Ben Baller Tells The Truth About Sasha Singleton Vol. We All Knew It Wouldn't Work

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Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by plumber E 20

Isnt it past your bedtime son? You have school in a few hours. I, unlike yourself, am capable of compiling more that one complete sentence, followed by emoticons.
That was an amazing rebuttal, my good man! In fact, I do not have school tomorrow morning. I am a college student! An English major, to be more specific. I am just laughing at you (at you, not with you, obviously) because you spent such a great deal of time to type that ridiculousness on a message board. You seem to be highly emotional when it comes to the subject of Ben Baller. Did he do something to personally harm you? It seems as if you know him.
Don't you have to indent?
Originally Posted by gone in 60 seconds

Originally Posted by RuleOfThirds

The way I look at it, is he's BITTER. Now that it didn't work for him, he wants to SALT her game, which is a damn shame. If he was really a G about it, he would have kept it to himself and show her and the world it ain't phasing him.


At this point, who knows exactly what he said is true from what isn't (in regards to the how and why)... There are always 2 sides to a story.
Ben Baller...honestly, I never ever heard of the guy before I became a member on NT...

But whatever though...stuff happens..
Originally Posted by ii2cky

so did she cheat on him, memba that one time?

she had to, to go meet up with these "fans" or "stalkers".. she must been giving up the V for coke & money........
Yea she looked like bluddy who-uhh (brit)
But onna real.. !%%! wouldnt happen to Coos.. lol
Hes a $%@@ for puttin the story up tho.. thats sum real clown !%%!.. like writin memoirs uuda trick.. BEN - Nobody cares about ur coke-ho
Pretty soon he's gonna have to air himself out, because he's looking more and more like a female with all these blog entries about failedrelationships.
Ben showing his true colors as a true simp. Man can not handle his business, someone give homie a hug. Dude should never step foot back to NT, certified clown.How you gonna put other peoples biz on the web like that.
[h2]Thursday, October 8, 2009[/h2]
http:// [h3]made you look....
now you a slave to a entry in my blog book
"shots fired"

So it begins.... I said I'm back to my old ways.... so here it goes, I'll keep it real short, real sweet. I used to date a girl for 3 years named Violet who is so god damn desperate to be famous, she would drive me insane swearing to god she was the korean victoria beckham. Just because you won a few small time korea town beauty pageants doesn't mean you were gonna be the next Hyori Lee, cmon. You'd beg me to introduce you to Paris and want to hang out with her, I was like jesus, I've known paris since she was 15 years old before she was famous and don't care to kick it with her too tough.... Do you remember when I took you to her house for her house warming private party and you were like "I wanna be her soooo bad, I love her life" I was disgusted. Are you still trying to get in videos and be in commercials? I dunno, the last time we talked you said that's what you were trying to do... but sluts were getting ahead of you at that snoop dogg video

I'll be real, I didn't truly love you the way you deserved to be loved... I ONLY stayed longer in the relationship because of Tyler, you already know this... Now I'm not going in to defend Sasha at all, to keep it funky, today was the 1st time in my entire life that I have ever ever gone on your blog only because somebody linked me to it saying you were running your mouth. you can check my ip address to see how many time's ive ever visited your site.

Now let's get to the grass facts:
1. yes you used your credit for the m5 that I paid for, I put the down payment on and I took care of completely... and still drive and still pay for and if anything has built your credit up nicely.

umm, I've kept my mouth real quiet out of respect and your dumb **+ still has the nerve to talk #$%!? how about because your mom had a god damn gambling problem and owed las vegas casinos, barona and that pala casino 7 figures and they were gonna take her home, but you asked me for not a small loan, but $30,000? AND I GAVE IT TO HER! she originally asked for $100k, I said hell no.... but you wanna say I live a faux rich lifestyle? #$+? do you remember how long it took her to pay me back? and then you begged me again a year later if she could borrow another $50,000???? I said no, I had no choice...

Did I screw up your credit? pure lies, +%+%$ the SRT8 was under my name, so is my new 2010 750Li... I didn't have enough revolving credit around at the time and you had a better score to get me a better lease rate. Don't get it confused....
Yes I agree that I wasn't the greatest boyfriend to you, I never ever had the thought of marrying you, I don't know why, I just didn't. Stop talking about fake ****, when you need some. I wanted to get you some, you forget that too? that huge jabba the hut birthmark on your boobs is not the business. Stop hating on people. Stop talking #$%! and acting so god damn jealous. I'm insecure? I don't give a %##* what people think, I call myself catdick and long face but get laid on the regular. I !#*% down women very well. You had some complaints? I don't even care about being famous, %##* fame, I'm in it to get this paper and eat and live right and take care of my fam. Don't confuse me being friends with people who are famous and being smart by networking my own brand with those dots that I've connected.

Don't start talking about drugs, when you do drugs too, not just that, stop acting like you're a saint yourself.... do you remember that late night call to me you made from jail? because you were dressed like a $4.00 formosa ave. %*%@ DRIVING DRUNK! yes, you got a DUI and it !@#*+! up a lot of #$%! for you. you were driving a car with Rims I paid for, !@#*+! up my 24"s on my SRT8 and also smashed the #$%! out of my SRT8 and I still let #$%! slide.... stop acting like you didn't live a cool life with me. You definitely were a good woman to have around the house, you cooked, you cleaned, you swallowed, but you drove me insane!

Sorry you're parents divorce changed your lifestyle. I felt bad, you know I did... you went from a lavish house in coto de caza to living with your mom's in downey. From driving benz's and having mad cash to driving a beetle. Who cares, it's whats inside! AND yo, Ain't no Faux lifestyles rollin round here on my side you bird, do you even know what that word means? it's the epitome of your whole existence. I'm not rich, I'm hood rich, I live cool, to some I live great, but whatever....

And I thought you were doing well.... don't be mad at me, mad at my ex.... you send me texts like "OH I WISH YOU THE BEST, HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL" just about a week ago. I never ever once said anything bad about you after the breakup, I never ever once slandered your name when I started dating other girls, you may believe that, but On god, I didn't. because I truly didn't give a #$%! and I didn't need to hurt you anymore than I already did. Why do you have so much envy in your heart? you have a beautiful SON!

and I don't know if you even spoke on parenting.... but you forget a few of your friends texting me and calling me while were inside the ktown pinkberry because you wrote on your blog how you can't control yourself from beating Tyler, you used to beat the #$%! out of him on a daily basis, you said you wanted to give him up.... are you ++#$%*# kidding me? I won't even continue....

I'm on a roll right now, ether is fully stocked in my household. you don't want it.

peace, middle finger

Posted by BEN BALLER at 6:46 PM 10 comments Links to this post

Labels: ben baller, bitter women, bye bye, envious, ether, haters, jealous, riches to rags, violet kim, vip violet

http:// [h3]contradictions + passion = ugly[/h3]
again, I appreciate the emails, the tweets, the messages on facebook, etc...
I'm sure I confuse many people in my personal life, so it's only obvious that I really confuse people who don't know me....

you can't choose who you fall in love with or when you fall in love, if that was true, then it wouldn't be love. you can't fit a square peg inside a round hole... I've learned not to force #$%! or go against the grain, but I do push people's buttons which is a bad trait of mine... Although I live by the motto of "NO REGRETS", I do regret things at times, but I make mistakes like everyone does. I'm not perfect, nobody is; but I'm not the type of guy to edit something or remove something once the damage is done. This is what my blog is for, it's my thoughts and if you like it, you continue to read, if you don't, then .....

what is crazy is how different I approached love at my age. I'm not here to sex a girl or try to hustle some **%$%, I was looking to spend the rest of my life with a special woman and start a family. Man Ignorance is truly bliss and if I wanted to, I could have turned my cheek and closed my eyes and kept it pushing and still been engaged.

Now this is where y'all might be confused, I don't hate my ex-fiance, because you can't just turn love off.... I don't want to hurt her, but I had no choice but to do what I did. In a weird way I hope this helps her, may sound very harsh and my tactics might not be of the likes of the dalai lama, but I'm just a punk from ktown, I'm not some philosopher or try to be. This is hard for me like it was giving up playing basketball in college... I mean I could always go back and play on a public court or playground, but I'll never get to play again on tv or in that college arena... you feel me? I can love again, but I can't go back to her because that chapter is done.

you know how hard it is to let y'all into my personal life by writing what I wrote yesterday? You gotta make mistakes in order to grow, when you lose, don't lose the lesson, well I learned a hard big ++#$%*# lesson 2 days ago.... When you fight with someone, you don't necessarily love them any less, you should learn from a fight. when there is so much passion involved, #$%! gets very ugly.

have a blessed day..... of course it hurts, but pain is part of the cure.


Posted by BEN BALLER at 9:01 AM 16 comments Links to this post

Labels: ben baller, contradiction, hurt, love, passion, regrets, tough times
[h2]Wednesday, October 7, 2009[/h2]http://[h3]I know DRAMA....[/h3]
I guess that's why I hit a million views a month on here huh? I don't think my lifestyle is that exciting to be quite honest... I live a decent life and I like to relax and chill; but lately betrayal has hit me and brought me back to my old ways.... (lucky my other ex's didn't catch me at a bad time because it could be DOA for them too) but it just goes to show you that in desperate times, people do desperate things and honestly, I can't say that I haven't been a scumbag piece of #$%! in the past, but I've always been fair. sounds clashing or conflicting right? but at the end of the day, I truly play fair..... 2 + 2 will never = 7 ya dig?


I guess it shows that I can't trust anyone anymore. In the last 2 months, I've lost a close friend(still shocked, hurt & confused). Had to fire an employee who was basically family, we called him our cousin and he boldly stole from the store and lied to us and our customers, while we paid his bills, paid his car note and treated him sooo well!. Have fought constantly over the stupidest #$%! with Sasha when all I want to do is chill and relax and stay out of peoples way, while she would act insane & lie outta control.... but what bugs me out is that I see my boy Adam aka AM trying to do good by helping out some drug fiends because at one time himself he was a drug addict and it ends up back firing on him. while on the other hand, I'm not perfect, I've done drugs, I have a past, I cheated on girls, I know my ex had a past (never heard of her cheating while in a relationship), but I changed my lifestyle and grew up...(Sasha's almost 31, you don't think it's about that time she grew up too?) and with that I tried to provide a better life for her and save her from her so called miserable/fabulous life.... after all that, I get disrespected to the utmost? Well "every saint has a past and every sinner has a future" huh? Not that sinner, I think it's curtain call time for her.

As always, I roll with the punches, I brush off dust, bullets, whatever comes my way and keep it pushing. I thank everyone who's emailed me and reached out, but my real friends who I can count on 1 hand have been here for me and I'm gonna take a little time to reflect and gain some ground and remain focused because I have too much at stake to lose and too many people depending on me to make #$%! happen for the rest of the year and on to 2010.

much love!

Trust is a foreign word to me now. I used to not believe in making people earn their trust, I'd give up trust from the start and if they !@#*+! up, then they were cut off. Now it's just a wrap period. I got a strong team that can hold me down til I leave this earth...
but I also want to let y'all know, just because this woman is bad, don't mean all women are bad, I'm not on that type of #$%! y'all....

but lastly, I remember when we first started dating Sasha said she gave up on men, she had been in 3 long relationships and all of them weren't #$%! and no good, well after me, it's time for you to not blame these men, you should maybe start pointing the finger at yourself and re-evaluate your life. I can hold my head up high in public. and honestly, after all this #$%!, I don't hate you. I feel sorry for you. nothing can express how I feel about you right now then this: you made your bed, now go lie in it. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that bed is

Posted by BEN BALLER at 6:41 PM Links to this post

Labels: ben baller, unbreakable, you can't fade me

A Fool and his Money...
This looks bad on his part. Why did he write a thesis on exposing ol girl? I know you are bitter, I would be too but let the bird go, it happens. Learn fromyour mistakes and find a new girl. You want to look back 10 years from now and say " I handled that well" but homie bloggin and such. Not a goodlook.
This Ben Baller dude gets lamer and lamer with every damned blog entry.
Why he talkin' about he gonna keep it short and sweet yet he wrote an analytical essay on the subject?

Ben baggin' up L's like the weed man. He probably tossed his brand new Blackberry Tsunami that doesn't come out until 2013 through his window
I'm flabbergasted and amused at the same time. When you have a feeling things will simmer down, another bomb drops......Ben is on that grenade diet. I dontthink he realizes that hes the one losing. Reminds me of Wimplo from Kung Pow! LMAO Where he thinks he's winning by losing! "I'm bleeding, makingme the victor" - Wimp Lo
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Why he talkin' about he gonna keep it short and sweet yet he wrote an analytical essay on the subject?

Ben baggin' up L's like the weed man. He probably tossed his brand new Blackberry Tsunami that doesn't come out until 2013 through his window

Stop it Mannnnnnn
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Why he talkin' about he gonna keep it short and sweet yet he wrote an analytical essay on the subject?

Ben baggin' up L's like the weed man. He probably tossed his brand new Blackberry Tsunami that doesn't come out until 2013 through his window

Stop it Mannnnnnn
[table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]catdick[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
A condition of the genitals wherein the wang swells up to ginormous proportions and becomes bright red. This condition is very painful and is usually brought on by extensive wanking. Named for the act of mating in domestic felines.

a la urban dictionary
[/td] [/tr][/table]
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