Beaten bad in a video game..

Socom 2 back in the days, and Madden 04,05, and 06 had me pissed for ps2 I use to break controllers, and just switch them from my friends house once in awhile.
I'm one of those that just stay silent for a while. After a few minutes, I add in the good 'ol SMH. Then, I'm normal again and demanding a rematch.
i've never gotten to that point.. unless im playing somebody that will not stop running their mouth.
I used to throw my controller back in the day.

Growth and wireless controllers have made me stop and reconsider when I get that mad.
I once threw a chair and shattered the glass on one of my mom's antiques.
After I lost in a madden mini was bad.
I've played Halo 2 and 3 for about 3-4 years and the stories I have from playing live on those games

That's the best part IMO about playing online, peoples reactions when something does not go THEIR way
Computer mode never gets me cuz i usually never lose but on xbox live i get really mad. Especially when the person your playing against is talking trash andhas the skill to back it up.
Man I just lost online to some kid on 2K9, 71-70. I was the Denver Nuggets and other dude was Lebron James. Yes, just Lebron James.
me and my little brother have came to blows over madden

i swear to you on madden 03 ricky williams was god
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

FNR3 = 3 dead controllers. Stupid people who used Ali and just jab and get a knockout...
ya....nothing worse than a runner/jabber. dudes pick taylor or ali and i know what kind of match it's going to be.

last controller i broke was when i played COD 4. I try so to tell myself it's just a game....but sometimes i can't help but lose it.
I been on punishment on many occassion when I was younger for ruining controllers after playing Street Fighter and Cruisin' USA.
Reminds me of a time when two of my homies were playing Fight Night and the one that lost was so mad, he wanted to fight the other one.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

I broke my controller the other night missing the game tying field goal in the NFC championship in Madden.....

I threw it against the wall and when it didnt break I kept smashing it on the counter until it was good and broken....

I've snapped CDs before, snapped NBA 2k8 twice. Snapped Madden 2007.

I've went through about 5 360 controllers. For some reason I take care of my PS3 games/controllers. IDK why the bias.

Its always vs the CPU I get angered never angered when a human beats me, I guess because I've never got beaten significantly by a human before. I always win big bets and what not when the pressure is on. But I absolutely hate going through franchise mode losing crucial games, I'm like Romo under pressure I am the epitome of choke....

Btw, Cowboys fans don't hold your breath on Sunday. The Eagles will put it on your sorry @*# squad, but neither team will get in. Why? Because Tampa is going to take the last spot in the playoffs after they put it on the Raiders....

Never had a chance anyways, did you really believe if you got to the playoffs that you'd get past the Giants?

LMAO . Dude went in Hard to the Core.
I have easily broken about 15+ controllers over the last few years for 4 different game systems. I also got EXTRA heated at mortal combat deadly allience andthrew the whole xbox down the steps and it broke. I couldnt even lie to my mom about what happend to it and i had to wait a grip to get another one
I remember going through this with NFL Blitz 64. Funbles and Interceptions happened like crazy.
I seriously think I get more frustrated with video games than anything else in life. Even real sports affect me less. I don't know what it is.
i've been there i just sucked it up. never throw anything. maybe punch the floor or pillow occasionally.
my boy i was playing in smash bros and he was so mad afteri whoped him. threw two controllers against the floor, was fussing and all sorts of #*++. i felt sobad and tried mad hard not to laugh i didn't even know what to say.
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