Becoming A Teacher. Ya/Nay

Oct 13, 2001
1. How much freedom would I have in terms of lesson plans? I hear these days that teaching is nothing more than training kids to take standardized tests. How true is this?

2. Contacting kids out of the classroom. Is that legal? I hear this really isn't allowed as much as it once was.

I just feel like I need to do more for my people man. I am not trying to be a Messiah or anything but the more and more I see senseless acts by kids, the more I feel like I have failed them by spending all of these years chasing my personal dreams. Maybe I am growing up?

Just looking for other opinions on the teaching world.

Please respond
1. How much freedom would I have in terms of lesson plans? I hear these days that teaching is nothing more than training kids to take standardized tests. How true is this?

2. Contacting kids out of the classroom. Is that legal? I hear this really isn't allowed as much as it once was.

I just feel like I need to do more for my people man. I am not trying to be a Messiah or anything but the more and more I see senseless acts by kids, the more I feel like I have failed them by spending all of these years chasing my personal dreams. Maybe I am growing up?

Just looking for other opinions on the teaching world.

Please respond
If you're looking to be one in DC goodluck. Everyday it puzzles me how kids go to school with not even a pencil. They shouldn't even be allowed in the building. Public schools in the inner city need help bad but no one really wants to tackle the responsibility. I understand why though, cause nowadays you have to be these kids parents too in addition to their teacher.
If you're looking to be one in DC goodluck. Everyday it puzzles me how kids go to school with not even a pencil. They shouldn't even be allowed in the building. Public schools in the inner city need help bad but no one really wants to tackle the responsibility. I understand why though, cause nowadays you have to be these kids parents too in addition to their teacher.
i feel what you saying, bro...

but one man cant do it all...

its sad to say... but your gonna deliver a positive message... a very self-fulfilling message...

but these kids just aint gonna hear it...

i'm glad you looking to make a difference, though...

i feel what you saying, bro...

but one man cant do it all...

its sad to say... but your gonna deliver a positive message... a very self-fulfilling message...

but these kids just aint gonna hear it...

i'm glad you looking to make a difference, though...

Here's the opinions of a high school student:

Being a teacher is definitely not worth it in my opinion. Unless you're teaching in college (which I would assume not cause you said teacher not professor) or an AP/honors class, the kids you deal with are just for the most part not good students. I live in the suburbs so it's already supposed to be "nice" cause everyone's mad rich and all, but it's even worse. You have kids who think they're hood calling each other out, dudes always texting in class, girls who get around just cut class, in general as a student I just feel like not many people give a crap about school.

There's no one to blame but themselves for this. My town is not rough, we're all well off, no one gets into dangerous situations, but it's like no one is motivated to do well outside of the top students.

But if you're set on being a teacher, here's something I feel like a teacher should have/be:

Rule number one is you gotta be more than just a teacher. You have to be like a figure to the kids. I know many teachers who just spit knowledge out of the textbooks then the bell rings and everyone dips, repeat the next day. Nah man, you have to connect with the kids because if you do, you make a difference. There are a couple teachers I trust more than anyone else in the world, cause they helped me to improve myself in many ways. They looked out for me, and as a result I'm trying my best to thank them by being successful in my life. Connect with the students, be that cool teacher that kids like to chill with. If you're a good person, kids will like to come see you. There's teachers I hate to approach and there's teachers I love to pass by in the halls and say hi.

I feel like these days too many teachers just teach classes, but they don't teach lessons. If you want to become a teacher, teach children lessons on life and maturing, especially since the teenage years are so chaotic and stressful.
Here's the opinions of a high school student:

Being a teacher is definitely not worth it in my opinion. Unless you're teaching in college (which I would assume not cause you said teacher not professor) or an AP/honors class, the kids you deal with are just for the most part not good students. I live in the suburbs so it's already supposed to be "nice" cause everyone's mad rich and all, but it's even worse. You have kids who think they're hood calling each other out, dudes always texting in class, girls who get around just cut class, in general as a student I just feel like not many people give a crap about school.

There's no one to blame but themselves for this. My town is not rough, we're all well off, no one gets into dangerous situations, but it's like no one is motivated to do well outside of the top students.

But if you're set on being a teacher, here's something I feel like a teacher should have/be:

Rule number one is you gotta be more than just a teacher. You have to be like a figure to the kids. I know many teachers who just spit knowledge out of the textbooks then the bell rings and everyone dips, repeat the next day. Nah man, you have to connect with the kids because if you do, you make a difference. There are a couple teachers I trust more than anyone else in the world, cause they helped me to improve myself in many ways. They looked out for me, and as a result I'm trying my best to thank them by being successful in my life. Connect with the students, be that cool teacher that kids like to chill with. If you're a good person, kids will like to come see you. There's teachers I hate to approach and there's teachers I love to pass by in the halls and say hi.

I feel like these days too many teachers just teach classes, but they don't teach lessons. If you want to become a teacher, teach children lessons on life and maturing, especially since the teenage years are so chaotic and stressful.
You probably gain more freedom the more years you have under your belt. If you have the passion, by any means do it.
You probably gain more freedom the more years you have under your belt. If you have the passion, by any means do it.
As a black male, Young Black Male teachers and older black women are the only ones dudes showed respect to in High School, more so because they came at em on some "real" stuff.
As a black male, Young Black Male teachers and older black women are the only ones dudes showed respect to in High School, more so because they came at em on some "real" stuff.
Originally Posted by ricky409

its sad to say... but your gonna deliver a positive message... a very self-fulfilling message...

but these kids just aint gonna hear it...
Honestly, I just need to reach one person. One person can slightly hear the message. That person can grow up and think, "I remember Mr. American teaching me how to save $ on my cable bill." And he can teach someone else the same. I don't expect to save the world.

I am just tired of being all talk. Really. I have been talking for a while man. Nothing to show for it. Well I have done it through other methods, so I won't say I haven't done anything. But I need to do more.
Originally Posted by ricky409

its sad to say... but your gonna deliver a positive message... a very self-fulfilling message...

but these kids just aint gonna hear it...
Honestly, I just need to reach one person. One person can slightly hear the message. That person can grow up and think, "I remember Mr. American teaching me how to save $ on my cable bill." And he can teach someone else the same. I don't expect to save the world.

I am just tired of being all talk. Really. I have been talking for a while man. Nothing to show for it. Well I have done it through other methods, so I won't say I haven't done anything. But I need to do more.
I originally started my college career with hopes and dreams of doing it. You watch all those movies like Dangerous Minds, High School High, Lean On Me which is the GOAT movie, probably a million others but I'm drunk on food right now and you think how you want to change the lives of these kids and everything, but then you visit a school or talk to someone who is a teacher or do the research and see it's frankly impossible. Classes are overcrowded, underfunded, nobody really cares enough, too much protocol limiting you, and end of the day if you have a class of 30 it only takes 4 people to pretty much disrupt the whole class and make the 60 minutes a waste. Teachers nowadays are glorified babysitters.
I originally started my college career with hopes and dreams of doing it. You watch all those movies like Dangerous Minds, High School High, Lean On Me which is the GOAT movie, probably a million others but I'm drunk on food right now and you think how you want to change the lives of these kids and everything, but then you visit a school or talk to someone who is a teacher or do the research and see it's frankly impossible. Classes are overcrowded, underfunded, nobody really cares enough, too much protocol limiting you, and end of the day if you have a class of 30 it only takes 4 people to pretty much disrupt the whole class and make the 60 minutes a waste. Teachers nowadays are glorified babysitters.
Do it if your a science teacher your good. America Needs more american teachers. You learn alot and YES there are bad eggs but EVERY job has problems.
Do it if your a science teacher your good. America Needs more american teachers. You learn alot and YES there are bad eggs but EVERY job has problems.
If you're really interested look into being a substitute for a while. In my state the qualifications are minimal and it's not hard too find work, albeit inconsistent, random work.

If you're lucky enough to catch a gig where you're filling in for an extended period of time, that's the best way.

My boy got hired to fill in for the remaining 10 weeks of the school year last spring. He didn't want to be a teacher any more after it was over. .
If you're really interested look into being a substitute for a while. In my state the qualifications are minimal and it's not hard too find work, albeit inconsistent, random work.

If you're lucky enough to catch a gig where you're filling in for an extended period of time, that's the best way.

My boy got hired to fill in for the remaining 10 weeks of the school year last spring. He didn't want to be a teacher any more after it was over. .
I think the biggest thing any youth needs is just positive reinforcement.
There's no way I would have gotten into college without my highschool art teacher. She personally took it out of her way to meet with my moms and tell her that I needed and had the potential to go to art school. Honestly, without her help I probably would not have found any sort of passion in anything and god knows what I'd be doing now.
Just the fact that someone believed in me enough was probably better than anything she could have taught me.
I think the biggest thing any youth needs is just positive reinforcement.
There's no way I would have gotten into college without my highschool art teacher. She personally took it out of her way to meet with my moms and tell her that I needed and had the potential to go to art school. Honestly, without her help I probably would not have found any sort of passion in anything and god knows what I'd be doing now.
Just the fact that someone believed in me enough was probably better than anything she could have taught me.
I am a teacher. You can't go into with the "I can save the world" mentality. It will ruin your life because there are so many things out of your control. It can be a great job if you know what you are getting yourself into. You don't have that much flexibility on lesson plans and some places will fire you if your students don't do well on standardized tests. I would try to sub for a few days to get a feel of the classroom.
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