being screwed in online poker unappreciation

Being screwed by cruise ship casino slot machines.
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Stuff like this just makes me wonder if this online stuff is just set-up/ rigged or something
Nope - just proves that you are willing to call a bet with a weak starting hand.

you serious dude cause you sounding like a nit?

pocket pairs are one of the most valuable hands because of their potential to felt someone

and also villain min raised it pre flop

He said he raised 60, which i interpret as a 2x raise.

And while low pocket pairs can be dangerous in certain settings, in a tournament (and even cash games) they are just as lethal to you as they are to youropponents if you can't get away from them.

You wanna get cute with 2's, 3's, 4s, 5s? Enh... no pity from me. They are something i would play with for free or as first to act - not somethingyou flat call with into a raise. But hey, that's me.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Stuff like this just makes me wonder if this online stuff is just set-up/ rigged or something
Nope - just proves that you are willing to call a bet with a weak starting hand.

you serious dude cause you sounding like a nit?

pocket pairs are one of the most valuable hands because of their potential to felt someone

and also villain min raised it pre flop
He said he raised 60, which i interpret as a 2x raise.

And while low pocket pairs can be dangerous in certain settings, in a tournament (and even cash games) they are just as lethal to you as they are to your opponents if you can't get away from them.

You wanna get cute with 2's, 3's, 4s, 5s? Enh... no pity from me. They are something i would play with for free or as first to act - not something you flat call with into a raise. But hey, that's me.

what he said
Craftsy21 first of all your an idiot. When your playing in an online tourny you start with 1500 chips. The blinds start at 15-30. So your saying that youwouldnt risk 1/25th of your stack with a pocket pair? If not then you just need to quit life/poker. He made the right call with the right equity and just gotextremely unlucky.
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

Craftsy21 first of all your an idiot. When your playing in an online tourny you start with 1500 chips. The blinds start at 15-30. So your saying that you wouldnt risk 1/25th of your stack with a pocket pair? If not then you just need to quit life/poker. He made the right call with the right equity and just got extremely unlucky.

##+# happens, and it was your unlucky day ! It's a vicious cycle anyways, maybe at the other end, he just won his first out of his 10 games, you neverknow !!
Originally Posted by donpoppa

sometimes it is rigged. i knew some people who would gang up on people cash out and move to another site and do it again.
yea but thats a whole different kind of cheating- and they do alot to stop that....but its clearly not the case here
Craftsy21 first of all your an idiot. When your playing in an online tourny you start with 1500 chips. The blinds start at 15-30. So your saying that you wouldnt risk 1/25th of your stack with a pocket pair? If not then you just need to quit life/poker. He made the right call with the right equity and just got extremely unlucky.

i dont know craftsy but i know players who think/playlike that...usually grinders who play for a living...these dudes play like half the day on 16 tables at a time and only play big pairs, aces etc...anythingrisky and they are outta there...way too robotic for me and i actually like to enjoy the game...
@ the $$ some of them are raking in tho
nothing worse than having your luck and reads

run out on you in real life...

going from everything to nothing FTL
why would you raise and you only have 2's?

am i missing something?

craftsy is actually correct. i would never bet with some 2's man or any low stacks for that matter.
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

why would you raise and you only have 2's?

am i missing something?

craftsy is actually correct. i would never bet with some 2's man or any low stacks for that matter.

he had a full house..he had pocket 3's and flopped a full house..thats why he raised..
It would have taken a great read, but you could have laid that down he could also have had pocket 10s. Not saying I would have folded without hesitation, butit's not as crazy as you're making it out to be.
That actually happened to me once in real life. I had pocket 3's and he had pocket 7s. Flop was 7 3 7 and I caught another 3 on the river and i threw mycards down like it was my pot and he turns over his pocket 7s. I couldnt believe it.
The OP is a perfect example of someone who either doesnt know how to play poker, or is a salty little girl when he loses. What OP described was in no way shapeor form, a "bad beat." You got unlucky. Period.

Learn poker pal.
It's not rigged. These poker rooms make millions per day in rake. They don't have "inside players" to play just to rig someone. They have toomuch at risk to win your $100.

I just played against the BIGGEST donkey ever

Would purposely waste the clock all the way down each hand when he was up on me 500 chips in a heads up tourney... trying to accelerate the blinds... then thesecond he got low stacked plays fast...

Did the same again when he's high stacked again

Thank Goodness I beat the donkey.... I woulda been
If I lost to such a clown
Ok I'm convinced Full Tilt is rigged... no but really I have the WORST luck in the world... playing a 100 dollar heads up tourney... I have a huge chiplead... like 2650 to 350

Three hands in a row to End a tourney...

I flop a top two pair with A9... flop is AJ9... turn is a 9... guy goes all in, he flips over J5.. turn is another J... so he wins

Next hand I'm pissed so I raise big with 9/3... yes SMH at me... flop is 9,3,J... put him all in Again... he has J2... turn is a Jack

Next Hand I get Dealt AK... he pushes with A2...

Flop... 2,2, miss



Getting effed over that badly 3 hands in a row?!?!
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