was at halo. he would beat me of course cause i didnt have it, let alone an xbox. all he would do is lookat the split players screen and pick you off cause he knew the maps.

i took him to my friends house. i told him he was gonna get his *** kicked, naturally he didnt believe me. i introduced him to my friend, who was a filipinogirl who was like, 4 feet tall. he laughed and wouldnt shut up.

she set her place up so that they would be playing each other in seperate rooms, so he couldnt screen look. mind you, this was the first halo, before live evenexisted.

ive never been so happy to watch a guy take an *** kicking in my life. i think my friend died once or twice. she pistol whipped him most of the time. he hasnttouched the game since.
Kart Rider...

i broke my ps2 controller in half playing def jam fight for ny..*@!#% $%$ fat joe beat me 16 times in a row
I know a guy who smashed his 360 after he lost a game of Fifa 09 where he was up 3-0 and the guy he was playing against turned it around and won 4-3. And itwasn't like in the heat of the moment where he couldn't control himself. Dude took out all the cables out of the console like a gentleman and thensmashed it off the ground.

Anyway, I can't tell you how many times I've screamed"that's not possible" after someone killed me in a stupid way on COD4. I threw my360 controller in the air and when it fell, I ruined the RB button, had to buy a new one. Good thing they have wireless controllers now. I often wonder if thefun I have playing games is worth all the annoying episodes and stress I experience when it's not going my way. I really wish that I wouldn't care asmuch, because in the end being angry doesn't help me win the game in any way.. But I just can't help it.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I know a guy who smashed his 360 after he lost a game of Fifa 09 where he was up 3-0 and the guy he was playing against turned it around and won 4-3. And it wasn't like in the heat of the moment where he couldn't control himself. Dude took out all the cables out of the console like a gentleman and then smashed it off the ground.

I've come close to this several times with 08. Seems like the computer gets 100% better when they're down a certain score.
WWE Day Of Reckoning 2 = 4 broken Gamecube controllers

That game pissed me off the most when i used to play. I hated when the opponent made you bleed.
lol u guys have some anger problems.

i was pissed when i was playing super mario bros 1 on super mario all stars for the SNES. got to world 8-1 and i kept dying. i kept saying "mother-f******jesus christ" very loud and my mom took away my game
. never gotten to the point where i broke a controller tho.
I don't think I have ever given up when losing by a lot, my friend goes crazy though any time he's losing in NBA Live though
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

-Grand Theft Auto Vice City-

I took the disc out of the PS2 and broke it in half.

I would injure the main dude of the game. Like if I was playing Madden, I would purposely let the linemen sack the QB until hes injured, then I reset.
The final boss of that game where all the rappers are wrestlers is rigged I tellya, that game pissed me off, I eff up one of my controllers. The analog stick is broken
. Wait back to football...I was using Atlanta and other dude wasusing Giants. Score was 22-17 and he was 4th and 10...he had no choice but to go for it with 22 secs left in the game ...his QB slip through a tackle
{ and gave the game winning touchdown...
. Those were my exact emotions...I got so frustrated, I couldn't even think and just stared at the tv...
I've never broken a controller or anything but I have taken games to Gamestop and sold them after getting whooped in them
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

i remember when i had pokemon yellow and i couldnt get outta that damn cave and threw my gameboy into the pillow. my dad seen me and took it away for 2 weeks.

now, when i play, i have a "beater controller" i just go outside and beat the crap outta it. throwin it on the concrete and stuff. cant do it inside because i dont wanna break anything lol.

and dont get me started on mario kart 64. goin from 1st to 4th because of a blue shell right in front of the finish line ftl.

right in front of the finish line

and recently on wii, getting pushed off the map from 1st place
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