Best 13 months in JB history??

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Some of you need to go back to school and if you're still in it, pay attention in class. Especially English.

Anyhow, I agree that this is one of the best years as far as retro releases goes. Back in '01, I was too damn broke to buy everything. I was still in the Marines going through the motions.

People want to complain about quality but, I don't believe anyone here is a certified quality inspector. Are they? Most haven't even had a chance to WEAR every single release to the ground enough to say that the quality sucks. As a matter of fact, I've worn my CDP IX's, CDP XII's, CDP XI's, Space Jam '09's, True Blue III's, and Cherry White XII's many many times and I've had no comfort problems or quality of material dilemmas. NONE. I can honestly say that my shoes are made pretty well. And if you want to compare them to other versions, then go ahead. I won't because that was a different time. I only had a retro here and there since '99. They lasted me a long time too. I also had originals and I tore them up as a kid.

Things are made differently as the years go on no matter what you buy. Learn to adapt and stop living in the past. It's not going to change no matter how much you complain. If you can't, then move on. I apologize to any if this sounds like a lecture.

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Some of you need to go back to school and if you're still in it, pay attention in class. Especially English.

Anyhow, I agree that this is one of the best years as far as retro releases goes. Back in '01, I was too damn broke to buy everything. I was still in the Marines going through the motions.

People want to complain about quality but, I don't believe anyone here is a certified quality inspector. Are they? Most haven't even had a chance to WEAR every single release to the ground enough to say that the quality sucks. As a matter of fact, I've worn my CDP IX's, CDP XII's, CDP XI's, Space Jam '09's, True Blue III's, and Cherry White XII's many many times and I've had no comfort problems or quality of material dilemmas. NONE. I can honestly say that my shoes are made pretty well. And if you want to compare them to other versions, then go ahead. I won't because that was a different time. I only had a retro here and there since '99. They lasted me a long time too. I also had originals and I tore them up as a kid.

Things are made differently as the years go on no matter what you buy. Learn to adapt and stop living in the past. It's not going to change no matter how much you complain. If you can't, then move on. I apologize to any if this sounds like a lecture.

I agree with you to an extent. When paint/numbers start peeling off of my sneaker from general wear, then I have a problem. Especially when my retros from the previous era did not have these problems. There are definitely quality issues on some newer retros, but a lot of people take it to an extreme and complain because they see someone else on the forum complain. Half these people have no idea what they are even complaining about.
You make an awesome point and might I add I totally agree with you man!!! One of the best year of releases up to date!!!
Originally Posted by 310HxA

Originally Posted by bel air

Quality>>>>>>>>>>>> quantity

2001 FTW
i was just saying this in another thread if the shoes come out that have been "confirmed" this is going to be a nasty year for JB
i have to agree that 00-01 was great but JB is releasing alot of heat this year thats going to rival
Much appreciation to all that added quality points to this discussion...I think it's safe to say that 2000-2001 and 2009-2010 have been arguably the two best periods of the JB era.

For those of you that took my comment about age and having short arms personally...get over yourself, it wasn't that serious.  We're here to talk kicks, not soothe your ego cuz your bad if you were's a peace offering...


This yr is close in terms of what Freshman and Sophmore yrs in high school were like 00-01 and i had some heat that I got on sale sometimes but the difference between those releases and the ones this yr is that I can still wear those releases fom 8 or 9 yrs ago comfortably but most stuff except for maybe white cement 3's and dmp 11's all had quality issues and need to be fixed before I purchase again. Black Red 6's I can wear with no problems and Red White 12's they are ok too. But Space Jams will absolutly abuse anybodys feet and are not something that you would wanna wear everyday. So until Jb really gets the quality tolorable for all Retro's that I like it won't compare even though its some nice Colorways coming out.
^ agreed, the white cements were not made that great & the DMP 11s fitting was bad I went up half a size & they still murder my pinky toe. Thats why I didn't rush to get a pair of space jams .but the only kicks in recent memory that I had crazy paint chipping are my aquas & my fire red 3s after I unds them a year & change later that was probably more my fault cuz the pair I rocked from day 1 didn't chip @ all.

But this year is gonna be the best since 00-01. Nike retro doing a hellauva job this year too. After the cdps & this year there isn't really to much else to look forward to. I think jb doing this for them damn fusion that was turning off fans of real Jordan models.
So can we add flint 13s to the list

I personally would rather have 5 or 6 high quality retros a year then this firesale that is about to occur.

It sucks having to pick between shoes that you have wanted for a long time because you don't have the money to buy 10 pairs of shoes this year.

so that being said not a fan of 2010
Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Some of you need to go back to school and if you're still in it, pay attention in class. Especially English.

Anyhow, I agree that this is one of the best years as far as retro releases goes. Back in '01, I was too damn broke to buy everything. I was still in the Marines going through the motions.

People want to complain about quality but, I don't believe anyone here is a certified quality inspector. Are they? Most haven't even had a chance to WEAR every single release to the ground enough to say that the quality sucks. As a matter of fact, I've worn my CDP IX's, CDP XII's, CDP XI's, Space Jam '09's, True Blue III's, and Cherry White XII's many many times and I've had no comfort problems or quality of material dilemmas. NONE. I can honestly say that my shoes are made pretty well. And if you want to compare them to other versions, then go ahead. I won't because that was a different time. I only had a retro here and there since '99. They lasted me a long time too. I also had originals and I tore them up as a kid.

Things are made differently as the years go on no matter what you buy. Learn to adapt and stop living in the past. It's not going to change no matter how much you complain. If you can't, then move on. I apologize to any if this sounds like a lecture.

I agree with you to an extent. When paint/numbers start peeling off of my sneaker from general wear, then I have a problem. Especially when my retros from the previous era did not have these problems. There are definitely quality issues on some newer retros, but a lot of people take it to an extreme and complain because they see someone else on the forum complain. Half these people have no idea what they are even complaining about.

That is what I'm talking about!  You got all these bandwagon kids out here that talk about quality this and quality that when they only read about it in one of these forums.  I will say this, I just picked up the XI/XII CDP and my damn 23 is peeling off already!  This does bug me... but it is what it is.  And somebody said something about it not being the same because of all the kids...I don't know about you homie but I could care less who else is buying J's long as I get mine!!  IMHO I think this year is better than '00-'01 simply because I am actually in a position to knock off all the kicks I considered to be grails!  Started with the Space Jams, then I get the powder blue IXs, CG XIs, both XIIIs that have been confirmed, might even grab a pair of Xs!  I can NEVER remember a year where so many of MY favorite Js were released.  Only thing that would make this year the single best would be for the Concord XIs to be confirmed!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by JwalkinSOB

Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Some of you need to go back to school and if you're still in it, pay attention in class. Especially English.

Anyhow, I agree that this is one of the best years as far as retro releases goes. Back in '01, I was too damn broke to buy everything. I was still in the Marines going through the motions.

People want to complain about quality but, I don't believe anyone here is a certified quality inspector. Are they? Most haven't even had a chance to WEAR every single release to the ground enough to say that the quality sucks. As a matter of fact, I've worn my CDP IX's, CDP XII's, CDP XI's, Space Jam '09's, True Blue III's, and Cherry White XII's many many times and I've had no comfort problems or quality of material dilemmas. NONE. I can honestly say that my shoes are made pretty well. And if you want to compare them to other versions, then go ahead. I won't because that was a different time. I only had a retro here and there since '99. They lasted me a long time too. I also had originals and I tore them up as a kid.

Things are made differently as the years go on no matter what you buy. Learn to adapt and stop living in the past. It's not going to change no matter how much you complain. If you can't, then move on. I apologize to any if this sounds like a lecture.

I agree with you to an extent. When paint/numbers start peeling off of my sneaker from general wear, then I have a problem. Especially when my retros from the previous era did not have these problems. There are definitely quality issues on some newer retros, but a lot of people take it to an extreme and complain because they see someone else on the forum complain. Half these people have no idea what they are even complaining about.

That is what I'm talking about!  You got all these bandwagon kids out here that talk about quality this and quality that when they only read about it in one of these forums.  I will say this, I just picked up the XI/XII CDP and my damn 23 is peeling off already!  This does bug me... but it is what it is.  And somebody said something about it not being the same because of all the kids...I don't know about you homie but I could care less who else is buying J's long as I get mine!!  IMHO I think this year is better than '00-'01 simply because I am actually in a position to knock off all the kicks I considered to be grails!  Started with the Space Jams, then I get the powder blue IXs, CG XIs, both XIIIs that have been confirmed, might even grab a pair of Xs!  I can NEVER remember a year where so many of MY favorite Js were released.  Only thing that would make this year the single best would be for the Concord XIs to be confirmed!!!!!!!!!

Well put.   I can really retire after this year. 
can't really say it's the best 13 months because it's not over yet.......but with how it's looking so far with some confirmed release dates of so much heat....I will easily say 2010>all after it's all said and done.
Nothing will ever compare to the August 2000- December 2001 Time Period. The reason for that is the amount of detail and accuracy that went into every shoe back then. To top that off, the leather at the time was awesome. The shoes that JB are churning out right now are pretty bad. They have cut so many corners to increase profit, the shoes have lost the luster they once had. The reason they sell now is the Hype behind them, and thats what JB is capitalizing on.
I'm not too familiar with quality issues when it comes to recent JB releases vs past retro's...but for those of you that are unhappy with Jordan quality as of you wear your Jordan's regularly??

I'm not trynna come at anyone at all, so please dont take that question offensively (I have quickly realized that there's alotta sensitivity on NT), I'm only asking cuz I rarely get to wear my Mikes...I love them to death, but they mostly sit in display cases and/or their boxes...that's the reality of having a 9-5, yaknow...the wallabees are in heavy rotation; Jordans, not so much...and it's rare that I go out somewhere that allows you to wear sneakers.

I'd appreciate the feedback
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