Best Cheap Grocery Store Wine that gets the job done (Winco, Safeway, or Alby's)

sorry NT, we had to do it (typical NT picture). myself khadafi252 and my girl (NT username) jessicamichael, we say thank you for the suggestion

i mixed it w/ some sprite cuz this **** has a bite to it and i'm feelin' it
Originally Posted by DinanBMW

Doesn't Winco stand for Washington Idaho Nevada California Oregon or some crap? (They just opened one up by my work about 6 months ago here in Cali) How the hell are you going to make $80k there? All of their employees I've talked to swear that they're gonna retire millionaires with their company stock.

yeah that's what the name stands for, as ******ed as that sounds. 2nd assistant managers make 80k a year and that's what i'll be next year. And yeah the stock is pretty crazy, i've worked there for almost 7 years and my stock is about 80k right now.
Mogen David is the brand and the flavor is Concord. Its about $5 for a regular bottle and $7 for a larger bottle. If you like sweet wine then this is it. Everygirl that I've had try this thinks its str8
.....And you willdefinitely feel it when it kick in
. But in the meantime you'regonna be chugging it like its grape juice
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