Best Movies You Have Seen This Year??

Sep 27, 2007
I am looking for movies to burn, what have been your favorites this year? Any genre will do - horror, indie etc.
hurt lockerwas
i really cant remember anything exact since I watch just about every movie that comes out at work (movie theater)
X men- Wolverine.

Everything else I wish i saved my money from.

Oh yeah Terminator was way better then Xmen-wolverine

so yeah Termminator-Salvation

an Public Enemys was ok I guess
Hurt Locker (incredible)


Star Trek (not a Trek fan at all going in, was surprised at how entertaining it was)
The Hangover

Those are the only new movies that I liked that came out recently

On another note, I just saw the movie In Bruges and it was freakin good but it came out a couple of years ago I think.
was hurt locker really that good??

i say hangover. even though it wasnt the greatest, its at least the best of what i've seen this year. . .
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