Being made fun of for something you can't help, UNAPPRECIATION

I'm balding but I'm not gonna cry about it when i get joked on
you laugh right along with it
grow some
dawg i'm 5'4 and i'm 23. viet genes FTL. but don't trip. be yourself and be confident. i actually laugh at some of the short jokes b/c most arepretty funny. i dont get mad.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

also, if youre black and under 5'10 ill be fair an not even say 6 feet

sux for you

Can you elaborate on this? I've heard a few people say this and I don't really understand the emphasis on black dudes. FWIW, I'm a black male under5'10. In my experience, it's a point people use to put you down but if it at this point in your life you haven't just accepted it, its almost toolate. It could be could be ugly too. In the case that you're ugly and short...FYL/YNS
jk jk
Aye OP, I'm like 5'8 or 9'' but I haven't felt short since high school. On some real +%%#, short is relative. I'm now taller than mybrother (he was ALWAYS a whole head taller than me growing up) so that's my lil personal victory over him
. But he don't care either. He pullsmore +$+@ than any other dude I know personally and he's a cool as guy so I figure, as long as the women I like don't mind my height and as long as Idon't get guys thinking I'm soft cuz of my height, it really ain't +%%# else to trip on. Yeah, I'll NEVER dunk (my brother can...with EASE..and he's 5'7''
) .... but %$++ it. I'll just be "5'9'' with the soul of a 6'4'' __" then.
I feel you, a lot of people say somethingabout my small ears lol. I don't take it serious though... I just say something stupid like. "I can't beperfect"or "I make up for it somewhere else lol." If anything point out one of their flaws.
^psh... small ears FTW
... I wish to high hell I could wiggle these joints. It's so "key-uuuuute" according to a few. Word up on that,"I make up for it somewhere else". That's the move right there
i'm 5'8", & i used to hate wearing heels because i would tower over people. and evenwhen i wouldn't, people would prefer the shorter girl just because they're a lot less "intimidating". however i've come to therealization that some men like long legs... so now i could give a +%** less.

what i'm trying to get at is you can't please everyone. once you start to appreciate what you've been given & realize there are somethings youjust can't change about your physical appearance, life becomes a whole lot easier.

& if it's of any consolation, some women actually like shorter men or don't even care if their partner is shorter than they are.

Being athletic/in shape helps a lot too. Shorter dudes tend to get brolic quicker so use that to your advantage. Just don't overdo it or you end up lookinglike a bullterrier, which I think makes you look smaller.
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

damn, so when you sit on the bus your feet swing???? bwahahahahahahahahahah
No. What bus to do you ride with seats this high?
one of my boys is short like that i hate when people get at him about his height, gets me heated
Originally Posted by fittednoob

Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

damn, so when you sit on the bus your feet swing???? bwahahahahahahahahahah
No. What bus to do you ride with seats this high?

good job your learning.....atleast you learned a thing or two from NT
Damn homie you cant take one joke can you. When people rag on you just get them back. Go at their weight, face, skin anything. Damn nothing was safe when I wasback in high school. Hell you got ragged on if you had a weird backpack or notebook. Dudes used to just be at lunch roasting everyone in the lunch room. Youneed to either get a sense of humor since like you said you cant help it so whats the point of getting butt hurt about it. Or Get home schooled by mommy anddaddy because clearly social settings are not your strong suit.
get ya confidence up & show that being short doesn't stop you from doing you & getting the box..they'll fall back & respect it
I'm 6'1 and I feel short sometimes with all these trees around here, I couldnt imagine being 5'5 and a male
I feel where you are coming from, you just gotta have some replies ready to roast back. Stay confident in yourself and don't let it SHOW that it bothersyou. That's the most important part.

Just look at them and say "I heard that 5 yrs ago, can't you do better?" That was my stock response when I had braces.
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