Best movie in theaters right now????

i cant even name three movies that are out right now
well it's not My Bloody Valentine 3D, I can almost guarantee that.
not that it's complete crap, it was a good movie to see with a girl if that's what you want, but otherwise...
Gran Torino was pretty good, Eastwood would be an 80 year old man I would not mess with. Revolutionary Road is pretty good as well, good flick but depressingas all hell, Kate Winslet steals the show.
Originally Posted by ballinamillion1

What genre cuz theres a couple good ones out atm
doesnt really matter just something good... im kind of interested in valkyrie and defiance.. which is better?
Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

well it's not My Bloody Valentine 3D, I can almost guarantee that.
not that it's complete crap, it was a good movie to see with a girl if that's what you want, but otherwise...

dont ever waste your money on that movie, i wish i could get mine back
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

well it's not My Bloody Valentine 3D, I can almost guarantee that.
not that it's complete crap, it was a good movie to see with a girl if that's what you want, but otherwise...

dont ever waste your money on that movie, i wish i could get mine back
yea, I kinda wish I could too

that's why I'm counting all my small victories
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