Becoming A Teacher. Ya/Nay

teach overseas in another country. get to travel and experience another culture.
teach overseas in another country. get to travel and experience another culture.
I thought teachers were getting cut everywhere? My nephew's elementary teacher is getting laid off here in cali and she has 9 years experience.
I thought teachers were getting cut everywhere? My nephew's elementary teacher is getting laid off here in cali and she has 9 years experience.
If you want to teach.. Just teach..

A lot of people will say the pay sucks but that is all depending on the state... Down South and Midwest have the worst pay.. Northeast and the more liberal states carry the highest pay..

A lot of my old high school teachers are making $55-80K.. On top of great medical and pensions.. You won't start at that income (NY is average of $37,500 starting), but your income will steadily increase every year (at least it does in NY)... The compensation for teachers is better than a large percentage of the jobs in the U.S.

One of the biggest trends to look out for (I've done a lot of research because I am going on a path to teach High school Social Studies)
is 1. While there are a significant number of layoffs occurring right now, 2013-2016 will see a huge increase in hirings.. 2. Charter Schools will greatly increase the teaching field in terms of openings and opportunities nation wide... 3. There may be a huge legislation incentive on the way that will make education a booming industry...So if you want to teach and you are sure now is the time to get in there and get your foot in the door before the flood gates open...

As for being a teacher if you care about what you do, and know how to handle yourself, and willing to sacrifice yourself for your students it can be one of the most rewarding jobs, and if you can keep your composure not as stressful as many make it out to be..
If you want to teach.. Just teach..

A lot of people will say the pay sucks but that is all depending on the state... Down South and Midwest have the worst pay.. Northeast and the more liberal states carry the highest pay..

A lot of my old high school teachers are making $55-80K.. On top of great medical and pensions.. You won't start at that income (NY is average of $37,500 starting), but your income will steadily increase every year (at least it does in NY)... The compensation for teachers is better than a large percentage of the jobs in the U.S.

One of the biggest trends to look out for (I've done a lot of research because I am going on a path to teach High school Social Studies)
is 1. While there are a significant number of layoffs occurring right now, 2013-2016 will see a huge increase in hirings.. 2. Charter Schools will greatly increase the teaching field in terms of openings and opportunities nation wide... 3. There may be a huge legislation incentive on the way that will make education a booming industry...So if you want to teach and you are sure now is the time to get in there and get your foot in the door before the flood gates open...

As for being a teacher if you care about what you do, and know how to handle yourself, and willing to sacrifice yourself for your students it can be one of the most rewarding jobs, and if you can keep your composure not as stressful as many make it out to be..
I've always thought it would be kinda fun to be a teacher although if I were to be one, it would definitely have to be for either high school or a university. However, there's little things that are naturally part of the job that I wouldn't really enjoy.

Doesn't really apply to being a college professor but having to memorize everybody's names for a year; not so much the memorizing that would be the pain but just be embarrassing if I got someone's name wrong repeatedly. Looking back at my schooling from kindergarten to high school, much credit and props to all the teachers who year in and year out memorized everybody in their class's names.

Another thing that would kinda make me depressed is just basically doing the same thing over and over every year; the job would make me feel old in no time just seeing everybody grow up and move on while I would be in the same spot teaching and doing the same thing.

Overall, if I had a choice, I'd be a college professor. One of my fav professors at ASU is this old Korean guy who moved to US back in late 60's. Still talks like a FOB (I'm asian btw so no racist intent here lol) but he's so funny b/c he doesn't give a damn; he'll go on rants about politics and current issues and cuss out students who catch his eye either by talking too loud in the lecture hall or trying to leave class early
I've always thought it would be kinda fun to be a teacher although if I were to be one, it would definitely have to be for either high school or a university. However, there's little things that are naturally part of the job that I wouldn't really enjoy.

Doesn't really apply to being a college professor but having to memorize everybody's names for a year; not so much the memorizing that would be the pain but just be embarrassing if I got someone's name wrong repeatedly. Looking back at my schooling from kindergarten to high school, much credit and props to all the teachers who year in and year out memorized everybody in their class's names.

Another thing that would kinda make me depressed is just basically doing the same thing over and over every year; the job would make me feel old in no time just seeing everybody grow up and move on while I would be in the same spot teaching and doing the same thing.

Overall, if I had a choice, I'd be a college professor. One of my fav professors at ASU is this old Korean guy who moved to US back in late 60's. Still talks like a FOB (I'm asian btw so no racist intent here lol) but he's so funny b/c he doesn't give a damn; he'll go on rants about politics and current issues and cuss out students who catch his eye either by talking too loud in the lecture hall or trying to leave class early
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

teaching is a bad in houston they laid off something like 900 teachers
A bunch of teachers just got laid off here in Vancouver too
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

teaching is a bad in houston they laid off something like 900 teachers
A bunch of teachers just got laid off here in Vancouver too
Dalitso could probably be some help to you.
He's a great teacher imo (I had him for 2 years).
I feel like the kids listen to what he has to say since he relates to us.
And about contacting kids out of the classroom, he talks to kids after school and even helps them out with jordan releases.
Dalitso could probably be some help to you.
He's a great teacher imo (I had him for 2 years).
I feel like the kids listen to what he has to say since he relates to us.
And about contacting kids out of the classroom, he talks to kids after school and even helps them out with jordan releases.
Go for it, just know there are people with tens of years of experience losing their jobs as teachers.
You will be entering a work force filled with people more qualified than you and more career exp
Go for it, just know there are people with tens of years of experience losing their jobs as teachers.
You will be entering a work force filled with people more qualified than you and more career exp
Do it man, if you have passion and care for what youre doing you will love it. I enjoy coming to work everyday. It all depends on the grade level you teach and where. In Texas it's not a good idea since our dumb governor cut millions of dollars in education but that's another story.

My main class is kindergarten kids with disabilities, I also teach after school with 2nd-5th graders. As a young guy they are open to talk to you more. If you try to be cool with them they will walk over you. Put your foot down first day of school and always show that you mean business. They will respect you more. After a while you can joke with them but dont let them forget who is the adult.

Lesson plans you usually have to follow with the state guidelines but you can modify and make them your own. Can't lie it feels great when kids tell me I'm their favorite teacher or ask me questions. I wish I would've got into education right after college. But I'm glad I'm here now. My wife is a teacher to so she helps out a lot. Let me know if you have any questions.
Do it man, if you have passion and care for what youre doing you will love it. I enjoy coming to work everyday. It all depends on the grade level you teach and where. In Texas it's not a good idea since our dumb governor cut millions of dollars in education but that's another story.

My main class is kindergarten kids with disabilities, I also teach after school with 2nd-5th graders. As a young guy they are open to talk to you more. If you try to be cool with them they will walk over you. Put your foot down first day of school and always show that you mean business. They will respect you more. After a while you can joke with them but dont let them forget who is the adult.

Lesson plans you usually have to follow with the state guidelines but you can modify and make them your own. Can't lie it feels great when kids tell me I'm their favorite teacher or ask me questions. I wish I would've got into education right after college. But I'm glad I'm here now. My wife is a teacher to so she helps out a lot. Let me know if you have any questions.
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