being black/black people appreciation post

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by reeeem0

Originally Posted by KingjamesJP84

It is what it is. Your boss is white
Corporate America is white
75% of richest population is white
you must be asian.
How you came to this conclusion, I'd love to hear

NT is assed baccwards.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

We got to wear durags for a hot minute and it was perfectly accepted. I even had a white woman compliment my durag once. Asking what it was back in 2001. It was mysterious to her.

Look man...

You could be damn near a billionaire walking out the airport like THIS.

Could you imagine one of these rich white CEOs being able to get away with it? Nah. I love being black.
. you think Obama wears a durag late night around the white house?

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

We got to wear durags for a hot minute and it was perfectly accepted. I even had a white woman compliment my durag once. Asking what it was back in 2001. It was mysterious to her.

Look man...

You could be damn near a billionaire walking out the airport like THIS.

Could you imagine one of these rich white CEOs being able to get away with it? Nah. I love being black.
. you think Obama wears a durag late night around the white house?

Originally Posted by reeeem0

Originally Posted by KingjamesJP84

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Have your fun while it lasts...

...truly your's,

- The Mods
It is what it is. Your boss is white
Corporate America is white
75% of richest population is white

you must be asian.

Nah why would an Asian man stand up and fend for a white man to discriminate a black man? 

Some of y'all gotta learn yo history, Asians been getting discriminated since early 1800s, but we built established communities across America that way we could protect and govern itself so we stick to our own and work together and everyone could learn from that, real rap.

I live in the hood, so I know what's it like to pay rent to Uncle Sam.

The difference between why a black man cant do what an Asian man do is because they're stuck in the hood. The one's that get rich (legitimately) in the hood cant come back to the hood and build stores and invest in their neighborhoods because the white man owned the property to begin with.

As to Asian neighborhoods, When I was a kid i live in the tenements of the Lower East Side Chinatown, some of the hardest neighborhoods back in the days. So even If i move out became a millionaire, I could come back to Chinatown, start stores, bakeries, restaurants, community centers etc etc, because Chinese people is paying rent to some individual owner and not writing out a check to NYCHA every month.

But look, It only takes 1 generation to remove yourselves out of poverty as long as you can instill the values of your lessons from the struggle of poverty into your future generations.

Love Peace and Marijuana! I love black people by the way, and I'm yellow

:kanye shrug
Originally Posted by reeeem0

Originally Posted by KingjamesJP84

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Have your fun while it lasts...

...truly your's,

- The Mods
It is what it is. Your boss is white
Corporate America is white
75% of richest population is white

you must be asian.

Nah why would an Asian man stand up and fend for a white man to discriminate a black man? 

Some of y'all gotta learn yo history, Asians been getting discriminated since early 1800s, but we built established communities across America that way we could protect and govern itself so we stick to our own and work together and everyone could learn from that, real rap.

I live in the hood, so I know what's it like to pay rent to Uncle Sam.

The difference between why a black man cant do what an Asian man do is because they're stuck in the hood. The one's that get rich (legitimately) in the hood cant come back to the hood and build stores and invest in their neighborhoods because the white man owned the property to begin with.

As to Asian neighborhoods, When I was a kid i live in the tenements of the Lower East Side Chinatown, some of the hardest neighborhoods back in the days. So even If i move out became a millionaire, I could come back to Chinatown, start stores, bakeries, restaurants, community centers etc etc, because Chinese people is paying rent to some individual owner and not writing out a check to NYCHA every month.

But look, It only takes 1 generation to remove yourselves out of poverty as long as you can instill the values of your lessons from the struggle of poverty into your future generations.

Love Peace and Marijuana! I love black people by the way, and I'm yellow

:kanye shrug
Originally Posted by BlazeDHoisanDoi

Originally Posted by reeeem0

Originally Posted by KingjamesJP84

It is what it is. Your boss is white
Corporate America is white
75% of richest population is white

you must be asian.

Nah why would an Asian man stand up and fend for a white man to discriminate a black man? 

Some of y'all gotta learn yo history, Asians been getting discriminated since early 1800s, but we built established communities across America that way we could protect and govern itself so we stick to our own and work together and everyone could learn from that, real rap.

I live in the hood, so I know what's it like to pay rent to Uncle Sam.

The difference between why a black man cant do what an Asian man do is because they're stuck in the hood. The one's that get rich (legitimately) in the hood cant come back to the hood and build stores and invest in their neighborhoods because the white man owned the property to begin with.

As to Asian neighborhoods, When I was a kid i live in the tenements of the Lower East Side Chinatown, some of the hardest neighborhoods back in the days. So even If i move out became a millionaire, I could come back to Chinatown, start stores, bakeries, restaurants, community centers etc etc, because Chinese people is paying rent to some individual owner and not writing out a check to NYCHA every month.

But look, It only takes 1 generation to remove yourselves out of poverty as long as you can instill the values of your lessons from the struggle of poverty into your future generations.

Love Peace and Marijuana! I love black people by the way, and I'm yellow

:kanye shrug

NT is assed baccwards like i said, this always happens in these kind of threads 
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